"A Fatal Mistake In Theoretical Physics!" - Alternative View

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"A Fatal Mistake In Theoretical Physics!" - Alternative View
"A Fatal Mistake In Theoretical Physics!" - Alternative View

Video: "A Fatal Mistake In Theoretical Physics!" - Alternative View

Video: Math Has a Fatal Flaw 2024, September

There is the so-called “tailor's rule”, which, despite its name, applies to all exact sciences. This rule says: "If the bottom button of the shirt is fastened incorrectly, then all the other buttons will also be fastened incorrectly." The creator of this rule, Fabio Volo, commented on it as follows: "There are many mistakes in life, which are not mistakes in themselves, but the consequences of the" first button "buttoned incorrectly."

So, in a similar way, our theoretical physics in such sections as electrical engineering and radio waves was once incorrectly "zipped"!

A fatal error crept into physics with the "Electromagnetic Theory of Light", created by the British scientist of Scottish origin James Maxwell (1831-1879).

Moreover, when he published this theory, and this happened in 1865, other scientists described it as incomprehensible, mathematically lax, logically unfounded. Only after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz in 1887 proved in practice that with the help of electricity it is possible to send radio waves into space, Maxwell's "incomprehensible, mathematically lax and logically unfounded" theory was decided to be adapted to explain the process of birth of radio waves in the antennas of radio transmitting devices.

Why is that?

But there was simply no other theory at that time that asserts the experimentally established truth that the phenomena of electromagnetism and light can propagate in space at the same speed in the form of waves, and all their difference from each other is only in the frequency of oscillations.

While creating his theory, Maxwell tried to generalize all the scientific knowledge available at that time in the field of electromagnetism, obtained by the pioneers of this field of natural science. And these are such classics of physical science as G. Oersted, A. M. Amer, D. Henry and M. Faraday … The last of those mentioned, by the way, discovered the law of electromagnetic induction, which works flawlessly today in all power and pulse AC transformers.


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What this means is well explained by this picture:


This experience can be repeated today by anyone, even one far from science. A magnet moved by a hand with its constant magnetic field, crossing the surface of a closed conductor, necessarily creates a vortex electric field in it, and with it an induction electric current.

Even then, when Michael Faraday himself was doing this experiment, it was obvious that outside the space of the conductor (in which there are free electrons), the magnet moved by hand or otherwise does not form a vortex electric field.

First of all, this is not facilitated by the very shape of the magnetic lines of force of a permanent magnet.


Well, tell me, how sideways this magnet, swinging, for example, on a thread, should generate a vortex electric field in empty space ?!

Yes, no sideways!

It's another matter when the magnetic field lines of this magnet discovered by Faraday cross the surface of a closed conductor in which there are free electric charges! The direct impact on them from the side of a magnetic field varying in strength (we move the magnet back and forth), just causes the appearance of a vortex electric field (inside the conductor), which is characterized by an electric voltage.

If the conductor is closed, then an electric current arises in it, if the conductor is open, then we can detect an electric voltage in it using a voltmeter, which indicates the existence of an electric field in the conductor's body.

Developing his "Electromagnetic Theory of Light", D. C. Maxwell made logically unfounded assumptions that "any change in the magnetic field generates a vortex electric field in the surrounding space, the lines of force of which are closed, and the time-varying electric field generates a magnetic field in the surrounding space" …

For these assumptions, he was criticized by other scientists, considering them logically unfounded.

Graphically, without reference to the source of the vortex magnetic field and without reference to the object in which the vortex electric field is created, this Maxwellian electromagnetic and magnetoelectric induction looks like this:


Maxwell suggested that all this can happen outside of objects (magnet and conductor), that is, in a space free from everything!

Using the entire arsenal of higher mathematics, which he perfectly mastered, Maxwell deduced a number of formulas and equations according to which it turned out that a changing magnetic field can (!) Generate a vortex electric field in free space, if only this space is filled with … ether, well, such a medium, about which Maxwell wrote: "… Based on the phenomena of heat and light, we have reason to believe that there is some kind of ethereal medium that fills space and permeates all bodies, which has the ability to be set in motion, to transfer this movement from one of its parts to the other and impart this movement of dense matter, heating it and acting on it in various ways …"

The most interesting thing is that when a real revolution took place in the science of nature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, separating the old era from the new and crowned with the creation of modern physics, it was decided not to include the Maxwellian ether in it, they say, “the introduction of luminiferous ether into science … is unnecessary , - said Albert Einstein in 1905. (Collected scientific works. M.: Nauka. 1965. Vol. 1. P. 7–8. Zur Elektrodynamik der bewegter Korper. Ann. Phys., 1905, 17, 891-921).


At the same time, the logically unreasonable assumptions that D. K. Maxwell made in 1865 when creating his "Electromagnetic Theory of Light" with the condition that the world ether exists, were transferred (!) Into modern non-etheric physics and with their help (!) Became explain the process of formation of radio waves and light.

As a result, we now have in modern physics a statement that the "electromagnetic field" invented by Maxwell is capable of existing even in a vacuum, and solely due to the fact that it supports itself, and in phase, that is, passing through zero points synchronously !! !

And this, they say, is the essence of radio waves!


Well, how could it be otherwise ?! After all, Maxwell wrote in his theory: "any change in the magnetic field generates a vortex electric field in the surrounding space, the lines of force of which are closed, and the time-varying electric field generates a magnetic field in the surrounding space."

Well, where in this figure, which has already misled many millions of people, for example, the "vortex electric field"? And where is the "vortex magnetic field" here ?!

I will now repeat my main idea: Maxwell, creating his theory more than 150 years ago, tried to generalize all the scientific knowledge available at that time in the field of electromagnetism, obtained by the pioneers of this field of natural science. And then the elementary electric charges - electrons were not yet discovered, the particles of light - photons were not yet discovered, the "quantum theory" has not yet been created, according to which the energy of a rectilinearly moving light particle is directly related to such a parameter as the frequency of its hypothetical oscillations.

Now, when humanity has a huge baggage of new knowledge, any attempts to reconcile the same "quantum theory" with Maxwell's theory of the formation of radio waves in the antennas of radio transmitting devices openly indicate that our theoretical physics in such areas as electrical engineering and radio waves was once " "On the wrong" button!

Perhaps this is the only reason why no one still dares to consider in theory the very process of creation by moving electrons of light quanta (in an incandescent lamp, for example) and radio emission quanta (in the antenna of a radio transmitting device), and finally compare these two theories!

I will tell you below about my understanding of the problems that have accumulated in theoretical physics. Once I decided to find differences in the principles of operation of two types of devices that generate radio waves. I wanted, so to speak, to understand on a theoretical level how they work.

On the one hand, the object of my study was the famous Hertz dipole, which has a length equal to 1/2 the length of the emitted radio wave. On the other hand, the object of my study was the transmitting antennas of Tesla and Hard's design.

Being made to operate at the same frequency, they can differ in their largest dimensions by a factor of 100 (!) With the same waveforming efficiency!


Look at the design of a modern Hertz dipole antenna:


The length of such a transmitting antenna for a range of 40 meters is 20 meters (1/2 wavelength).

And here is a modified vertical so-called "EH-antenna" designed by T. Hard (analogue of Tesla's antenna) for the same range of 40 meters, having a maximum size (height) of only 1 meter.


Feel the difference: on the one hand, 20 meters long Hertzian dipole, on the other hand, 1 meter high "EH antenna" for the same frequency range!

And today no one can clearly explain (or does not want to?), Using the existing theory of the electromagnetic field, how electrons can swing radio waves on such short arms of the EH-antenna dipole and send them into space with the same efficiency as it happens in the Hertz dipole. Although the phenomenon is obvious!

I want to point out the seemingly obvious.

The source of electromagnetic waves is not a high-frequency electric field, which tends to propagate through the body of the antenna at the speed of light, as some people think. And not just electric charges moving rapidly along the conductor create radio waves, but they are created only by those electrons that move along the outer surface of the conducting material of the antennas under the simultaneous influence of the voltage of the RF generator and Coulomb forces, which induce charges of the same sign (electrons) to repel each other …

“There are two types of ordered movement of the same electrons along a conductor - slow (for example, galvanic current) and high-speed (electrostatic current arising from the interaction of electrostatic charges).

Galvanic current in metals
Galvanic current in metals

Galvanic current in metals.

When we are dealing, for example, with a galvanic current flowing through the entire volume of a conductor (as in the above figure), then the speed of the ordered translational motion of electrons is only a few millimeters per second (or even less).

When electrons move along the surface of metals (the so-called "skin effect"), this occurs under the influence of Coulomb forces, their translational speed can be very high, comparable to the speed of light.

Take a look now at this interesting and extremely simple experience:


This experience shows that electrostatic current generates a short radio wave without the formation of a vortex magnetic field in space !!!

This is exactly what the scientist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) could not notice and understand at one time, but the scientist Nikola Tesla (1859-1943) clearly saw and realized.

Look now at the design of a kilohertz radio transmitting antenna, built in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century according to Tesla's drawing.

Nikola Tesla and his famous antenna tower, designed to transmit power wirelessly
Nikola Tesla and his famous antenna tower, designed to transmit power wirelessly

Nikola Tesla and his famous antenna tower, designed to transmit power wirelessly.

Don't you find that the "Tesla tower" is an enlarged copy of the laboratory setup presented above - a volumetric capacitor in the form of a metal ball connected to a conductor, which is fixed with its lower part on an insulator ?!


This nuance, that a high-speed electrostatic current generates radio waves in space without the formation of a vortex magnetic field, is not taken into account either by Maxwell's "Electromagnetic Theory of Light" or its compilation, which all textbooks of modern physics contain today. And the so-called "skin effect" is explained exclusively as a high frequency current.

Let's go back to the origins of electrical engineering and electromagnetism.

When electrons move slowly but orderly in the body of a conductor, as with a galvanic current, they generate only a local vortex phenomenon known as a “magnetic field”.

This local vortex phenomenon was discovered together with electromagnetism in 1820 by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted.


Describing how the connection between electricity and magnetism was discovered, Oersted wrote: “… from the observations made it can be concluded that this [electrical] conflict forms a vortex around the wire. Otherwise it would be incomprehensible how one and the same section of the wire, being placed under the magnetic pole [compass arrows], carries it to the east, and, being above the pole, carries it to the west. It is the vortices that tend to act in opposite directions at the two ends of the same diameter. Rotational movement around an axis, combined with translational movement along this axis, necessarily gives a helical movement … "(Translated from the Latin work by G. H. Oersted by Ya. G. Dorfman. Reproduced from the publication: Amper A.-M. Electrodynamics, M., 1954).


When the movement of the galvanic current along the conductor stops, the associated vortex phenomenon also tends to stop. Then something interesting happens! Now the vortex of the “magnetic field”, already spun like a flywheel, collapses and causes the reverse ordered movement of electrons in the conductor! This phenomenon is called inductance in science and radio engineering!

In all physics textbooks, the nature of this phenomenon is described in "Aesopian language"!

Can we somehow apply this knowledge to explain the operation of Tesla's transmitting antenna?

Yes we can, but only to describe the operation of that part of its circuit that is responsible for creating high-frequency and high-voltage voltage, which ultimately creates high-frequency electrostatic current in the transmitting electrostatic antenna!

Let's take a closer look at the schematic diagram of Tesla's transmitter:


In Tesla's design there is a resonant inductor ©, which increases the alternating voltage supplied to the coupling coil (A) from the HF generator (B) many hundreds of times. Every time its magnetic energy is in the decreasing phase, a growing electric voltage appears at the end of the wire connected to the upper capacitive radiator (E), under the influence of which free electrons from the body of the wire transfer to the surface (!) Of the spherical capacitive radiator (E). And then the Coulomb forces come into play, working on repulsion between the particles of the same name. These Coulomb forces force all free electrons already on the surface of this spherical capacitive emitter to regroup (!) And closer to each other with the speed of light.

This movement of free electrons on the surface of a spherical capacitive radiator occurs in the form of a surface wave and starts from the point of attachment to the spherical capacitive radiator of the supply wire, and ends at a diametrically opposite point on the surface of the same spherical capacitive radiator.

Actually, it is precisely this high-speed movement of free electrons on the surface of a spherical capacitive emitter (E), which change their direction of motion when the polarity of the electric voltage supplied to the capacitive emitter (E) changes, and generates a radio wave in space corresponding to the oscillation frequency of the generator (B).

And this is, you see, another theory of the creation of radio waves, which has little in common with the explanations set forth by Maxwell in his "Electromagnetic Theory of Light".

If above I presented a schematic diagram of Tesla's transmitter, then below I present a drawing of a specific Tesla's patented installation designed to transmit high-frequency electrical energy without wires.

The radiator of radio waves in the kilohertz range is here a metal tube, electrically connected in the upper part to a mushroom-shaped volumetric electrostatic capacitor.


I will note again: apparently, this is an enlarged copy of a laboratory installation capable of generating a short pulse of radio emission when a comb charged when rubbing against hair is brought to it:


Tesla's mushroom-shaped top is a giant bulk electrostatic capacitor rated for hundreds of thousands of volts. A radiator pipe is directly connected to it, designated in the drawing as "B" ". An induction coil of a high-voltage high-frequency transformer of Nikola Tesla's own design is connected to it from below. Associated with it is a communication coil located below, to which the alternator cable is connected. The so-called “cold end” of the supply cable is grounded.

Due to the latter circumstance, this radio transmitting device was in fact a highly shortened quarter-wave vibrator. Well, the walls of Tesla's tower were made, of course, of a dielectric material.

It is curious that …

Nikola Tesla's radio-controlled model of the ship impressed some financiers so much that they invested in his project to build the first wireless telecommunications station for commercial transatlantic wireless communications and broadcasting in the United States.


Here's a story!

The photo below shows modern transmitting radio amateur antennas, operating on the principle of Tesla's antenna, but assembled according to the scheme of the American T. Hard.


A small antenna of two cones is designed for a wavelength range of 10 meters, an antenna with cylindrical capacitive radiators, tunable in frequency. It is designed for a wavelength range of 10-30 meters. In order for these antenna structures to start emitting radio waves, it is enough to connect an RF generator of the corresponding frequency to them.

Note that there is another equally interesting story connected with these antennas!

It turns out that this type of antenna has been successfully practiced since the mid-40s in military mobile HF radio communications in many countries, including the USSR, and for a long time these antennas were secret! And this is natural when such a fact is available: transmitting antennas can be made 100 times smaller than standard Hertzian dipoles! T. Hard was a direct participant in the development of this type of antenna in the US Army. He declassified not so long ago the "EH antenna" for all radio amateurs.

According to T. Hard himself, his antenna design is a modification of N. Tesla's transmitting antenna.

Here is the opinion of those who built and tested such transmitting “EH-antennas” in Russia:

So, I continue my thought further. All over the world, technically educated people were able to believe that radio emissions are electromagnetic waves, in which, as Maxwell said, “any change in the magnetic field generates a vortex electric field in the surrounding space, the lines of force of which are closed, and the time-varying electric field generates in the surrounding space magnetic field.

And this is not entirely true! And no one even admits the thought that the truth can be different.

There is a delusion even in the above quote: "The considered Hard's dipole in practice works almost like a full-fledged half-wave Hertz dipole, which confirms the equality of radio emissions from an electric and a capacitive dipole."

The Hertzian dipole is considered electric, and Hard's dipole is capacitive.

Who wrote this simply does not understand that both the Hertzian half-wave dipole and the Hard's dipole are both capacitive! In them, an exceptionally high-speed surface electrostatic current works for radiation!

As I wrote earlier, describing the operation of Nikola Tesla's transmitter, every time the magnetic energy of the resonant inductor © is in the decreasing phase, a growing electric voltage appears at the end of the wire connected to the upper capacitive emitter (E), under the influence of which free electrons from the wire bodies pass to the surface (!) of the spherical capacitive radiator (E). And then the Coulomb forces come into play, working on repulsion between the particles of the same name. They, these Coulomb forces, force, at the speed of light, to regroup (!) And be closer to each other, all free electrons that are already on the surface of this spherical capacitive emitter. This movement of free electrons on the surface of a spherical capacitive radiator occurs in the form of a surface wave and starts from the point of attachment to the spherical capacitive radiator of the supply wire, and ends at a diametrically opposite point on the surface of the same spherical capacitive radiator.

Actually, it is precisely this high-speed movement of free electrons on the surface of a spherical capacitive emitter (E), which change their direction of movement when the polarity of the generator voltage supplied to the capacitive emitter (E) changes, and generates a radio wave in space corresponding to the oscillation frequency of the generator (B).

The main difference in the design of the Hard antenna from the Tesla antenna is that T. Hard used cylindrical instead of a spherical capacitive radiator. And if Tesla made his antenna on the principle of a shortened quarter-wave radiator (with one capacitive radiator), Hard made his antenna on the principle of a shortened half-wave radiator (with two capacitive radiators).

Now the most important thing:


The process of matching such an "EH-antenna" with a high-frequency generator is to fulfill the most important condition: a wave of surface electrostatic sinusoidal current must run over the surface of strongly shortened (!) Cylindrical radiators from one edge to another exactly as long as a quarter period of voltage fluctuations of the RF generator. No more, no less!


Matching is achieved by selecting the value of the inductance of the resonant coil and the transformation ratio of the generator voltage. The principle of matching itself is simple: the more the arms of the capacitive dipole of the "EH-antenna" are shortened against the size of the arms of a standard half-wave Hertz vibrator, the greater the AC voltage of the RF generator must be supplied to them. In other words, the smaller the capacity of the volumetric electrostatic capacitor used in the "EH-antenna", the more voltage it must be charged in order to extend the process of its full charging to the required time equal to 1/4 of the oscillation period (T).

What happens in the body of a standard half-wave vibrator?

Isn't it the same?

At some point in time, while the polarity on the transformer feeding the half-wave vibrator coincides with that shown in the figure below, the electrons moving along the surface of the dipole by the voltage of the external RF generator and at the same time by the Coulomb forces begin to move and redistribute in one direction on both arms of the vibrator … When there is a change in the polarity of the voltage of the RF generator, the electrons also begin to move in an orderly fashion - redistributed in the opposite direction. And so they run in one direction or the other, as if the two arms of the dipole are one solid conductor.


The question is, what makes the electrons move along the arms of the dipole, which are not electrically closed conductors ?!

There is only one answer: every conductor has a linear electrostatic capacity, respectively, and the arms of a half-wave dipole also have a linear electrostatic capacitance. And this means that when the arms of a half-wave dipole are connected to a source of alternating high-frequency voltage (as shown in the figure), an alternating electrostatic current begins to run along their surface, which propagates in the form of a wave along the axis of the dipole in one direction or the other, similar to, as it happens in Tesla's and Hard's antennas. And since, ideally, the wave of surface electrostatic current should run along the surface of the dipole arms from one edge to the other for exactly as long as a quarter of the period of the RF generator voltage fluctuations, then a half-wave vibrator with arms, the length of which is exactly 1/4 of the wavelength,is considered to be an ideal transmitting antenna in terms of matching it with space.

So, having analyzed the principle of operation of a half-wave Hertz dipole, we saw that it is not an "electric" dipole, but a "capacitive dipole", like the "EH antenna" designed by T. Hard. In it, radio emission is also generated by the high-speed surface movement of electrons, which arises under the simultaneous influence of the electric voltage of the RF generator and the Coulomb forces, forcing free electrons with the same electric charges to keep from each other at the greatest possible distance.

Now let's look at where the creator of the "Electromagnetic Theory of Light" D. C. Maxwell got confused.

On the one hand, developing his Electromagnetic Theory of Light, D. C. Maxwell made logically unfounded assumptions that “any change in the magnetic field generates a vortex electric field in the surrounding space, the lines of force of which are closed, and the time-varying electric field generates vortex magnetic field in space”. He called this process, continuing in time and in space, an "electromagnetic field", capable, according to his calculations, to move in space at the speed of light. On this basis, he concluded that light is electromagnetic oscillations.

On the other hand, when the question arose of how to explain with the help of this theory the fact established in science that visible light has spatial polarization, Muswell, resorting to higher mathematics, derived a number of equations and accompanied them with an interesting commentary:

“Other equations will give the same speed, so the wave will travel in any direction at the speed of light. This wave consists entirely of magnetic perturbations, and the direction of magnetization is in the plane of the wave. No magnetic perturbation, the direction of magnetization of which is not in the plane of the wave, can generally propagate as a plane wave. Hence, magnetic disturbances … converge with light in the sense that disturbances at any point are transverse to the direction of propagation and such waves can have all the properties of polarized light. " (G. M. Golin and S. R. Filonovich. "Classics of Physical Science", Moscow, "Higher School", 1989, pp. 487-488. Work of DK Maxwell "Dynamic Theory of Electromagnetic Field", Part VI, "Electromagnetic theory of light", p. 96. Translated from English by Z. A. Zeitlin).

It is surprising, but here we see that explaining the phenomenon of light polarization, the author of the theory of the "electromagnetic field" in this case departed from his own theory of the "electromagnetic field" and made the assumption that "this wave consists entirely of magnetic disturbances" !!!

Elsewhere in his theory, DC Maxwell wrote: “The equations of the electromagnetic field, derived from purely experimental facts, show that only transverse oscillations can propagate. If we go beyond our experimental knowledge and assume a certain density of a substance that we could call an electric liquid, and choose glass or resin electricity as representatives of this liquid, then we could have longitudinal vibrations propagating at a speed depending on this density. However, we do not have any data related to the density of electricity, and we do not even know whether to consider glass electricity as a substance or an absence of a substance … "(G. M. Golin and S. R. Filonovich." Classics of Physical Science ", Moscow, "Higher school", 1989, pp. 488-489. Labor of D. K. Maxwell "Dynamic theory of the electromagnetic field", part VI, "Electromagnetic theory of light", p. 96. Translated from English by Z. A. Zeitlin).

The last quoted words of Maxwell explain that imagining a wave of light consisting "entirely of magnetic disturbances", this scientist made another logically unjustified assumption that the world environment in which these flat "magnetic disturbances" propagate is some kind of electrical substance with the properties of a liquid.

When I visualized what D. C. Maxwell explained in his theory, I got this picture:


The question immediately arose: where is the electric field in this moving wave of light, consisting "entirely of magnetic disturbances" ?!

Where is this field marked in red on the bottom chart ?!


Answer: it turns out that Maxwell imagined the electric field as a unique property of the environment itself, in which the propagation of "completely magnetic disturbances" occurs!

And this radically changes our attitude to the views of modern physics on the "electromagnetic field" being introduced into the mass consciousness!

At first, Maxwell was honestly mistaken about the fact that "any change in the magnetic field generates a VORTEX electric field in the surrounding space, the lines of force of which are closed, and the time-varying electric field generates a VORTEX magnetic field in the surrounding space." Moreover, it is already clear that by the words "surrounding space" Maxwell meant not emptiness, the so-called "physical vacuum", but the world ether, a substance that, as he said, "we could call an electric liquid." And then he suddenly decided to renounce his own views on vortex fields as part of a single "electromagnetic field" and declared that "only transverse oscillations can propagate!"

Phenomenal! Maxwell subsequently replaced the circular (vortex) motion of the fields with transverse oscillations in his theory, and his followers did not seem to notice this !!!

And we, - explained Maxwell, - with the help of electricity can create only "plane magnetic disturbances", which "converge with light in the sense that disturbances at any point are transverse to the direction of propagation and such waves can have all the properties of polarized light."

And when these "flat transverse perturbations" spread in the world substance with the properties of an electric fluid, then due to the transverse stresses of the magnetic field moving in space with the speed of light, other alternating transverse stresses in the form of an electric field arise in it!

Here it turns out how!

It turns out that in Maxwell's "electromagnetic field" theory, light and radio waves are still vibrations of non-empty space, which, when it experiences transverse deformations in one plane (with the ordered motion of electrons), we have a "magnetic field", and when the deformations have place in another plane of space, we have an "electric field".

It remains now to understand how an "electromagnetic wave" consisting of Maxwellian "transverse vibrations" can move forward, while something vibrates in two planes mutually perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation ?! Yes, even in phase! Moreover, simultaneously passing through zero points! Incredible!

Let's look at the picture of the electromagnetic wave again!


It turns out that neither Maxwell's theory of the "electromagnetic field" nor the modern theory of the electromagnetic field, set forth in the textbooks of "modern physics", can completely explain the phenomenon of how a wave moves progressively, and even with light speed, oscillating exclusively in two mutually perpendicular directions of propagation planes ?!

Nobody even wants to explain this! They just accepted it as a dogma: well, radio waves really move at the speed of light !!! This has been proven experimentally!

Yes, they are moving! And if the existing theory cannot explain the reason for this movement, then it means that the theory itself contains some kind of logical error! That's all!

They are trying to object to me, they say, you forgot about Maxwell's "displacement current"! I answer: I have not forgotten! This is another "assumption" of Maxwell! He transferred the idea of electrization of dielectrics to ether, i.e. he imagined that this ether is also a dielectric! Therefore, he invented in it "displacement currents", which are observed in dielectrics! But follow the thought of this great dreamer! He then wrote about "elastic displacements" in the ether, and where then were those "displacement currents" left ?!

Here's what Maxwell wrote in his Electromagnetic Theory of Light:

“If we go beyond our experimental knowledge and assume a certain density of a substance, which we could call an electric liquid, and choose glass or resin electricity as representatives of this liquid, then we could have LONGITUDINAL VIBRATIONS propagating at a speed depending on this density.

And later he wrote: “Professor W. Thomson proved that this medium should have a density comparable to the density of ordinary matter, and even determined the lower limit of this density. Therefore, we can, as a given, derived from a branch of science, independent of the one with which we are dealing, accept the existence of a penetrating medium, which has a small but real density and the ability to be set in motion and transfer movements from one part to another with a large, but not infinite speed. Consequently, the parts of this environment should be so connected that the movement of one part in some way depends on the movement of the other parts, and at the same time, these connections should be capable of a certain kind of ELASTIC DISPLACEMENT, since the message of movement is not instantaneous, but takes time …Therefore, this environment has the ability to receive and store two types of energy, namely: “actual” energy, which depends on the movement of its parts, and “potential” energy, which is the work that the environment will perform due to its elasticity, returning to its original state, after displacement that she experienced … "(GM Golin and SR Filonovich." Classics of physical science ", Moscow," Higher school ", 1989, pp. 479-480. Work of DK Maxwell" Dynamic theory electromagnetic field”, part I. Translated from English by ZA Tseitlin)."Classics of Physical Science", Moscow, "Higher School", 1989, p. 479-480. The work of D. K. Maxwell "Dynamic Theory of Electromagnetic Field", Part I. Translated from English by Z. A. Zeitlin)."Classics of Physical Science", Moscow, "Higher School", 1989, p. 479-480. The work of D. K. Maxwell "Dynamic Theory of Electromagnetic Field", Part I. Translated from English by Z. A. Zeitlin).

Here's what I have to say about this. Then many scientists were carried away by searching for an explanation of the established fact that light has spatial polarization, discovered in optics in 1808 by the French military engineer Etienne Malus. And no one, for some reason, wanted to think that light, like sound, is elastic vibrations of media, only the media in which these phenomena propagate are qualitatively different! That is why polarization is not inherent in sound waves, while polarization is inherent in light and radio waves.

Today, when elementary electric charges - electrons, have already been discovered, and particles of light - photons, have already been discovered, and scientists already know that rotation, called spin (from the English spin, literally - rotation, rotate (-with)), we have every reason to believe that the rotation of electrons and light particles is the cause of polarization of both light and radio waves.


I will note that back in 1627, René Descartes, the great French scientist of the Middle Ages, who was able to explain the phenomenon of the rainbow with the help of the law of refraction of light he had deduced, expressed this idea. “The nature of color lies only in the fact that particles of subtle matter, transmitting the action of light, tend to rotate with greater force than to move in a straight line; thus, those that rotate with much more force give red, and those that rotate only slightly stronger give yellow … "(Rene Descartes. Meteora, chapter VIII, p. 333-334. Quoted from the book by Mario Llozzi "HISTORY OF PHYSICS", publishing house "MIR", Moscow, 1970, p. 117).


Well, there was a great hint to build the "Electromagnetic Theory of Light" on the idea of the rotation of particles of the medium in which light propagates, and not on some ridiculous "transverse oscillations" that in no way explain the movement of the "electromagnetic wave" forward, and even at the speed of light!

Why not imagine today that a "transverse" radio wave actually looks like this?


I am sure that if official science uses all the available ideas about the quantum properties of light to explain the nature of radio waves, then it will immediately become clear to everyone that radio waves have only an apparent transverseness, but in fact they are longitudinal and at the same time have polarization (due to the rotation of particles that the most omnipresent "special form of matter", which, as is commonly believed, forms electric and magnetic fields)!

October 19, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin


Go ahead: a picture with in-phase fields simultaneously crossing zero is really widespread, but illiterate. It contradicts the very statement that an alternating magnetic field generates an electric one, and vice versa.

Anton Blagin: I found the answer, where did this widespread picture of cross-fields: magnetic and electric! This happens in the body of the receiving antenna! But only!

Here is an image that visualizes Maxwell's account of creating "all-magnetic disturbances" in his "electromagnetic field."


Even if everything were so, look at the graph of the change in the strength of the magnetic or electric fields in the receiving Hertz resonator.

Such a graph, similar to the wings of two butterflies, can be obtained, for example, on a dual-beam oscilloscope with magnetic and electric field sensors connected to a receiving antenna.

Wanderer: a sensible analytical article, but there are, however, some comments:

1) The author puts too much pressure on the textual analysis of Maxwell's works; at the same time, it is obvious that Maxwell's theory is Maxwell's equations; with regard to his texts, the generally accepted opinion is that they are extremely confused and inconsistent in presentation; the criterion of the ancients: “who thinks clearly - he clearly expresses!” - this is not about Maxwell; texts about various models of what he discovered at the tip of the pen (and he took them from various fields: Faraday lines of force, the theory of electric long-range action, hydrodynamics and hydrostatics, the theory of elasticity) are the fruits of the work of a pronounced geometric mind.

2) At the end of the article, a certain hypothesis about the nature of radio waves is expressed: "… radio waves have only an apparent transverse, but in fact they are longitudinal and at the same time have polarization …".

The fact is that the polarization of radio waves is a fact that Heinrich Hertz himself found and recorded in his famous experiments, conducted by him in 1885-1889, in Karlsruhe.

On the whole, the author's hypothesis is interesting, and considerations about a certain special role of surface electrons in the formation of electromagnetic waves are at the level.

An illustrative example of the fact that a thorough study of the history of physics can be very helpful in generating new ideas. By the way, this is not only about physics!

Anton Blagin: thanks for the review! On point 2. Perhaps, I have not clearly formed my thought. Radio waves have polarization, there is no doubt about this, only Maxwell and many other physicists saw it in the "transverse vibrations" of something, but I see that the polarization of radio waves and light is formed by rotating "photons" whose axes of rotation (or "spins", scientifically) during the formation of the waves are oriented in space in the same way.

Author: Anton Blagin
