Contact With Aliens In The Suburbs On July 21, 1975 - Alternative View

Contact With Aliens In The Suburbs On July 21, 1975 - Alternative View
Contact With Aliens In The Suburbs On July 21, 1975 - Alternative View

Video: Contact With Aliens In The Suburbs On July 21, 1975 - Alternative View

Video: Contact With Aliens In The Suburbs On July 21, 1975 - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 worst small towns in Tennessee. The Volunteer State has some sad towns. 2024, July

Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, July 21, 1975. Eighteen-year-old Anatoly Malyshev, an amateur artist, went into the forest to sketch. Half a kilometer from the village Kostino took a fancy to a large meadow. While still on the road, he felt an inexplicable anxiety. At about 8 pm, the anxiety increased. Anatoly looked around … and saw a disc-shaped silvery apparatus 80 meters away. Its diameter was about 13 meters, height - 4 meters. Three human figures in silvery spacesuits emerged from the apparatus and headed towards the guy. Ahead was a beautiful, blue-eyed woman of about 25, accompanied by two slender young men, slightly taller than her companion, but of normal human height: 165-170 centimeters.

Anatoly was not ready for the meeting and tensed internally. Apparently, the guests noticed this. The woman smiled, held out her hand and said: “Hello, don't be afraid of us. We came from another planet. What do you do?" - "I am writing a sketch." When offered to go with them to the apparatus, Anatoly agreed …

Let us quote fragments of his notes: “When we approached, we were, as it were, pulled into the apparatus. A uniform light burned inside, along the walls - consoles and instruments, in the center there was a round table, stools extended. The owners offered to sit down. Then they showed a screen, similar to a television, on which there was an image of one of the streets of Solnechnogorsk, located 15 kilometers from here.

They offered to undress, the woman left, disappearing into the haze. Undressed. Sensors were attached to the chest, arms, legs, and something resembling a crown was put on the head. After the examination, they concluded: a very strong nervous system, average mental development. Surprised at my physique. I said I go in for sports. When asked what it is, he explained: "Physical work".

Then they took me out of the apparatus, and they themselves came back. A bluish glow appeared around the device, which became brighter and brighter.

The device soared into the sky, and in 2-3 seconds rose to a height of about 300 meters. Then it divided into 8 sectors and opened in the form of a cut orange. Then he curled up into a top hat, resumed his former appearance and sank down. People again come to me and offer to take a flight to their planet. I agree.

We enter the apparatus. We sit down in comfortable aircraft-type seats. “The flight will last 40 minutes and return the same amount. The distance is about three light years. The porthole opens and I am shown the receding Earth. After a while, I see her from space.

During the flight I do not feel any vibrations, but the state is not entirely pleasant. When I calmed down and got used to the situation, they noticed it and smiled.

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We're getting closer to the planet. Shrouded in haze. Around the planet in one plane hang luminous spheres of small size compared to the planet. The first impression is that the planet is artificial. From a closer distance, it resembles the Earth. “There are no states or borders on our planet.”

Landing. Exit. There is uniform white light around, but the source is not visible. The air is clean and fresh. It's easier to move around than on Earth. There are three people on the left and right at the landing site. They are like my friends. They took me by the hands and led me somewhere. The road is rocky, the grass looks like the earth. Then we ended up in a building. Its walls went up, down, to the sides as it advanced. In one of the halls I saw a screen of about 3 meters. It depicts the head of a person conducting a dialogue with one of those present.

Then only isolated episodes are recalled … I saw how people rejuvenate. A device was brought to the man, and his face rejuvenated from top to bottom, as if a shadow were walking.

I remember the emergence of a person from a luminous point. It seemed to increase in size, and soon a person of a familiar appearance appeared. I was shown his disappearance: first, a luminous outline appears instead of him, and a dark figure remains inside. Finally, the figure is replaced by a luminous point. The number of people could suddenly increase: 2, 4, 6, 8 … They are all completely similar to each other.

Saw close to the "dark" giant about three meters tall. The face is brownish, lips are large, stretched; a straight nose is a distinctive feature of all people seen there; the eyes are deeply set, the gaze is sullen, the body is tilted forward … The costume, as it were, consists of separate patches that vibrate when moving. When he walks, the legs in the knee joints are too mobile. To see him at first is creepy …

I saw a person who died on Earth. He lived near me. Although he was smiling here, it is scary to approach him.

I saw people about a meter tall. They have disproportionately large heads, elongated limbs. The sight of them made me smile at first. I tried to take as a keepsake some transparent tetrahedral prism with liquid. I held out my hand, but the owners, without turning in my direction, said: do not touch.

They offered to eat. The salad is quite earthy, lemon. The water resembles soda.

They offered to stay, I refused. I stayed there, it seemed to me, about half an hour. Then they put me in the apparatus and we returned to the same place. In parting, they said: "Tell the person you have seen who will believe it."

I came home around midnight and wrote a short note of what I saw. I tried to tell a friend about this case, but the beginning of the story caused ridicule. I have not made more such attempts.

… On April 17, 1979, I walked the same road as on that memorable day. Suddenly a man of average height approached me, dressed out of season in a dark gray suit (it was about 8 degrees Celsius outside). I immediately realized that this is a person from that planet (it is enough to see them once to immediately recognize them). "Hi. My name is Alexander. Are you interested in this question? "Me:" Yes. " “Where do you work?” I named the place of work. "Who else is interested in this?" - "My friend. We work together. "Silence. Then he said:" Wait. "He turned, walked and quickly disappeared from sight, although the forest was clearly visible.

And one more episode that happened in the same forest. In the evening I painted a portrait of that woman from the arrived ship. Some features of her face were erased from memory, and I thought it would be nice to see her again. And suddenly I see her sitting three meters away from me, in the same perspective as I began to write. She was dressed like a modern woman. She sat quietly, without blinking, and did not seem to notice me. I did not approach her and did not speak. Two hours passed, when I finished writing, she disappeared as suddenly as she appeared."

The story, you see, is not only strange, but also rather implausible. Realizing this, Anatoly told about her only three years later to his army colleague, who was not indifferent to this topic. When they found out about her, it was decided to study all the circumstances of the incident. Malyshev was examined by several specialists, including a sociologist, psychologist, psychiatrist. Twice he underwent a general clinical examination. More than once they talked to him in a hypnotic state. The psychics who traveled to that area, using the method of biolocation, found the sites of three UFO landings, which coincided with those indicated by Malyshev.

Without assessing the content of the story, the experts nevertheless came to the conclusion that this is not a fiction. In other words, no facts were found that said that Malyshev is sick, sincerely fantasies or is trying to deliberately deceive someone.

As for the content, it remained to analyze it, comparing it with similar stories that happened at another time and in other places, thousands of kilometers from the Moscow region. Moreover, it was already possible to compare not only with foreign contacts, but also with domestic ones. If only eyewitnesses did not keep quiet, fearing ridicule …