Pallas Athena And Her Friend Nike - Alternative View

Pallas Athena And Her Friend Nike - Alternative View
Pallas Athena And Her Friend Nike - Alternative View

Video: Pallas Athena And Her Friend Nike - Alternative View

Video: Pallas Athena And Her Friend Nike - Alternative View
Video: On Pallas Athena, Writers and Astrologers 2024, September

Having read and looked at all sorts of Greco-Roman heroes above the rooftop, I feel that I will open a little more, some small branch of the ancient church. I will receive pagans and idolaters, take notes from them, and take them to Olympus. 100 rubles apiece. And 300 by taxi to Olympus. I will allow to make collective applications so that people can jointly pay for my travel.

Most importantly, no investment is required. You can remove any closet, hang out a sign outside the window - the New Greco-Roman Church named after the Etruscan heroes and it's in the bag. There is no need to build temples. You can pray in the open air, anywhere, because wherever you look, at least one of the Greco-Roman gods, yes, is present. In Europe and St. Petersburg, ten per square meter, in other places a little less.

I bet that if you just look around, right now, wherever you are, you can find someone from the Greco-Roman pantheon nearby. In general, the question of opening a new church, the matter is decided, there is only one small detail left - to get the address of Olympus. Well, you know, someone has to make wishes come true according to notes.

The only thing that can stop me is, if it suddenly turns out that no ancient gods disappeared anywhere. Simply, someone has hidden them imperceptibly and uses it personally, leaving the whole world a simulacrum in the form of your favorite former technological premises, where you now go to look at a suffering person. Why his pain, as well as torture over a hundred more martyrs in different corners of the room, should bring relief to a person, I do not yet understand. Apparently to the level when the problems of others make yours easier for you, I have not grown up yet.

I began to feel that Rome has not disappeared anywhere since childhood. Since I was born in a maternity hospital on Vasilievsky Island, even without looking at photographs or other reference books, I am absolutely sure that when I went out into the fresh air, someone from the Greco-Roman star cast met me.


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If the bastards hadn't lost the bas-relief above the front entrance, they might have met at once, and so they probably had to drive a couple of hundred meters.

In the future, the feeling dulled, but recently, against the background of magnetic storms, climate shifts and the general unstable situation in the Middle East, not only intensified, but also grew into confidence.

At first, I even got scared and felt the volume of the Bhagavad-gita with my hands, so that with all the power of the Hindu collective mind, I could replace the ancient settlers in sheets, with much more dear to us colored robes, such as "sari". They, in turn, are also sheets, but, firstly, they are multi-colored, and secondly, they are much closer in mentality. From the days of "Disco Dancer", to the transfusion of karma back and forth, in our time. Even Putin, as you know, misses conversations with Mahatma Gandhi, and not with Pallas Athena, although she seems to be a sage too. In the sense of the wise.

Let's start with her. Moreover, it recently surfaced, not somewhere, but in England at the beginning and even in the middle of the 20th century.


In a kingdom where there is an aunt on the throne, coins were printed, for some reason, someone else's aunt from such a depth of centuries that it is not clear how she could be weaved here, if you follow the official history and the official religious outline of mankind.

Probably, it is necessary to briefly tell what she did on the mountain with the Greeks, Etruscans (and even with them) and in Ancient Rome. In fact, it seems that her legs grow from even earlier times, such as Egypt, Assyria and Sumerians, but in the light of recent events, I am not sure that they really were before, and were not pushed under patronage, like the same Jews …

The Greeks called her Pallas Athena. What is Pallas is not completely clear to anyone so much that they did not even begin to guess much. Praise the gods, she had a few more cliques that can be used if anyone gets to the bottom of the etymology.

In Greece, she was responsible for the mind and war. Moreover, a war, not anyhow, but just and organized. It is very likely that this was how democratic bombing was called peaceful bombs, with the support of the 7th fleet.


I hope you are aware that Minerva is the name of Athena in the Roman pantheon. There, its role in comparison with Greece has "slightly" grown. She had already learned how to throw lightning just as well as Zeus, and her wisdom spread to many aspects, from music to trade and crafts.

It seems to me that since Greece was invented in the 19th century, they simply threw away the entire Roman pantheon, slightly changing the names and removing some responsibilities. Otherwise, why among the Etruscans she is Menrva, among the Romans Minerva, and among the Greeks suddenly Athena, is not entirely clear.

The Etruscans, who does not remember, are such a mysterious nation that lived between the Greeks and Romans, in the same places. Mysterious, because everything is known about a little earlier Greeks, about a little later Romans, even more, and about the Etruscans, so little that it is not clear whether they were.

If we recognize Greece as a country invented already in our time, then everything will fall into its own, more or less place and the Etruscans, as it were, would be the logical ancestors of the Romans.

The Etruscans, by the way, left a lot of records after themselves, but they cannot be deciphered. The fact is that they are translated only if they are read by analogy with the Slavic languages, and this is strictly prohibited.

As all official historians know, the Slavs mother-in-law climbed down from the trees only at the end of the first millennium, which means that according to historical logic, they could not help the Etruscans in writing or, God forgive me, be related to them.


Want to find yourself more excerpts of them in search engines full.

In general, Athena-Minerva-Pallas-Menrva in the aggregate is such a sickly aunt, to match Zeus.

What did she do in those ancient times? Well, first of all, I was born cool. Jupiter (Zeus) had a headache and a ringing in his ear. He picked his ear once, the second time - it did not help. Yes, well, then to hell with her, this head, Jupiter thought and called Hephaestus with an ax. He swung, the nut cracked and Minerva-Athena crawled out of him, immediately in a combat outfit. We can say that she was the first of the series Abraham gave birth to Isaac …


There was also a connection with the theme, how it was incubated in his head, but we don't believe in different fairy tales?

In principle, in this outfit, she went all her life, without removing her helmet, even while completely undressing in all sorts of erotic fantasies of medieval authors.

Let's, as the guides say, take a closer look at what the lady is and what artifacts she had.


Tellingly, the aunt can be found in any city in the world, which cannot be said about the same Jupiter or, for example, Mars with Apollo.

Since Minerva is a warrior, she has a spear and, apparently, she is androgynous, that is, she carries both masculine and feminine principles. Something like fashion is now imposing on young people. But about today, later.

Along with the above, four horsemen of the apocalypse are rushing in my head at once - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, the rest do not rush, I barely remembered these even.

I think they will not be offended, because they are all portrayed on the same face and, what is important to us, androgens.

In fact, we have four and then a lot, let's limit ourselves to one. Consider Michael. He is usually busy in the pictures and wets evil spirits. As a rule, this is Lucifer or, in special cases, the devil himself, in the form of a reptile, a horned angel and a million other subspecies, varying degrees of ugliness.


Armed and dangerous.

On a heap of paintings, Mikhail is jumping with a shield on which stands the cross of Mr. George. Saint. I don’t presume to say what the artists meant when they painted, one or the other, but they, like twins, brothers look alike in appearance, and often do the same work, with the same tool.

Both George and Mikhail have a particular dislike for amphibians, such as the dragon and its closest relatives. Above was Mikhail, now let's look at George.


And what do we see? Saint George is also effeminate. But if the archangel, okay, then George, it seems, is a historical, respected person. It is not clear what he did with such a face and figure in knights.

In most of the paintings, in addition to being effeminate, he also has a specific helmet, rooster-like. Remember I said that Athena-Minerva never took it off? And in some places of the paintings, there is also a female dangling. Sometimes next to, sometimes with wings and, almost always, in flight. Well, sort of like, the aunt should be there, he saves the princess (allegorical church). And if something flies, then the angel probably helps - not very sensibly, but quite logical, the believer should assume. But no. More precisely, not quite.

The fact is that Athena, too, butted with the dragon and, of course, defeated him, and the aunt next to her looks more harmonious than with George, not in LGBT fashion, but because she is her, like a pocket fairy. The name of the sneakers is Nike. In the sense of Nick. In translation - victory!

So, the Victorious is literally Athena, and did not drive a man with a female appearance.


One more time to fix the image.

And in that and in another case, that with Michael, that with George, they simply changed the name. In the future, they began to draw already further from the original, more and more drawing warriors as men, and not deviants.

But the essence, of course, never changed - it was Athena. When it was discovered that there was a masterpiece on the subject of the murder of evil spirits, and the aunt was drawn with a strong texture, they no longer referred to the peasant, they began to fantasize. It is not so easy for the average believer to explain which plastic surgeon Michael or George, were able to grow such boobs for themselves, therefore, nonsense appears on the topic of Athena overthrowing Ignorance. The episode itself, where Athena is at war with the dragon, is sent into a prehistoric fight with the titans (titanomachy), which is not very ice, because she was not yet born at that time.


Look at her legs))) No, not there, on the feet.

It seems to be from her wardrobe)


300-400 AD by official. But, it’s me so neighing, I didn’t notice such nuances in Athena.

The fact that Athena hid under the faces and bodies of the archangels and the unfortunate Baba George, in fact, is nothing strange. She loved to achieve goals with someone else's hands. Pegasus was pacified by Mercury, Medusa was turned off by Perseus, Hercules, practically, walked on a leash. Without her intervention, everyone around Troy would still be sitting with Odysseus, who, if not for Athena, in general, would not have left the port.


If you flash a mirror in her face, she will be stunned as I ruined her hair (at first, Athena was upset that the Gorgon was prettier than herself and instead of blonde hair she attached a snake on her head).

I don’t mean to say that Minerva was hiding behind the backs of others on the battlefield, no. She went on the attack with Zeus and stabbed the giants herself, but why substitute once again?

Although she fastened the head of a medusa on her aegis (a shield or a cape, historians are still in confusion), from which everyone turned to stone in quiet horror, even on the distant approaches, to run forward, but it is unwise to use bayonets. Anything can happen. What if the shield falls? Yes, also on the leg. Better yet, someone else is doing strength exercises with fantastic animals in their habitats.

Well, here we are near the most important Athenian skill. She commanded the snakes!

Yes, like Harry Potter, only she still had instructions for them, and they crawled completely tame.

But even this is not as important as what I am going to tell you now! For all her bulging virtues and an irreplaceable helmet, she was not quite a woman. I mean, of course, a female, but not very human. There are all the facts to suspect that it is reptilian. Do you remember your legs? And this is just the beginning.

You don't have to look at the photos…. ugh, in the sense of the picture, she has no tail, but she has a son from Hephaestus. Hephaestus is definitely not a reptilian with us, is it? No. So …


Erichthonius is the first mayor of Athens, the son of Athena.

And if we add to this that, among other things, the owl was the symbol of Pallas Athena or Minerva, then the conclusion suggests itself. To you about this, for so many years they have been popping in panic from all esoteric and paranoid sites.


Or maybe the team of the program What? Where when? will now collapse into a swoon.

The conspiracy theorists were right! The world is ruled by the Illuminati-Freemason-Reptilians! Now we know that they are patronized by the disguised Athena dash of Minerva. Do you remember the Illuminati symbol?


Adam Weishaupt is not here, only Owl.

And if you look at it from the conspiracy side, it looks like every state that Athena's associates control, they put a sign of belonging to a hidden empire.

Which one? Why, that same pocket girl with a wreath in her hand in Athena is standing everywhere. Look around!


Yes, and in showcases with sneakers, she too - Nika, Victoria, Nike. Nike is not about her. This isn't even about sneakers, by the way. This is about the village dialect))


This can be done endlessly, it is not only on poles, it is everywhere.

And do not deceive yourself, this is also her.


And no one here crushes the snakes. This is your own, home, necessary snake!

Look, they are already on the floor below, they are conducting an inventory. Someone else's property is being counted!

Symbols are not the word "chren" on the fence


The symbols are not the word "chren" on the fence.

What else is Hecate? Who will let her in? She is there in her "Charmed" in Wikk'e with women from all over the world hanging out. Here are not local toys, here is the seizure of the world!

Who doesn't know, Wikka is such a trendy semi-religion, semi-private club where aunts from all over the world learn witchcraft. Served as the movement of nature lovers and return to the bosom of Mother Earth. As patrons, the trinity of Hecate, Diana, Selena are assigned to them. Everything, it is clear from what mythology. Not even surprising.


In general, Athena herself could have stood here - an important object !!

The statue to the Americans, who sent it? French people! And their Athena, just recently, and gathered under her wing, leading the demolition of the legitimate government, I do not remember what Napoleon was !!!


Marianne, you say? Oh well. She recently, here, pretended to be peasants that she should change her name?

Athena's shield weighs all over the world, no worse than Nicky's pig! It is on every old house, on half of the doorknobs. Where is the all-seeing eye. Here is the shield, really sees everything!


They are millions! Billions! And all with eyes !!!

Are you still waiting for Nibiru? Trample, defenseless, lizards in the yards? And the reptilians have been here for a long time! Who do you think was the first to jump ashore after the flood? I'm not talking about the biblical, I'm talking about our yesterday. Early 19th century.

Of course they are. Amphibians! Now it is clear how they quickly swept away Tartary (or whatever it is) on the sly and formed their own empire with who knows who was at the head. And it is now clear why Justin Bieber is already clicking his pupils at the camera. They won! They did what they wanted. Humanity is in chains !!! Do you know what other function was in the ancient Grekorim at Athena-Minerva?

State building! Borders, laws, codes, rules, nations, nationalities. Place the monkeys in the cages and count them!

Do you understand where the legs come from…. rather, the tail and fins grow in the desire for globalization? One government, one order!

You all think Rome is a thing of the past. But no. Not all of Rome perished in the flood! Have you seen how many institutions, universities and other public organizations of OUR time bear the name of Athens ??


A bunch of! Her new sculpture was unveiled at Carolina University in 2004. What antiquity? what antiquities?

And most importantly, Athena-Minerva patronizes all Greek brotherhoods in American universities. I hope you are in kuos, what is fraternity in an elite American university? All presidents, all heads of corporations and financial institutions!

And finally, about money. Let's go back to the beginning. As it turned out, there are so many images of Athena, her mini-mi Niki, in various variations that I honestly did not expect. Already without any jokes and vigorous panic. The picture is just a couple of examples. There are really a lot of them.


And do not be confused that somewhere they are designated as Britannica or Liberty. They are all the same under different guises.

And so that you don't have the feeling that it's time for me to call a doctor in a white coat. here's a coin that won't let you doubt anymore that it is about Athena and her girlfriend.


Did everyone recognize Elizabeth II? This is the Queen of England. A triskelion is painted on the ass of her coin. In general, the shield of Athena first contained him alone, then it and with the head of Medusa in the middle, and at the end it was thrown out as unnecessary.

After all that was written, I had a persistent feeling that ancient Roman Greece (ugh, damn it, I myself am still counting according to the official version), in the sense of Rome, is worth studying better. You never know, suddenly, ethnic cleansing will go to knowledge of the Greek alphabet backwards, as shown in the movies and used in fraternities.

And now, it is clear why humanity is being pushed towards transgenderness. That is, it is not clear, but at least it is clear from where. In whose image and likeness.

I'm interested in something else now. In new images, she is always with a trident. And according to ancient myths, I don’t remember that Neptune-Poseidon gave it to her. They grabbed once, of course, in myths, but they frayed and parted with the world.

And here, there it is, how! Apparently, the peasant has primarized…. It would be necessary, at least where to nail the commemorative plaque. Do you think in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra? Yes, it will be there in style, conceptually. I agree.
