Merciless Disease - Alternative View

Merciless Disease - Alternative View
Merciless Disease - Alternative View

Video: Merciless Disease - Alternative View

Video: Merciless Disease - Alternative View
Video: merciless - di remedy (hit the road jack riddim) 2024, September

Since ancient times, mankind has been looking for an answer to the question "What is love?" We do not know how it originates, why it passes, gives us happiness and breaks our hearts. We are trying to control this feeling, but is it possible? Irritability, anxiety, loss of interest in a loved one and an inexplicable attraction to a stranger - you have been bewitched. A person experiences a longing of love and at the same time a very strong sexual desire for the person to whom they are bewitched. Moreover, the desire is so strong that it completely distracts a person from all things in life. Do you think this is superstition? Experts say - love spells really work and this is not mysticism.

Love magic is a separate and perhaps the most popular direction in the occult. One of the manuscripts from the reign of Tsar Mikhail Romanov has survived to this day. This document contains a detailed recipe for a powerful love potion. It was cooked with special spells from the hair of a girl and her love-spell of the chosen one, fish scales and oak bark. It was believed that if this drink is invisibly brought to someone you want to bewitch, he will fall in love without memory.


But experts warn that any impact on the human energy field does not pass without a trace. People who have been bewitched can become seriously ill and even die. This can affect his later life and even the offspring. Is it possible to call the feelings of a bewitched person real love, and what actually causes it? The world's greatest minds are struggling to answer this question. And the latest discoveries of scientists prove that love is not just the greatest secret, but also the most merciless disease of mankind.

F63.9 - under this name, love is included in the register of diseases of the World Health Organization. Obsessive thoughts, depression, depression and unexpected euphoria are symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis and falling in love. For the sake of the object of adoration, people are ready to commit any crime and even murder. Scientists have proven that love really drives you crazy, and undivided love literally breaks your heart. Heart attacks, ischemia - these are the consequences of already developed stress. Stress can hit any organ - the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, spine, and others.


But for those who are happy in love, even the chemical composition of the blood changes, a factor appears that promotes the growth of nerve cells, improves immunity. People in love get sick less, a person is cleared of everything negative, his energy changes and even the past changes a little. And it turns out that Cupid's arrows do exist. Psychologists at Yale University found out that love is contagious and transmitted like a virus. If a couple in love appears in some collective, then stormy romances will soon begin among the employees. This is a real epidemic and this "infection" is transmitted by special fluids.

Scientifically speaking, a fluid is some kind of energy that every person emits. This is a powerful release of energy from the solar plexus and heart, which is transmitted to another person. Love doesn't just change behavior, it is highly addictive. Loss of sleep, indifference to everything, distraction, memory impairment, inadequate response to criticism are symptoms of a drug addict deprived of the potion. The unhappy lovers experience the same, and this is no coincidence.

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American scientists from the University of Syracuse have proved that the euphoria of falling in love acts like feeling-love cocaine and causes the same addiction. Each meeting with an object of adoration is a dose that excites the same areas in the brain as drugs. But who hooked us on this strange drug and, most importantly, why? Humanity has been looking for the answer to this question for millennia.

Meanwhile, the ancient Egyptians considered love as a disease, and the Greeks called it "the fury of the gods." The founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates, argued that hot love literally dries up, it evaporates a person's vital fluids and this can lead to death. The ancient Sumerians, one of the most mysterious civilizations of the past, were looking for a cure for a love affliction. If a person became dependent on his feelings, he turned to a doctor and he was treated.


But what exactly happens in the human body, which was struck by this mysterious disease? Experts say that the brain of a person infected with love emits special signals of love at the sight and even mention of an object of adoration. The experiments carried out, which consisted in scanning the brain using specialized equipment, showed that when the name of the second half of a person in love was pronounced, changes in the form of the activity of the process in the brain due to the excitation of neurons were visible in his subcortical nuclei.

This area of the brain is responsible for our body's basic needs, such as food, water, oxygen and protection from extreme temperatures. If we ignore at least one of them, we die. It turns out that we really need love like air. At the same time, falling in love suppresses the centers in the brain responsible for negative emotions and criticism, which means that it is really blind.