Soul Thieves - Alternative View

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Soul Thieves - Alternative View
Soul Thieves - Alternative View

Video: Soul Thieves - Alternative View

Video: Soul Thieves - Alternative View
Video: Soul Thieves - Темный Странник 2024, September

Increasingly, tourists in search of adventure travel to exotic countries. At every step there you can buy amulets, potions, talismans. We offer you information from the experienced traveler, parapsychologist, planetary spirit explorer Alexander Reo, collector of all ritual relationships with idols.

Who gives life to a deity?

“Do you know that when you are going to buy a seemingly harmless souvenir, you are getting involved in the life of a magical object? After all, almost every African idol is nothing more than a copy of a deceased specific person. Local shamans say that his restless soul wanders the world and will do evil until he finds an image of his former body. After entering it, she settles there and finally calms down. That is why Africans keep the figurines of their beloved relatives, and get rid of their enemies' wooden "doubles", selling them for a pittance to some tourist. However, I still brought wooden gods, I could not resist their attraction. At first, they made noise at night, gaining a place in the room. In the morning, I found some of them fallen, someone at the other end of the apartment. Had to buy a small palm tree and a crocodile skull,putting the whole company in a sunny place and facing their distant homeland,”says Reo.

Hindus, before worshiping images of gods, endow the subject with vitality. This is done using the ritual prana-pratishtha, which literally means "breathing life into the deity." There is also a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of life in an inanimate fetish. The English chemist Don Robins put forward an idea according to which a craft made of any material accumulates at the molecular level the image of the master who created it, and then “translates” this image into space. And the Scottish physicist Tom Lesbridge argued that any substance has the ability to accumulate and transmit information in an electromagnetic form. Spontaneous emission of such information appears as a ghost or sound.

It is dangerous to run into a magical figurine called a link. It is made by the priests of the Bon religion, which appeared in Tibet long before the Buddha. The purpose of this figurine is to ritual kill the enemy, whose life energy is infused into the link. Such figurines are actively sold to tourists in order to "expel the spirit of the enemy from the homeland." This spirit can run rampant in your apartment for a long time to find its way home.

Demanding idols, rubbish and tsa-tsa

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Never buy metal figurines with a tightly closed bottom, especially if mysterious signs are applied to it. Various magic "things" are placed inside such a figure, thanks to which it becomes a very demanding idol, which must be worshiped all the time, make offerings of water and write, fumigate with incense and anoint with balms. A deity deprived of attention can greatly complicate your life.

During ritual meditation, Eastern priests charge not only sculptures with their energy, but also ordinary objects: knives, combs, mouthpieces, cups, beads, scarves and the like. They are called the word "litter". As soon as they try to make you happy with such litter, get away with it.

Professors J. B. Rhine from England and Getrude Schmeidler from Germany conducted research on the influence of the human mind and will on inanimate objects and confirmed the presence of "thought-power", which sorcerers are good at.

You should not bring home miniature clay stupas, as well as tsa-tsa - amulets in the form of drums that are hollow inside. Tsa-tsa are made … from the bones of the dead.

In general, never take anything from caves, burials, any ritual structures!

Breath thieves

In the East, it is believed that hosts of evil spirits - singdomo - live around us. These creatures steal the breath of people and animals. They carry the stolen breath to Samye monastery on the banks of the Brahmaputra. But the lamas-sorcerers of the monastery catch Singdomo and walled them up in clay figures. If you bring one to your house and put it in your bedroom, then you yourself understand …

But you can buy a figure with a "mounted demon" from monks. Someday he will really take the last breath from his master, but he will constantly make sure that until his death hour all his breaths and exhalations are healthy.

It is interesting to buy a yak tail at the eastern market. Big, fluffy, black and white. It is very convenient for them to fan the dust, drive away flies. But God forbid you to wave them over your head! You will incur terrible troubles. It is also dangerous to buy skins of marmots, gophers, squirrels. The holy hermits are reincarnated in these animals, so by buying the skin you become an unwitting accomplice in the murder of the saint.

Women should not purchase a monisto of silver coins strung on a strap. After all, every money is a love souvenir from a man. If there are few coins, a woman is destined to rarely rest in the arms of her lover. But if the strap is literally filled with "pennies", its owner runs the risk of being left without a pair.

In India and Nepal, amazingly beautiful silver medallion boxes on an openwork chain are sold. As a rule, they are decorated with turquoise, which absorbs human ailments; translucent carnelian - "God's eye", which looks out and scares away evil demons; pieces of coral that gives strength. However, check if the box is empty: local ladies carry pieces of the relics of their deceased relatives there. From you, these bones will take away the desired flesh for them, that is, your health.

The charm of the silver earrings in the form of seven thin circles, dotted with ligature symbols, is also deceiving. Each of the circles embodies a kind of magical weapon, from now on directed against you. Because you are a stranger!

Weapon collectors are not advised to look for the sacrificial purba knife. During a person's sleep, when his astral body makes its flight, these triangular daggers of the Bon god-priest Lha-Shen can cut the thread of mu that connects the soul to the body.

In no case should you take home the Tibetan hyaling - an oboe-type wind instrument. It is made of the thighbone of a virgin and richly decorated with silver forging. "Material" for hyalin-ha is specially grown in the monasteries of Nepal. No, girls, thank God, are not killed. But after waiting for one of them to die a natural death, the bones are used "as intended."

Poisonous grace

What does it do - and you can't bring any exotic from distant countries? As far as possible! For example, Arab sorcerers make wonderful talismans from iron, copper or their alloys. They are created in accordance with the position of the Moon or the Sun in one or another zodiac constellation.

Indian magicians make amulets from the sacred trees of shraktya and gangida - discs with diverging rays. This chakra is the ancient Indian symbol of the Sun. Such talismans speak for some kind of protective action and tie to the owner's right hand.

If you are lucky, in Buddhist monasteries you can buy lists from the unique works "Kandzhur" (sermons and teachings of Buddha) and "Tanjur" (Buddha's commentaries on natural phenomena). The energy of the lists is so great that they glow in the dark! It is very dangerous to sit over such books for a long time, and even more so to keep them in the apartment. The fact is that they are written on special paper, which is made by hand in monasteries and impregnated with poisons - from insects and mold. These vapors are fatal to humans. The same applies to scrolls with texts of prayers and images of mandalas: they can be acquired and stored only in special metal cylinders, by the way, very beautiful ones.

If you already have similar souvenirs in your home, here are some tips on how to neutralize them:

it is necessary to balance the number of "good" and "evil"; idols with eyes should not look at each other and “see” their reflection in the mirror. Touch the figures as little as possible; do not spend feasts with friends in the presence of idols if they cannot keep themselves in check; be respectful of the person's images: greet him, talk, praise them.

Some budding curiosity gatherers may ironically chuckle at these tips. And completely in vain! For all of them have been repeatedly tested in practice by real collectors. Source: “Secrets of the 20th century. Golden Series No. 4-s