UFO: Through The Pages Of Foreign Press - Alternative View

UFO: Through The Pages Of Foreign Press - Alternative View
UFO: Through The Pages Of Foreign Press - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Through The Pages Of Foreign Press - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Through The Pages Of Foreign Press - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

If we review the foreign press on the facts of UFO sightings, then we can cite a number of the most interesting messages.

On February 11, 1988, an incomprehensible object appeared over Mozambique (the city of Beira) at three o'clock in the afternoon. Thousands of people have observed this phenomenon. The object resembled a huge parachute, it hung motionless and only after six o'clock in the evening slowly retired southward. The UFO was viewed through strong binoculars and photographed. It turns out that the object was constantly rotating on its axis! But the most interesting thing was further..

As the object was leaving south of Beira, it was met by a Boeing 737 passenger plane from Mozambique. The commander of the crew, Simtlicio Pinto, spotted the UFO even before landing in Beira. He ordered the co-pilot to inquire the airport if they had launched any balloon from the ground. The dispatcher replied in the negative and added that he himself sees "some thing" and accompanies it with the help of radar. Distance to the object is 125 kilometers. The Boeing 737 landed safely and was supposed to continue on to Maputo in 30 minutes.


Having received permission, the commander taxied the plane to the starting strip. From the control tower they warned: "Shouldn't you wait until this thing is removed?" - "No," S. Pinto answered, "we want to examine it closely!" At 18 hours 40 minutes, the plane approached the UFO. He literally hovered over the liner and did not seem to move. The instruments showed an altitude of 3300 meters. The unidentified object had three searchlights arranged in the shape of a triangle, and the strange cold light literally blinded the eyes and forced the pilots to pull the car to the right.

The crew commander all the time tried to go from above the mysterious apparatus, but he did not succeed - he was also gaining altitude. Then the commander ordered to turn on and off the aircraft's running lights twice, believing that the UFO should respond. He responded - went straight up! The UFO reappeared over the city of Beira in April 1989, and thousands of residents of the city for three days from five to eight in the evening observed this unusual phenomenon C.

The Pelita newspaper reports that on January 25, 1989, an unknown flying object appeared over Jakarta, which emitted a bright light, moved silently at an altitude of 1.5-2 kilometers above the city. He then suddenly stopped in the air, then continued flying, then moved in the opposite direction. Similar anomalous phenomena were observed outside Jakarta that day.


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The unusual phenomena in the atmosphere made a stunning impression on the inhabitants of the Guatemalan town of Progreso and on everyone who happened to be near these places. Hundreds of cars on the highway connecting the capital with the northern province of Alta Verepaz simultaneously stopped for an unknown reason at the moment a strong stream of light emitted from a UFO hovering over the city.

Almost all the inhabitants of Progreso poured into the streets and for several minutes observed an unusual phenomenon against the background of the night sky. Eyewitnesses describe the UFO as a huge saucer, glowing in the center with bright white light. The mother ship was accompanied by three smaller "plates". According to the Guatemalan press, the first UFOs were seen in the Progreso area in early February 1989.

Every time a UFO sighting was reported over cities, the Guatemalan Air Force raised military aircraft into the air. No result! Representatives of the meteorological service claim that on the days when the "saucers" appeared in the sky, no objects were recorded on the radars. The numerous photographs and videos made it difficult to see any details.


On the pages of the newspaper "Yediot Ahronot", published in Tel Aviv, UFO researcher from Haifa Adassa Arbel reported that on January 25, 1989, residents of the city of Haifa and military personnel of a military base at 17:00 for 15 minutes observed a luminous object of an elongated shape resembling a cigar that emitted light like a neon lamp.