Majestic 12 - The Greatest Mystery Of The 20th Century - The UFO Disaster In Roswell - Alternative View

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Majestic 12 - The Greatest Mystery Of The 20th Century - The UFO Disaster In Roswell - Alternative View
Majestic 12 - The Greatest Mystery Of The 20th Century - The UFO Disaster In Roswell - Alternative View

Video: Majestic 12 - The Greatest Mystery Of The 20th Century - The UFO Disaster In Roswell - Alternative View

Video: Majestic 12 - The Greatest Mystery Of The 20th Century - The UFO Disaster In Roswell - Alternative View
Video: Roswell: The UFO mystery that still haunts America | Planet America 2024, September

In the summer of 1997, the United States celebrated the 50th anniversary of scientific ufology, which coincided with the anniversary of the famous Roswell incident. A meeting of American ufologists told the world some new details of the greatest mystery of the 20th century - the UFO disaster in Roswell. Let us recall the essence of the incident.

On the evening of July 2, 1947, a luminous disc-shaped object flew over the town of Roswell, New Mexico. 20 miles from the city, he crashed to the ground. Local farmer William Braisel found strange wreckage of some kind of apparatus near his ranch in the morning, as reported to Sheriff Wilcox, who then contacted the air base in Roswell. Arriving at the scene, the military cordoned off the area of the accident, then secretly everything that they found was transported to Wright-Patterson AFB near the city, Ohio, where the headquarters of the General Technical Directorate and the Center for Aviation Technical Intelligence of the United States Air Force were located, in the notorious "hangar" eighteen".

This is how an American cameraman describes one of the climaxes of this event (he has not yet revealed his name, but called himself Jack Barnett, as the author of the film about the autopsy of an alien).

“In early July 1947, I received an order from General McMullen, Deputy Commander of Strategic Aviation, to urgently arrive at the crash site southeast of Socorro. My task was to photograph everything that I see. Together with 16 officers, most of whom were medics, we flew from Andrews AFB near Washington, made a stopover at Wright-Patterson AFB to pick up more people and equipment, and then flew in a C-54 plane to Roswell, where we were loaded into cars and drove to the scene of the accident.

When we arrived there, the whole area was cordoned off. A large "flying saucer" lay on the "back". The ground around her was very hot. No one was doing anything, everyone was waiting for General Kenny to arrive. We decided to wait until the ground cooled down a bit so that we could approach. The heat was unbearable, besides, the screams of the creatures lying next to the apparatus haunted them. Nobody knew who they were. Each had a box that they held to their chest with both hands. They were lying, holding these boxes and yelling. As soon as the tent was set up for me, I started shooting. First he took off the "plate", then the place of the fall and the debris. By six o'clock we decided that it was already possible to approach the disc. The creatures screamed even louder as we approached them. They did not want to give the boxes, but they still managed to take one. Three were dragged aside. Another was already dead. After they began to collect the wreckage,first of all, cooled down. It looks like it was the debris of the brackets on which another small disc was attached to the underside of the object, and which broke off when the disc turned over. They had signs that looked like hieroglyphs. The wreckage was taken to a tent for registration and then loaded into cars. The atmosphere inside the disc was very heavy. After just a few seconds of being there, everyone felt bad. So we decided to examine him at the base and sent him to Wright-Patterson. " In addition to Wright-Patterson AFB, crashed and hijacked alien ships are also stored at Lanley AFB, Virginia, and McDeple AFB in Florida. In addition, more than 30 UFO pilots are kept frozen at Wright-Patterson, and the UFO inventory service contains over a thousand items. "Our hands were full of UFOs"- said representatives of the US Air Force in the "Project" Blue Book ".

Here is just a fragmentary list of incidents that has become known recently (remember, this is only in the USA);

1.1946 - the state of New Mexico, the area of the city of Magdalena - an accident.

2. 1947 - New Mexico, Roswell area - accident.

Promotional video:

3.1948 - Texas, Laredo area - accident.

4. 1948 - State of New Mexico, the area north-east of Aztec - an accident.

5. 1950 - Arizona, Paradise Valley - accident.

6. 1950 - Texas, El Indio - Guerrero area on the border with Mexico - accident.

7.1952 - California, Edwards Air Force Base - an accident.

8. 1953 - the state of Arizona, the area of the city of Kingman - an accident.

9.1962 - New Mexico, Hollman AFB area - accident.

10. 1964 - Kansas, the territory of Fort Rillay - UFO capture.

11. 1964 - Arizona, "Zone 51" - shot down by a missile.

12. 1966 - Arizona - UFO pilot capture.

13. 1968 - Nevada, Nellis Air Force Base - UFO landing.

The largest "plate", one hundred feet across, was found in the state of New Mexico, northeastern town of Aztek. The second, seventy-two feet in diameter, was picked up near a secret training ground in Arizona. And the third, thirty-six feet, fell in the Paradise Valley in the same state of Arizona. The third disc contained two dead humanoids, the other two - sixteen each. But whether they were intelligent beings or robots - it was anyone's guess. As one of the eyewitnesses put it: "It seems to be people, but at the same time, non-people." The humanoids were short - an average height of 42 inches (meter and five centimeters), in earthly terms - dwarfs. But even with striking external, internal differences, they looked like people. There was also food on their ships - some semblance of waffles or biscuits. They found water in the containers, it turned out to be twice as heavy as the earth. The deceased pilots were dressed in tight-fitting overalls without collars, fasteners or buttons. Their bodies were brown, as if charred. Many objects of unknown purpose were found in the disks, as well as the semblance of books or parchment sheets, mottled with incomprehensible hieroglyphs. The flying disc was made with no visible traces of welding or riveting, appeared to be entirely cast from a metal similar to aluminum, but much more durable and lightweight. A diamond drill left a barely perceptible dent on its surface, and the metal heated to ten thousand degrees did not melt. Recent laboratory analyzes have also failed to clarify its nature. The largest disk was hardly damaged. Apparently he landed with a device that resembles our autopilot. But the porthole opened slightly when it fell. One of the buttons on the control panel opened an invisible door. The cockpit was smaller than a conventional drive. Experts have suggested that it is set in motion by magnetic or gravitational thrust. All these studies were carried out under the heading "top secret UMBRA" - the highest degree of secrecy - at the known to us Wright-Patterson Air Force base, and since 1955 at a classified training ground in Nevada - object "C-4" (located near the dry Lake Grum). However, some details of these classified materials have been leaking out recently.and since 1955, at a classified training ground in Nevada - the object "C-4" (located near the dried up Lake Grum). However, some details of these classified materials have been leaking out recently.and since 1955, at a classified training ground in Nevada - the object "C-4" (located near the dried up Lake Grum). However, some details of these classified materials have been leaking out recently.

For example, 23-year-old computer hacker Matthew Beavan, recently accused of illegally entering the computer systems of the US Department of Defense, made a sensational statement. In the database of one of the Pentagon computers, Bevan accidentally came across a mention of a secret anti-gravity engine. Having become interested, the hacker broke the email password and found out that the documents on the engine were stored at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base … Moreover, an experimental prototype of the anti-gravity engine has already been created! An aircraft with such an engine, the documents say, can reach a speed 15 times the speed of sound!

Bevan recalls that the documents indicated a super-heavy element used as fuel for an anti-gravity engine. Unfortunately, the information on the engine was seized from the hacker by American investigating authorities. The "burglar" himself, according to American law, now faces imprisonment. The damage done by the enterprising young man to US security is so great that a Pentagon spokesman called Bevan "the most serious threat to the world since Adolf Hitler." Quite recently, on the horizon of the Roswell events, the figure of the retired 80-year-old Colonel of the American army Philip Corso, who co-authored the book "The Day After Roswell", has surfaced quite unexpectedly. For the first time in the history of ufology, a colonel under oath confirmed the facts described in this book. In the affidavit,submitted to the American court, Corso once again described his participation in the study of the wreckage of the alien apparatus. According to him, in 1947 he saw with his own eyes the corpses of UFO crew members, and later, in 1961, he read the official autopsy reports. Corso's testimony has become the most serious charge to date against the US Department of Defense for hiding the truth about the Roswell event. The case was initiated on March 25, 1998 with the aim of obtaining the release of classified information. Following Corso's statement, the Phoenix County Court sent a request to the DoD for documents, the existence of which was confirmed under oath by the Colonel. Moreover, Corso claims that the incomprehensible leap of the USA, Japan, Germany, Canada, England,The USSR after World War II in the field of the latest technology is explained by the undoubted borrowing of similar samples from UFOs that suffered accidents in their territories / British ufologists Janet and Colin Bord in their book "Life outside the Earth" counted 28 UFO crashes in these countries only in 1942-1978 and 102 selected "pilots"!

The military is faithful to the oath, and it is a matter of honor for them not to disclose secrets until certain dates. But the time comes … The same Colonel Corso retired after two decades of military service with 19 orders and medals. Thus, the colonel cannot be denied honesty, loyalty to the oath and devotion to his Fatherland. What prompted him to “lighten the soul”? In response to this question, Corso said: “In 1961, I was appointed head of the army's technical intelligence department. I owed this appointment to my friend, Lieutenant General Arthur Trido. It was under his leadership that I joined the study and analysis of the Roswell catastrophe. The general and I were like-minded people. And they did not think that information about a UFO would cause panic. But I swore an oath to the general to remain silent, because I respected him infinitely. And now he is dead and I am free from the oath. "The first witness who found the courage to name his name was the counterintelligence colonel of the 509th bomber regiment in Roswell, Jose Marseille. He was one of the first officers / yes, and it was part of his duties /, who immediately arrived at the scene of the accident. In 1979, in an interview, Marcel said firmly: “It was not a balloon” (as the commander of the 8th Aviation Brigade, General Rogue Romey, demanded to indicate in the reports). And further: “The selected segments of the substance weighed almost nothing and were no thicker than foil. When I tried to bend it, it didn't bend. Then we tried to punch a hole in it with an 8-kg sledgehammer. However, nothing happened - the material did not give in. "He was one of the first officers / yes, and it was part of his duties /, who immediately arrived at the scene of the accident. In 1979, in an interview, Marcel said firmly: "It was not a balloon" (as the commander of the 8th Aviation Brigade, General Rogue Romey, demanded to indicate in the reports). And further: “The selected segments of the substance weighed almost nothing and were no thicker than foil. When I tried to bend it, it didn't bend. Then we tried to punch a hole in it with an 8-kg sledgehammer. However, nothing happened - the material did not give in. "He was one of the first officers / yes, and it was part of his duties /, who immediately arrived at the scene of the accident. In 1979, in an interview, Marcel said firmly: "It was not a balloon" (as the commander of the 8th Aviation Brigade, General Rogue Romey, demanded to indicate in the reports). And further: “The selected segments of the substance weighed almost nothing and were no thicker than foil. When I tried to bend it, it didn't bend. Then we tried to punch a hole in it with an 8 kg sledgehammer. However, nothing worked - the material did not give in. "When I tried to bend it, it didn't bend. Then we tried to punch a hole in it with an 8-kg sledgehammer. However, nothing happened - the material did not give in. "When I tried to bend it, it didn't bend. Then we tried to punch a hole in it with an 8 kg sledgehammer. However, nothing happened - the material did not give in."

It is hard to imagine that a person with such training and qualifications as J. Marcel, moreover, a counterintelligence officer of the only air regiment at that time armed with atomic bombs, could confuse a weather balloon with an aircraft. His conclusion boiled down to one thing: "These are the remaining parts of the corpus of unearthly origin." There is no reason to doubt the qualifications of this witness also because later he also participated in the preparation of a secret report on the first atomic explosion in the Soviet Union, which lay directly on the table of US President G. Truman. In those early days, journalist James B. Johnson took photographs of General Roger Romey, who announced at a press conference on July 8, 1947 that a weather balloon had fallen under Roswell. In these photographs, General Romei is holding a piece of paper with some text in his hands. An official request from journalists about the content of this text was followed by a response from a representative of the US Air Force: "The quality of the photographs did not allow to make out the content of the text on a sheet of paper." However, the ufologists got hold of the originals of the negatives of these 50-year-old photographs and printed large-format images. Two independent research teams used a computer to decode what was written on paper. The transcripts almost matched! It turned out that the text contains strange phrases. For example, "Emergency Response Forces are needed on the spot", "Show anyone who wants the trash" from the weather balloon. "Two independent research teams used a computer to decode what was written on paper. The decryptions almost matched! It turned out that the text contains strange phrases. For example, "Emergency Response Forces are needed on the spot", "Show anyone who wants the trash" from the weather balloon. "Two independent research teams used a computer to decode what was written on paper. The transcripts almost matched! It turned out that the text contains strange phrases. For example, "Emergency Response Forces are needed on the spot", "Show anyone who wants the trash" from the weather balloon."

Other scraps of phrases are also intriguing. In particular, the word "victims". Ufologists regard the analysis of old photographs as new evidence of the reality of the Roswell catastrophe. And in 1990, General Arthur E. Exson spoke up, who at that memorable time, as a lieutenant, participated in the testing of materials from parts of the collapsed apparatus in the Wright Field laboratory in Ohilo. According to him, all kinds of experiments were carried out: chemical analyzes, tests for rupture, compression, bending … All the experts who took part in them single-handedly concluded that these materials were not of terrestrial origin. In 1992, before his death, General Thomas de Boss confessed that he himself, in 1947, at the 8th Brigade air base in Texas, had received an order from General Clemens Macmillan by telephone to conceal the fact of the "saucer fall."In the instructions, General Romei was asked to invent "reasons for the cover-up so that the press would lag behind us." Glen Dennis' testimony also raises little doubt. He still lives in the area around Roswell. A respectable entrepreneur and commune member, he is not prone to inventions. In those early days, Glen, still a very young man, worked in a morgue. This facility had a contract with the United States Air Force to provide first aid in handling corpses. Even before he learned about the secrets of the crashed "saucer", an officer in charge of the funeral called him from the aviation unit and asked how best to preserve the body, which had been in open atmospheric conditions for several days. German missile expert Professor Hermann Obert since 1955 has worked for the US military design agency for ballistic missiles. After completing his collaboration with the military, Obert moved to NASA, where he spent many years researching the UFO phenomenon. In the 80s, Professor Obert made an official statement in which he admitted the existence of a UFO. According to him, "flying saucers" are indeed spaceships from other solar systems. Presumably they have crews, whose task is to study earthly life. This research has been going on for more than one millennium, NASA and American specialists, Obert emphasizes, have direct evidence of UFO visits. Recently, industrial centers, atomic enterprises, large military plants, air bases and training grounds have become objects of close observation of alien ships (in the state of New Mexico alone, where the most catastroph of UFOs occurred, there are five air bases,nuclear center and test site). Today, UFO interest in strategic objects seriously worries the top leadership of the United States.

American special services (and other countries as well) take absolutely everything from the places of accidents and disasters, even remove the top layer of soil, for further sifting in laboratory conditions. So there are practically no witnesses (Project Moon Dust). However, American experts - Dr. Russell Verion Clark, a chemist at the University of California, and his colleagues examined a small sample of an unknown material. In 1995, an unknown person called the ufologist Derred Sims. Saying that he had a shard of an alien spacecraft that crashed in 1947 at Roswell, he offered to meet. A fragment measuring 2.5 x 3.5 x 1.5 centimeters had curvatures on the surface and traces of exposure to ultra-high temperatures. Sims reached out to Clark, Christopher Wyatt, a ufologist, and others. His complete research took a year and a half. Scientists have come to a firm conclusion about the artificial origin of the fragment and about its extraterrestrial nature, since it consisted of a set of elements that were not typical of the Earth. In particular, Dr. Clark noted the abnormal content of carbon isotopes in the sample. A similar anomaly was found in the content of nickel, silicone and germanium. An optical spectroscopic study also confirmed the artificial origin of the fragment. “I'm starting to believe that this is indeed part of an alien apparatus,” Russell Clarke said at a press conference. In the late 1950s, a certain Norma Gardner, a cancer patient, settled in Price Hill, near Cincinnati. A young man, Charles Wilhelm, looked after her. Shortly before his death with the words "Now Uncle Sam will not get me, I am already in the grave with one foot!" - she confessed to Charles,Having previously worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and had access to classified material, she was tasked with keeping an inventory of UFO-related items. More than a thousand storage units have passed through her hands. Each item was numbered, photographed and entered into a special book. Once she managed to look into the hangar 18-A of zone B (the so-called "Blue Chamber"), where she had no right to enter, and saw a flying disc. Another time, walking along the corridor, I accidentally spied on how the bodies of two humanoids were being transported on a gurney to the laboratory … That's a confession …where she had no right to enter, and saw a flying disc. Another time, walking along the corridor, I accidentally spied on how the bodies of two humanoids were being transported on a gurney to the laboratory … That's a confession …where she had no right to enter, and saw a flying disc. Another time, walking along the corridor, I accidentally spied on how the bodies of two humanoids were being transported on a gurney to the laboratory … That's a confession …

The US Air Force has been tasked with collecting information on UFOs by the Pentagon since August 1947, and this has been their responsibility to this day. A number of projects appear (the longest of them is "Blue Book" - 1952-1969, "Sain", "Graj", "Sigma", "Snowbird", "Aquarius", "Moon dust", "Yehudi" and etc.), within the framework of which the collection and analysis was carried out in various areas of activity. For example, the Moon Dust project - technological research, localization, collection and removal of UFOs from the site of their crash or landing. All of these projects served as cover for other, even more classified units, led by the Majestic 12 group.

Operation Majestic 12 was approved by President Truman on September 24, 1947, on the recommendation of Defense Secretary James Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush.

The task of the Majestic-12 group included:

1. Discovery and removal of all materials and parts of foreign or alien origin for scientific study. Materials at any cost should become the property of this particular group.

2. Finding and taking control of all creatures of alien origin or their remains for scientific study.

3. Creation of a special team to carry out the above activities.

4. Creation of special security services in the secret zones of the continental territories of the United States. Storage and scientific research of all materials, as well as the maintenance and control of creatures, the origin of which experts qualify as alien.

5. Development and implementation of covert operations in conjunction with the CIA for the delivery of technological equipment and extraterrestrial beings from the territories of other states to the United States.

6. Compliance with the strictest secrecy regarding all of the above activities.

Later it was indicated that the degree of secrecy should be two orders of magnitude higher than the stamp "top secret." The reason for this was fears that information about UFOs would cause an unwanted resonance among the public and, moreover, would contribute to the strengthening of a hostile power (USSR). The notorious JANAR-146 is a secret circular of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy and Air Force, a circular outlining the procedure for submitting UFO reports. The disclosure of any information about them by the military was equivalent to the disclosure of state secrets (from a year to ten years in prison and ten thousand dollars in a fine). To carry out the broad missions of the M-12 group, an elite unit of the US Air Force, the 4602nd Division of the Technical Information Service, was trained. The division is composed of specialists trained for field operations and on-site research. Research results are sent directly to the Air Force Intelligence Department. It was this division that, at the beginning of its operations, delivered "material evidence" from the disaster area to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Subsequently, for the sake of secrecy, the division was repeatedly changed its digital designation. It is currently listed as the 512th Air Force Intelligence and Counterintelligence Group.

Its location is Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The purpose of this part remains the same.

The president of the American Computer Company, Jack Shulman, made an unusual radio broadcast last year across America. Schulman recounted how he and his colleagues came across documentary evidence of the existence of another secret military organization under the US Department of Defense called the Office of Alien Problems, or E-2 for short (presumably one of the offshoots of the M-12). It does not officially exist. Only a limited circle of people who had to deal with this organization knows about it.

However, as Shulman said, at the Pentagon, some senior officials indirectly confirmed its existence. According to the president of the American Computer Company, E-2 was created 50 years ago. There is no data on the goals and objectives of the organization. However, Schulman suggests that her main task was to study the crashed UFOs. The existence of "E-2" became apparent in a very mysterious way. A few months ago, the fax machine of the American Computer Company received a strange message about the presence of a secret unit at the US Department of Defense. It has not yet been possible to find out who sent the message. One of the classified documents in this direction was recently disclosed by professional counterintelligence agent Bob Dean. This is what preceded it.

In 1961, NATO Air Force Marshal Sir Thomas Pike ordered the creation of a secret team to study the nature of UFOs and assess their potential threat. In May 1963, Bob Dean was invited to the group. In Vietnam and Korea, he served in special forces. The need made it necessary to seek help from this specialist: valuable documents on the UFO problem disappeared and two employees disappeared under unclear circumstances. Arriving in the group, Bob familiarized himself with the documents classified as "Top Secret". It was a hefty tome with many illustrations, graphs and figures, the fruit of the group's meticulous work over two years. And although the classification of secrecy has not yet been removed, Bob Dean took the liberty of violating state secrets and publish some excerpts from it:

1. Planet Earth is the object of intense and massive observation by several alien civilizations. Their technologies are thousands of years ahead of those on Earth.

2. The sequence of observations and the fact that they have been carried out over several millennia indicates the existence of a plan or program.

3. Military intelligence data indicate that there is no immediate threat from alien civilizations to invade or seize the Earth. However, some facts indicate their potential to interfere in government affairs.

All heads of NATO member states received copies of this document in the mid-sixties. In the mid-1970s, the US government officially announced that all UFO research programs had been phased out, the ends were hidden from the public, but there is every reason to assume that the Central Intelligence Agency has tightly grabbed these ends.