Conversation With The Higher Mind: What Is A Person? - Alternative View

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Conversation With The Higher Mind: What Is A Person? - Alternative View
Conversation With The Higher Mind: What Is A Person? - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With The Higher Mind: What Is A Person? - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With The Higher Mind: What Is A Person? - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, October

Where to start a conversation? Let's start with a simple question, what is a person?

what is man?


Man is the totality of what is given by the Highest Reason and acquired by personal labor. A person as a person owes much to himself, to his own desire for development, willpower, hard work, the desire to learn more available, to the growth of spirituality and morality. In comparison with other earthly creatures, man has the right to choose in his actions. Therefore, a person cannot be called a puppet that can be controlled. To a greater extent, a person himself determines the paths of his earthly development.

Man is an entity, supposedly kind and diverse. He, like a sponge, absorbs everything positive and negative and filters, leaving for himself what is closer to his soul. All this adds up to a stock of knowledge, goes into memory and forms the circle of his interests. Man is the highest being among earthly creatures and he is in great responsibility before God for his attitude to everything that was given to him for use and for the good for prosperity and spiritual growth.

Man is a developing entity that is still at a low level of development, but considers itself the crown of nature. The best commandment addressed to a person should be the words: "Do so that you like yourself, treat people the way you would like to be treated you." This should be laid in the human soul like the first brick.

If a person does good in the hope that it will be reckoned to him, does not kill because of fear of punishment, then this will not be reckoned to him as good, because in some cases the thought can even be considered murder.

Love each other, help each other. Enlightenment of the soul goes through help and love. The proof of this is the fact that it is pleasant for everyone to help. And do not be ashamed of doing good. Unfortunately, this was not an indicator of a person's soulfulness, but a sign of his saliva. The last thing a person should think about is that he is raising a soul. He should do this not specifically for beauty, like an indoor flower, but out of a natural desire to do good.

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How long can a person live? How to live? What should we live for?


A person can live as long as the Higher Reason gives to each individually. It was conceived by a man who has lived for 300 years. Humanity to live until the completion of cultivation. One must live generously, gain soul riches and bestow them on others. Every day should be a holiday. On: "How to live?" everyone answers himself, since everyone has different values. According to the answer, the state of its development is assessed and in accordance with this, it is selected for further evolution.

What does a person need?


Each person needs it according to his needs: some need a lot, some will not. And people's needs are different. It all depends on the spiritual development of a person and his mind. Not all wealth is measured by material goods. But how to measure spiritual wealth, and is it there? This can only be answered by the person with whom they shared, without asking for return, shelter, clothing, food, knowledge.

A person needs shelter, food, favorite work, love of others. It is good if a person's entire life will be accompanied by an unquenchable heart and love. A person needs confidence in the importance, necessity of his work. He needs to be happy, then he will overcome all difficulties.

Happiness is in a person's character, in his state of mind, in his faith in victory. All difficulties are temporary, there is nothing permanent, everything will pass and there will be pride in the honestly lived days or even years of deep crisis. The main thing is not to bow to the waist, not to become limp and not to look for the culprit in your sorrows. It's even worse to look for someone to whom you can shift your troubles onto your shoulders. Such people are called friends or loved ones: "Oh, friend, carry my burden, and I will be an outside observer of your mental anguish and experiences." Of course, it is good that the world has not become scarce with people who always come to the rescue, but is this a good thing in essence? Do both sides need it? The first side is to plant their own cross as a personal test on another person, and to the other to carry other people's crosses all their lives.

What are the main values of a person?


The person himself chooses where to go. Someone to the store, someone to the museum. There is no need to push a person in the back and say: “Come and see”, although sometimes it would be useful. But there was an agreement that a man is his own master, and not a puppet. Therefore, choose where the soul pulls, and this will be the best answer to yourself about the well-being of the soul or its moral decline. Much depends on the correct understanding of why you are on Earth, on the choice of a path that increases your level of development. Remember that everyone, in the Responsibility for what he is like, will return his soul to the Creator.

What is human destiny?


This is the work that a person must do during his life. All other forms, from molecules to animals, live according to the same program. This inherent program determines the life span of a person and the possible path of his development for the accumulation of information by him, for raising his soul to a higher level. This program sometimes does not run at all. The day and hour of death of any entity is not defined. The meaning of its existence depends on what role it plays in the environment and depends on the degree of risk, rationality, spirituality, and the like, on the need for its presence at a given time in a given place. If there is no sense in its existence for the accumulation of the necessary new knowledge, forms and so on, then it is destroyed.

In the fate of a person, two principles have a leading role: internal potential and a powerful external force. Internal potential implies a choice. An external force is a theater of life, scenes from which everyone has to live. Life, its circumstances, accidents that, generally speaking, do not exist, confronts a person, how do you get out of the created situation? Then the person himself decides the problems of life. In general, in this and: is it worth living to solve problems every day, is life itself worth this burden? Depending on how a person gets out of these situations, morally defective, depressed or renewed due to emotional experiences, the fate of a person depends - the lace that he weaves himself.

What is the way forward?


One of the foundations of humanity's path forward is abundance and the joy of being. The “way forward” is teaching and light. More is rewarded to the one who does not take, but gives. Happy on the way is he who learns. He is ascended who teaches without leaving the secrets of life only for himself. The “way forward” is the way where you go. The path from Earth to Eternal Being. Man was created and exists on planet Earth at a low protein level, passing or not passing on to a high spiritual plane according to his merits. And, naturally, everything in the environment of a person is made in such a way as to lead him into temptation, into temptation, to create all kinds of tests in order to clearly determine the level of spiritual growth. Everything revolves and, ultimately, closes in on a person. Grow and try, prosper and hello. It all depends on him.

A newborn, just created entity, appears on the Earth at the lower level. It does not mean at all that this level is close to the bestial. It's just that for this soul everything is new, everything is unknown. For this reason, a person is prone to spiritual breakdowns, hesitations. Often he is torn apart by conflicting desires. A person with unsettled views or an upset psyche suffers, looking for himself, and fights with himself. Such people are frequent visitors to mental clinics. However, these are people who are searching, inquisitive, which also should not be discounted. They are curious and corrosive, ambitious and resourceful.

One should not think that after death the soul of a person passes to the next round of testing, as in school from class to class. And one should not think that you want it or not, but the soul will descend to Earth a predetermined number of times. Reincarnation was invented by the same people. The soul will descend to full compliance with the possibility of working at a zero level, that is, an incorporeal one. There are cases of jumping over the level and raising immediately to zero. It all depends on work, self-education and Responsibility, the desire to give more than take. In short, it all depends on the assessment of the life lived. If you explain this to children, then you need to say this:

“Living life is like going through a large forest with different dangers. Everything is on the road: both sweet berries under your feet and wild honey that you can take. But the berry is also poisonous, and the honey is protected. Manage - survive. There is a day, there is a night, there are all seasons, there is cold and heat, a swamp, a blizzard. Adjust and adapt. Life is such that look around and be cunning like a fox, careful like a hare, thrifty like a squirrel. But what can I say, be attentive to your surroundings and you will be ready for life. Then you will go through and survive. This will be your pure test. If you get bogged down in a swamp, you lose. In life, this corresponds to the fact that you gave up your positions, changed yourself, did not stop yourself at some crucial moment in life.

And life turned around and went the other way along another unplanned path, or ended altogether. Another will begin, and then another. And so on until you cross this step of the test and do not find it necessary to lead you further."

It is not only one soul that belongs to an individual who is tested. It is also the work of a spiritual father who leads the soul along the earth and is responsible for its spiritual growth. It often happens like this: what is the witch or the teacher - so is the follower. Mutual connection, attention and love do great things. During a person's life, witches can change. The higher the spiritual level of a person, the more pleasant it is for them. This is also taken into account from above and is already taken into account by him. People are passed from witch to witch tenderly and tenderly, like rose petals. If the soul grows, an experienced and noble confessor is also needed. It is a great joy for both the transmitter and the receiver.

Upon the return of the soul to the zero level, honor and praise are distributed to both of them equally, and the great merit is shared among all: after all, this is growth and leading.

What does the ability to be master of oneself mean?


Not only a master to himself, but also a judge and an executioner. As they say, there is no judgment more just than God. This is true, but the Highest Reason loves a person more than a person loves himself (if we talk about a decent person, or at least with rudiments or remnants of conscience). So, if a person judges himself by a righteous court, according to his conscience, feeling incredible shame for his deeds and misdeeds, sins are forgiven him during his lifetime. For there is no such deed-sin, which would not be forgiven by a person with his repentance. A person who cannot find an excuse for his sin, rushing about, but who for a number of reasons, often due to education in unbelief, cannot come to the Highest Reason, becomes his own executioner.

It is a great sin when a person puts his hands on his body, but people, not knowing this, release their tortured souls by such an offense. Others engage in self-criticism until the end of their days. Their conscience torments them and, in the end, drives them to the grave. This is a terrible, but still a better end than suicide.

What can a person do?


A person can do a lot. The main thing for him is to overcome the fear of death, and that death does not exist, it is necessary to explain to a person both in youth and in old age. Fear is not visible, but almost everyone has it. There is a duty to the soul - not to defile it with the past years, but to raise it to the highest level. A person takes a soul for rent, and he is responsible for it before its past and future owners. Any person is capable of freedom, freedom of thought and action. A person can throw off any fetters, belong to himself, and everything will be up to him. Many sages were single and childless, despite the fact that these are the sweetest fetters that are hard to throw off. Many people are held by the fetters of fear - this is the most difficult thing that the Supreme Reason of man has awarded. But for many people, peace of mind is simply harmful.

What mission does the Highest Reason assign to a person?


The positive flow of energy for the structure of the Universe is greater than it receives now, much more. Improving personal potential. Whatever it was, but there is no repetition of man in the Universe as a biological entity. So, if we call a person simply “an experienced structure,” this is true and interesting. In general, a person is interesting for the liveliness and unpredictability of the mind. It seems that it is necessary to do so, but he spite others, and, first of all, himself, does otherwise. If not for envy and greed, a person would be good. These are his main vices.

What is the role of humanity in the development of the Universe?


Humanity itself does not play a major role in this, even to a lesser extent. And what dominant role can humanity play now? And not this role was assigned to him by the Creator initially. Jokingly, He miscalculated. But you also chose the wrong path. Okay, with the planet, with the threat of pollution. The earth will cope here, self-cleaning. It will shake a couple of times significantly, water will replace land, land - water, and a new rebirth will begin. But Space, or rather, near-earth space is a pity seriously. It is already very clogged with natural waste of mankind and even more so with sound signals - your conversations. This is not the way people should communicate.

Sound signals are a vestige left over from the animal state. Of course, it's high time for you to communicate mentally. Until this happens, there will be no new civilization. When the thought is readable by everyone, there will be no deceit and lies. That will be your biblical paradise.

The role of humanity should be reduced to the development and return of positive energy. So far it has been working out, although not very much, but the process is still going on. The Earth is alive, it is alive and thinking - the planet itself is clever, gifted, rich, but hunted by humanity. She will get tired of people and of the holes that have been done in her, and she will wash you all with water.

What is the reason for human imperfection?


First of all, in the imperfection of his thinking. The mother should begin to educate a new person from early childhood. A child born in love should be brought up in severity and self-knowledge. If the child's labor is subsequently added to the mother's work, then the grandchildren of this person will rightfully be called perfect. In such a person, everything should be beautiful, his spiritual perfections are combined with physical ones. But, as you can imagine, this is a myth, a dream. There are so many flaws in a person, there are so many temptations and trials on his way that it is almost impossible to achieve perfection. If this were not so, then there would be no need for rebirth. In short, human suffering is planned, but it can only be reduced through personal labor.

What should we do now? What do you need to tell people?


Everyone must work on their character every minute. It is clear what is good and what is bad. Let there be a small victory over yourself, but there will be. Not all at once. But if everyone overcomes a small flaw in themselves, in total there will be a big movement forward in the spiritual direction. Not a way out to go to a monastery from the temptations of the world, spiritual growth in resisting these temptations and passions. Growth is possible only where there is temptation. It's like an antidote and a poison.

What is the meaning of the life of all mankind and each individual individually?


In the general picture of the structure of the world, there is a single well-oiled hierarchical structure of control and impact from simple to complex. It has already been said that the information fields of the planets depend on the amount of information and energy of the individuals inhabiting them, that is, each planet has its own density of the noosphere, determined by their level of thinking, development, management, and the like. On Earth, such individuals are people with a special structure and physiology, which allow any of them not only to develop inherent natural abilities, but also to control their own brain and the frequency of information passing through it, and sometimes unconsciously penetrate information fields.

Now let's move on to the question of the meaning of human life


The main meaning of the life of mankind and the individual should be the constant improvement of himself, his abilities and his thinking, the achievement of high levels of spiritual and mental development. Moreover, all this should take place in harmony with the ideas about everyday values and objects. Everyone should work independently to achieve high results, understand and comprehend the science of the creation of the world, of the soul; define for yourself your role in overall development.

The meaning and purpose of life is the development of consciousness to cosmic heights in order to be accepted into the union of the Spiritual Forces of the Cosmos.

What exactly is the meaning of human life?


The meaning of life is in life itself. The fact is that a person lives in order to make mistakes, correct, create, leave behind spiritual and material values, children, develop and move the human race. A person is a grain of sand of a large mountain - a society that in words cares about its generally healthy continuation, but in fact, everyone only cares about themselves and their offspring. This is fundamentally wrong. People should understand that they are really spiritual brothers and sisters in life. Caring for others is the growth of the spirituality of all mankind. Therefore, the meaning of life is precisely in the happiness of the life given to you, in the possibility of its repetition, reappraisal, rethinking. Live, live and live, develop spiritually and increase the level of knowledge, life experience. Thoughts, memory do not burn out. They are actually safer than in the safe. Well, the rest has already been written - the soul,development and so on.

How is meaning different from the purpose of existence?


The meaning of existence lies in the foreseen birth of someone or something for the implementation of a certain personal program by them in the period between inception and the physical end. The goal of existence is set only by man. His existence is a consistent overcoming of a chain of barriers-goals on his life path. Not all people set worthy goals for themselves, but the majority have such small ones as the struggle for titles, posts, money and the like.

What should be the behavior and results of human activity?


A person's behavior depends on his moral standards. People differ in their views on life. For better or worse, there are both good and evil. Leading a person along the right path in life is a delicate and responsible business. But a person does not always listen to good advice, and then he suffers and says: "God punished." The Higher Reason does not punish anyone. He doesn't need it. The person punishes himself. A person should choose his field of activity in accordance with his hobby.

What is personality?


You cannot call any person a personality, even if he calls himself so. Personality or not is determined by people who are also not always fair in their assessments. Individuals are now called those who have power, money, bright extravagant appearance, long tongue, confident tone, insolent pressure. In fact, a person is a person of deep mind, good education, well-established firm views, honest rules, and a pure soul. A person who defends his views without fear, expresses his judgments always and in front of everyone in the same way, without bending his soul.

A person can be called a person who has formed his own views on things, who is of great interest for communicating with him, who has a culture of understanding other people, respect for their point of view and views, erudite, defending his opinion, but also able to admit his mistake. The personality is usually the leader. Society should be interested in educating individuals, not just the masses. The main personality traits are spirituality, peacefulness, eloquence, patriotism and other virtues. The moral foundations of behavior and relationships should be laid in every person from birth.

What is the cause of disease and the secret of longevity?


There are several reasons. There are diseases acquired by one's own "labor" and "care" for the body, and there are diseases as tests with which a person is prescribed to go through life, or for other reasons. Acquired diseases come from a person's unreasonable attitude to his body, as to property, as to clothing that can be replaced if it has grown old.

It should be repeated: "Everything is bad, which is a lot or a little."

Caring for your body increases healthy years of life. Longevity depends on the joy of life, the presence of a useful and favorite work. You need to try to live by the impressions of the child: do not get tired of rejoicing, sincerely rejoice every morning, the sun as if it is the first time, be amazed, see something new, look for adventure. Do not force yourself to buy in old age what was given to you in your youth. This is, first of all, health. Remember the three hundred years of life that the Higher Mind gave you from birth.

The secret of longevity is in the love of life.

What is the human brain - a biological antenna, a repeater?


The human brain is a catcher of various vibrations. A person perceives these vibrations with his brain, and uses the information received for further comprehension, in the interests of developing himself and society. Full, good, exhaustive information goes to a seeker who is tormented in search of the Answer to any one. In this state, the human brain is rebuilt and itself makes many requests to us. Oscillations convey this request, and after a certain period of time the Answer leaves. It is perceived by people as an inspiration. It is possible to establish a two-way connection between man and the Cosmos, but it must be earned in torment. Only the seeking minds are attuned, and the ordinary person is satisfied with what is.

Is a person a biorobot?


No matter how offensive it may sound to you, a human is a kind of biorobot. If you take a soul away from a person, then the person dies. And if, say, you do not fully invest it? There are people who are mentally ill. This is nothing but a departure from the norm. But a person can be, and vice versa, mentally rich, which in principle is the norm.

The soul is not a visible organ, but without it there is no life in the body. A person can live in one of three states, determined by the difference in the investment of the size of the soul. The soul is the center of the energy system of life, which works according to a certain pattern. The body is just a working biomass. It can be seen from this that how perfect the soul is, so is the body, in which further perfection of the soul takes place. As in technology, equipment is being improved over time, so the soul is being improved from embodiment to embodiment. In any system, there is rejection, it is necessary.

In nature, this is laid down, probably, to compare the development of generations. Well, in addition, the brain needs improvement, since its functions tend to atrophy and become unbalanced.

What are human on and off points? Are there "buttons for life and death" for a person?


For these questions, you need to contact the doctors. The points of life and death in every person are one. Impact on them leads to recovery or death. The farthest in this direction have advanced in Tibet. There, a person was studied as a whole, as a system, and the influence of different points of the body on the whole organism was determined. Treatment of only one diseased organ in isolation from the whole body is wrong. The life and death button is the soul, the energy center of life. The soul can be warmed up, massaged, killed. The soul can suffer. The human soul can be controlled. She is the most vulnerable organ.

How does the human brain work?


The brain is a trap that a person uses at his own discretion. If there is a desire, then everyone can "include" such an intelligent advisor and friend. Outwardly, it is not visible that the brain is a transmitter of information. The advice comes from within. This is what people call their second “I” or instant unconscious decision, that is, intuition. The brain is multifunctional. It accepts, stores, scrolls and erases information. Sounds, smells, feelings, touch - everything is locked in the brain.

Where does the body governing?


In the unconscious. A person, even a mentally ill person, has the ability to move without the word "must" or "makes sense." The body is controlled from the average "general" consciousness.

How do we perceive music and color?


You distinguish only clear tones, not distinguishing between soft midtones and other small, in your opinion, shades. But everything is about music and color. In this sense, the rainbow is a gift! There are basic - seven tones of color. They can be varied. There are also seven sound tones, and the sound scale is inexhaustible. How much beautiful music is and will be, but a lot of nonsense. Look for the same in color. Combine sounds and colors. They have a deep meaning. You can write music in color, and it will affect the human brain in the same way as ordinary music, but it will be difficult to perceive. Here you need to look for compromises.

Any picture can be translated into music, which no one has tried. A bad picture, not drawn through the soul, will be a messy cacophony. The connection here is the most direct: both affect one hemisphere of the human brain and affect the same areas. These zones in an insane person need to be treated not with pills, but with music and colors. All parts and cells of the brain are divided into zones.

Each zone is clearly responsible for its purpose: one is for sleep, the other is for wakefulness, the third is for pain, for eating, and so on. Suppress one of them and you won't sleep. And you will live. As a normal person, however, not for long, if another unused zone does not take over this function. There are many unused areas in the brain. We can say that they are useless. Everything requires work, recharging: no work - there is a process of aging, wilting. If you precisely split the brain into cells, know exactly where what function is performed, then you can control a person like a machine. It will be possible to rule even entire nations.

Each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for its own functions. They work in a mirror image. The left side of the brain is responsible for the right side of the body and vice versa. The part of the brain that is responsible for the perception of color is located in the left hemisphere in the very middle, since here is the main area of perception. Nature hid her in depth, away from possible injuries. There is no person who, after any disaster or accident, has lost the ability to perceive color.

A person does not perceive everything in black and white. This is its difference. There is an insufficient perception of colors, it depends on the development of cells in each differently. But to lose the perception of color completely, this does not happen. In the front and lateral parts of the skull, parts of the brain are more prone to overload and injury.

The brain is designed in such a way that it protects its most important parts, because even the slightest concussion of the brain causes disruptions in the life process.

Suppose the brain was stretched out with a strip. The length of this strip in humans would not be very different. If the strip is divided into sections, and the sections, in turn, are divided into points, we will notice unused sections that correspond to functions that a person does not own or does not use. For instance:

1. Holding the breath for a long period of time. It is needed for swimming underwater, to turn off breathing during sleep, to save the work of the lungs for a longer period. Holding your breath with dust protection. This can be restored with careful training to protect against chemical attack.

2. Zone of cut-off of cold, heat and other thermal differences. It is needed for human survival in extreme conditions, for flying in a rarefied space with a low temperature, or if you had to live on another planet with a low temperature.

3. Zone of pain.

It is closer to a person. Sometimes it is restored by the method of suggestion or self-hypnosis. This zone is especially developed in children, or rather has not yet been lost. For the insane, this zone is disabled. They often have to hurt themselves, and bruises would torment their already sick soul. It is right and merciful. But this zone exists and it is necessary to influence the brain of a sick person for a long time in order to bring it into a vital state and connect the paralyzed point.

4. Zone of fear and its suppression.

This zone is needed to protect yourself from reckless actions in order to save from extinction. Much of humanity is associated with fear. Control in this area of the brain is called the self-preservation instinct. Suppression of fear is necessary, but this is done only by willpower in the moments of comprehending the need for such an act after assessing the danger, and after weighing all the pros and cons. The risk must be meaningful and not in vain. You can't bring your life in tribute to rash actions.

5. The zone responsible for the feeling of hunger.

When this zone is turned off, a person does not experience hunger. This may not last long. The stomach must be nourished. You cannot completely exclude food. Disconnection is necessary in extreme conditions. As proof, remember that mentally ill people eat differently. No matter how much food is given, the patient will be full. The feeling of hunger disappears with a small meal, as soon as the zone receives a signal about its acceptance.

6. Sense of color perception.

This zone has already been mentioned. It is one of the important and stored areas.

The following should be said about color. People should dress brightly, not boring. Clothes are what everyone can see. Color should accompany a person everywhere and have a beneficial effect on his psyche. People rarely look at pictures, do not notice nature. Nature faded into the background. She is not near a person, or rather, he lives outside of nature, in isolation from her. So it is necessary to make the colors perceived as a gift from above. It is necessary to build dwellings in the zone of forests and mountains, otherwise the perception of color will begin to degenerate.

7. Perception of light in general.

An area important for the brain and eyes. This refers to light radiation.

8. Perception of sound.

This also includes the point responsible for the perception of music. Sounds are heard by everyone. They perceive music depending on the activity or passivity of the work of this point. Connecting to this zone of music is a massage of this point. This can awaken hearing in a deaf person, if its deviations are not associated with physical or congenital injuries of the hearing aid itself.

The music can be composed, but so that it does not differ sharply in volume, speed and perception. Different music heals in different ways. There is music of nostalgic action. There is one that excites. Each melody already written reflects the inner state of the composer at the moment of its creation. It makes sense to write music on demand. The composer must, at the moment of creativity, fix his mood, feelings, thoughts, his state of mind. The music written in this mode will be the musical emblem of this day, the composer's report for the day he lived.

You can select music specifically for the treatment. On critical days, weeks and years and in general in a difficult situation, smooth melodic music is needed. Now, noise effects that rush from everywhere have a great influence on the psyche. They exacerbate the abnormal psyche of people. The music that is being written now, at its core, has a detrimental effect on the brain, causing arousal. It would be good to remove it altogether, it clogs the soul of people and youth in particular.

9. The area responsible for the reproduction of sound, voice, laughter.

Sound reproduction goes through this part of the brain. This part of the brain is self-developed, although this was not foreseen, since you can communicate using telepathy. But the ability to speak crossed it out as unnecessary. And the possibility of telepathy began to be lost. Whether this is right or not is very controversial. But you need to be able to do everything. Telepathy in humans is slightly developed and is expressed when communicating with animals. One should not think that animals understand human words. No, animals read thoughts in their eyes. It is important.

Deafness is treated in parallel and vice versa. If the mute does not have a physical trauma associated with the reproduction of sound, then it is treated in a comprehensive manner, since the zones of perception and reproduction of sound are nearby.

10. Next are the areas responsible for the functioning of the arms and legs.

These are control zones. If they die off, the muscles of the limbs weaken. It is necessary to carry out daily contactless massage of this area.

11. The zone responsible for the duration of the genus.

It works on the instinct level, but it is necessary.

12. The zone responsible for the nervous system in general.

Activity, passivity, excitement, overexcitation, stress of a person depend on the state of this zone. The states of the points of this zone at different moments of time, life, situations are different. The same point can behave unpredictably in different situations. Much depends on self-regulation and self-regulation of this part of the brain. In principle, this is possible, but training is needed for constant self-control.

13. The zone responsible for a person's feelings for a person, for the need for communication. This applies to everything around. Man cannot live in alienation from his own kind or from the animal world. Separate him from all this, and this area of the brain will definitely die off, and the result will lead to madness.

What is shame and truth?


Shame is akin to conscience. This is the lowest level of conscience. It may be short-lived, or it may last for life. Shame is a good indicator, it means that the soul is alive and there is a conscience. Shame gives you the opportunity to correct your flaws, unrighteous deeds. If he is, then the person sees and realizes that he has done wrong. And this is good. A person has been suffering for a long time, deciding whether the truth is always good, or is a sweet lie better? The truth is always better. It's another matter who and how presents this truth. Truth can be killed, but with the same words, only pronounced differently (voice, intonation, sympathy), smooth out, console. A person chooses how the truth should influence: execute or pardon.

What is the cumulative concept of duty and conscience?


Less and less the concept of "debt" is present among people. Duty and conscience. It seems like two words, but the combination is one. Debt is a concept that obliges. But he obliges not for fear, but for conscience. The word "duty" is always used with the words Motherland, parents, children, honor. This is not a pompous word, but the word of a well-mannered person. It should not be perceived in the sense of giving, for example, money. To defend the Motherland is a duty, but also an honor. To pay the last debt not for being watered, fed, made friends, loved, but at the call of the soul.

Conscience is a feeling that does not allow the soul to sleep, warns it against indifference. It is considered a terrible insult to the word "man without honor and conscience." They hurt the soul like a knife. God forbid, wait for such words, if you are not quite a stone idol yet.

With the word "duty" people went to war, and without conscience - to the cellar. People died with honor, and in the cellar they became rats. Each is rewarded according to his deeds. Fear the shameless person. He has cheating and profit in his eyes. The desire of many to get a sweet piece for themselves by any means, but to the detriment of a neighbor, cash in on their neighbor, look at the world through their fingers, clinging to prosperity with a net and holding it on a chain, will never be crowned with success. And the network will break, and the chain will fray.

What is human fear?


The main thing is fear for one's existence. Even people who know the laws of life and death, who believe in God and the immortality of the soul, are afraid of the unknown. Fear is inherent in animals, but not for "personal reasons", but for the sake of preserving the race. Fear prompts you to commit abominations towards other people. We must look for the key to overcoming fear, and it is in the belief that everything is fleeting, this moment will pass, only you cannot submit and betray. It is better to endure physical pain than lifelong spiritual pain. A person has the ability to escape physical pain. He is helped by the body itself, the hidden internal capabilities of his brain. Fear and conscience - they are close and separate. Fear gives rise to betrayal, conscience cuts without a knife.

There are many types of fear. For example, fear of death, of the unknown. In the human brain, like an impulse, the thought beats: what's next? This is perhaps the first reason for fear of death. But this fear is not the same for everyone. There are religions that instill in believers fearlessness before death, expecting it as cleansing from the sins of the body. But still there is animal fear here. There are people waiting for death as deliverance from torment. They are perhaps the least susceptible to fear, but still …

The fear of leaving the unknown is inherent in strong, spiritually hardened people. They tend to be meaningfully leaders of the family, community, church, etc. Their fear of death is associated with the abandonment of their relatives, loved ones, like-minded people, friends at work, especially if they do not see the leader behind them. They are guided by fear for the started and unfinished business.

Is aggressiveness encoded in a person, how does it arise?


In principle, it is coded, but as it is possible to decipher or break the code in a car, it is also possible to remove, remove aggressiveness from a human biological genetic cell. Moreover, this is due only to bodily existence. In the spiritual essence, aggression is not encoded. The impulse or, as you say, the release of adrenaline, that's not all. This is the interconnection of the impulse with the brain. After all, it is he who gives the order to the blood to produce adrenaline. The brain is the main storehouse of on and off. It is a safe of human capabilities.

How to reveal the abilities and capabilities of a person?


The human brain is not fully utilized. It is necessary to look for ways for a person to reveal his unspent resources and capabilities. Many of them manifest themselves in critical situations. Medicine has been struggling with this problem for a long time. But the results are still few. It all comes down to studying the structure of the brain, its quantity, weight, size, and so on. It seems that the discovery of human capabilities should be sought not in the structure of the brain, but in its mood. The human brain must be viewed as a receiver that must be tuned to a certain wave. A person's talent or mediocrity depends on the clarity of the brain settings. It is necessary to learn to control not the human brain itself, but to adjust it to the talent, which, of course, is inherent in every person, and you just need to wake him up.

What is genius?


This is a great hard work and a strong leader. Rather the second than the first, since there are a lot of assiduous people, but they are more performers, because without ideas there is no genius.

How to make a person brilliant?


Bring to the best level of communication. Improve memory. Personal desire to learn, hard work through personal interest. Love for their work, reduced almost to fanaticism. Philanthropy - what is done, everything is for the good of man. Heredity and talent. To a small extent, talent depends on heredity. Rather, a mediocre parent can have brilliant and talented children. The hereditary talent is rather the work of educated, intelligent, learned parents. The child, through communication with them and their environment, absorbs good taste, positive emotions, a train of thought. He is given an appropriate education, and the spiritual atmosphere in which he lives develops him. So in a talented family a person can grow up to whom they will transfer their knowledge, they can be good workers, performers,but they are unlikely to bring anything new to any industry. Hereditary good education is often called talent.

What's the formula for genius?


High disposition to interact with the highest hierarchical plane. The desire to work, to strictly follow all individually dictated recommendations, to be useful to humanity and grow spiritually. The diligence and perseverance inherent in genius are determined by the inner mood of the person himself. You cannot be useful and genius by force. The talent in each person is his own birth. In what the patron is clever and experienced, in that is talented and guided.

How can a person live freely?


Easy peasy. To fulfill your desires, inherent in nature and the thirst for knowledge. Not to be tied in life to one place and business. It is unacceptable. The main thing is that, living freely, not to annoy others, not to go beyond the framework of your imperfect laws. Living at ease does not mean doing nothing. A person has to do a lot. Only a free thinker, not constrained by the framework of politics and science, can come to completely new discoveries, and not trail in the general crowd.

Is the will of man free?


The main thing is freedom of choice. A person must be free in all his actions, then he is also talented. Do not contradict your conscience in anything, avoid lies. It is born in weak-willed people suffering from fear. The best of the best won't lie. Their duties include observation and self-struggle with laziness, parasitism. Everyone should take an oath, maybe naive, but true, which speaks of the inadmissibility of a deal with his conscience.

Freedom to express your thoughts, no matter how absurd they may seem. It is not easy for a strong, strong-willed person, because he can no longer live without interference in the lives of other people.

What are the secrets of human self-knowledge?


It starts from a very early age, with a consideration of the type of hands, feet, their appearance, the need for each part of the body. Adaptability to nature, the need for different things in order to use them for their interests are assessed. Thinking about the meaning of life in a younger human age does not exist until this one flashes through the head in connection with the fear of death. We can say that the earlier fear appears, the clearer is the perception of the surrounding world.

Parents should start a conversation early about the need for life, about the need to contribute to it. Children's feelings are heightened and it is better to know from childhood where the soul gravitates, where the path of life must go and in what work one can express oneself, bring a greater contribution to the common cause of humanity. However, self-knowledge does not take place only in childhood and adolescence. Within a person, the desire for self-knowledge, the desire for self-improvement exists throughout his life, despite the hardships of daily life. Life, for the most part, is joyful if you use it skillfully and, following your desires, do not harm the environment.

The process of cognition of nature is currently associated with state laws that restrict the ability to move around the house-planet in comparison with previous centuries, and the systems of movement do not contribute to merging with nature, and therefore learning life from it. But man is part of nature. Take care of all nature. Everything that is created by the Higher Intelligence deserves respect and respect.

What is self-realization?


This is the inner desire of a person to realize all his capabilities inherent in nature. The more a person works on his capabilities, bringing them to life, the more he is rewarded for his labors and restlessness, the more powerful the essence leads him through life. If a person is inactive and tired of himself, moves away from his thoughts and deeds, then little help is given to him from above, since he becomes uninteresting.

Is it true that each person is originally intended for something specific?


I guess, yes. But, however, with your work and perseverance, you can achieve greater results. And, if a person by his labor attracts the sage to himself, then he with great pleasure transfers him from hand to hand to a higher leader. There is, as it were, the transfer of the student to the teacher-mentor from the junior class to the senior. Such an exception is the best gift, both to the person himself and to us.

Who are the Himalayan Teachers?


These are people who pass on knowledge accumulated over centuries to each other, from teacher to student. They can be called a kind of hermits who acquire knowledge by their own labor. They have a personal library compiled from their first teacher.

What formula should be used to select harmony for each person? Is this connected with the resonant phenomena of his body?


She is selected more than once, since during his life a person expands his horizons, changes his view of the world, things, attachments. His health condition and other factors change.

It is necessary to select the formula when the brain works voluntarily, that is, not according to thought out in advance, but according to the first impression, according to its general setting, according to the blood formula and, of course, for health reasons.

How is genetic information transmitted?


In the process of transferring genetic information, unfortunately, its various qualities, both necessary and unnecessary, can manifest themselves in turn.

It is shown that the process of transmission of genetic information in nature does not stop. A new kind of living organism rarely takes on both qualities of its parents at the same time. It makes sense for nature to make selection even in the event of the subsequent death of species.

Blood carries genetic information.

What is the role of protein in the transfer of genetic information?


Protein, which is a constituent part of blood, is a gene carrier. Protein is a substance that carries memory and thought. Each constituent part of the protein carries its own information. All protein information is one, like any part of the ether.

Why does a person need a brain?


Think, make decisions, record, remember, capture information, process it.

What does it mean to think?


It is to choose between two or more possibilities, to seek the truth or another, preferable to the given circumstance.

What will happen to a person when he reaches a very high spiritual level?


The physical shell will die. All of humanity, however, will never be in the etheric state. The absolute majority will move from the physical to the etheric, but the human body and soul in it will also live on the planet. These are sprouts, seeds for spiritual growth. A grown apple tree has a repetition in the form of a seed in the apple. This is repetition, dubbing, continuation of life. Man is an embryonic spiritual entity.

What is the true freedom of man?


In freedom of thought, movement, faith, perception of reality. Freedom is detachment from anything, not Responsibility. Is it good?

What is Humanism?


Philanthropy, love of nature, kindness towards the environment. Depending on the circumstances, severe penalties. Floating word, multifaceted. Everyone has their own humanity. Sometimes they also kill in love.

How can you imagine a humane society?


Secured, clean, loving order even in the smallest things. But, most importantly, educated aesthetically, ethically, spiritually. Society must learn to love. That's the whole secret of humanity.

What does it mean to be humane?


Not to be empty, to have an interest in life, to love everyone, or at least to try to do it, not to be indifferent, since this is worse than hatred, because hatred is visible, and indifference is murderous. Try to help the one who asks for help without imposing it. All this is clear to those who have an open mind. This is not to teach - not a formula.

What is the most important human characteristic?


Everything is above, everything is above. Also love for the motherland and home, as well as the planet of habitation. A person, unfortunately, has long been thinking in small-proprietorship; one must learn to pity and love on a large-scale, planetary basis. Everything where you live, what you use, is donated by the Higher Intelligence. Love it and keep it.

What are the most valuable human qualities?


Kindness, pity, mercy, the ability to forgive, understanding, as an opportunity to survive the situation of another, to enter into his position, as well as possessing a sense of humor.

What does a person need? What should be the needs of the person?


Health and Peace. The needs are minimal. The main thing is knowledge. Comfort is good, but dulls the acuity of perception, awakens laziness. But a person needs the necessary wealth, otherwise anger is born.

What are the standards of morality?


Many peoples, and each has their own. The moral norm is the conscience of every person. There will be a general moral education - good. And there is nothing new in morality. Read the universal laws of religion, it will be true. The main thing: do not lie, do not envy, do not be greedy.

Where should a person strive?


Nowhere. A person should strive to live conscientiously, not be afraid of death. To live in such a way that there is no shame in front of people and for people. And the rest is the will of the Great Reason.

What are the basics of interpersonal relationships?


Relationships are based on interests. Interests can be friendly or pure, common interests such as club, collective, and the like. Necessary relationships, such as necessary, mutually beneficial, necessary and forced, such as work, family, neighbors. It must be said that relationships affect health no less than air and nutrition. And not always positive. And this is not to mention the highly undesirable relationship. There are people who hate and who are hated, who do not love and who are not loved. It is a pity for both of them - they are sick people. Ideally, relationships should be based on common interests, love, trust.

What is supersensible perception?


This is a high sensitivity, presented to a person by the Higher Reason and muffled by a technogenic environment. People who have the opportunity to resist the surrounding bitterness, who have a sufficient positive and solid spiritual core, who correctly assess positively and negatively influencing information, can go to supersensible perception. One thing is certain, that a person living in nature has more supersensibles than the average city dweller.