Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View

Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View
Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View

Video: Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View

Video: Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View
Video: Пушкин это Дюма - Топ 10 Фактов. Как Александр Сергеевич стал Александром Дюма 2024, September

African roots, light eyes with black curly hair, literary gift, light style and workaholism, interest in Russia and France, Napoleon, the Decembrists and the Caucasus, love and passion, finally. There is an interesting opinion: as if Dumas is Pushkin!

In no case do we suggest unconditionally believing in the semi-mystical version, but the arguments given by the author are very interesting and worthy of attention.

The secret of genius and passion lies in African roots

Two literary geniuses named Alexander, two "suns" that captured the minds of contemporaries … Pushkin's African line came from his great-grandfather, Dumas's - from his grandmother. Genius manifested itself only in 3-4 knees after mixing of two races. Both writers successfully published their own magazines, Pushkin - "Contemporary", Dumas - "Musketeer".

Both left behind an extensive literary legacy. Both he and the other seriously studied the history of their states and composed fictional works on this basis. In the works of both Dumas and Pushkin there is no particular depth, but there is an extraordinary lightness, grace, recklessness and fearlessness in combination with a love-adventure veil.

The life of both one and the other is reminiscent of a love-adventure novel. Only after his death, Alexander Pushkin, his spirit, reincarnated as Alexander Dumas! Publicist Tatyana Morozova in her "live journal" with reference to an article by Nina Milova finds how these and many other coincidences can be explained: not at all mystical reincarnation, but quite real transformation of Pushkin into Dumas.

Based on the veil of secrecy around the death and funeral of the poet, she suggests that Alexander Sergeevich faked his own death and left for France to start living and continue to create under the name of Alexander Dumas. Why did he need it? The reason may lie both in family and financial matters, and in relations with Emperor Nicholas.

This is how pedigrees are made

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The paradoxical death of Pushkin in the prime of his years caused and raises doubts among many literary scholars and historians. Why did you need a duel with Georges Dantes? Many are looking for and do not find enough compelling reasons for her, disagreeing with the generally accepted version about the insult of his wife Natalia Goncharova. All too far-fetched.

A funeral at night? A burial not in a family grave in a cemetery, but on the edge of a forest? And what about the death of the poet described in detail in his Eugene Onegin? … At about the time when Russia is grieving over the loss of the Sun of Russian Poetry, France welcomes a new novelist, but how suddenly Alexander Dumas appears on the world stage!

Public interest in the Dumas family disappeared almost immediately after the death of his father, General Dumas. The future writer was only three years old at the time. He lived with his mother and sisters in a deep province, no one remembered or saw him. And suddenly, 20 years later, a handsome and eloquent young man named Alexander appears in Paris. He bypasses the old service friends of General Dumas and pretends to be his son.

They, of course, remember that the general had some half-negro son … Who can deny or deny anything? All traces of that family have long been lost. Almost all of his father's former friends treat the “son of General Dumas” with caution and only the Duke du Foix is able to persuade him to give Alexander a letter of recommendation to work in the office of the Duke of Orleans. It really could be one of the greatest rigging in history!

Milady was executed for Natalia Goncharova

It turns out beautifully, right? And here are the facts and arguments the author gives in defense of his controversial version. We will give just a few of them. Firstly, Dumas and Pushkin really looked alike: and the point is not only in African roots. Even among the descendants of dark-skinned people, people with jet black curls and at the same time blond hair are rare.

Secondly, both were great lovers of female beauty and affection. Thirdly, Dumas (former Pushkin) could not get rid of his past life in any way, which unwittingly seeped out. For example, Dumas published the magazine "Musketeer", which in translation into Russian could mean nothing more than "Pushkin", because a musket is a medieval artillery weapon similar to a cannon.

And general topics. Only two famous writers around the world have written works dedicated to Charlemagne. And this is Pushkin with the poem "Dagger" and Dumas with the short story "Karl-Ludwig Sand". Both Pushkin and Dumas wrote about the Decembrists. Moreover, "The Fencing Teacher" by Dumas is written as if he himself was a participant in the events. How could a Frenchman find out such details? Here Pushkin - a friend of many Decembrists - could!

And why would Dumas begin his career with a work about Russia and become famous for it? Both of our heroes wrote a lot about the popular revolt and the failure of the government. In Pushkin's work, this is an ode to "Liberty", the tenth chapter of "Eugene Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "The Captain's Daughter". In the work of Dumas - "The Man in the Iron Mask", the end of the series about the three Musketeers. In the last book, D'Artagnan remains a devoted royalist for a long time, while the three Musketeers oppose the monarchy, and friends find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.

Characteristically, Dantes was known as an incorrigible royalist, while Pushkin was known for his anti-monarchist attitude. When the monarchy collapsed in France under the pressure of revolutionary forces, he came with a letter of recommendation to St. Petersburg, to serve the Russian monarchy, almost like D'Artagnan. And the last fact. It is known that Goncharova often visited France. For what purpose? Another question is why Dumas was so cruel to Milady?

Why was she first hanged, then beheaded, and in general, how could such a monster be invented. And remember the song of Athos about Milady: "The bride of Count De La Fer is only 16 years old, there are no such exquisite manners in the whole Provence …". So if Dumas is Pushkin, and the noble Athos is him, then Milady is Natalya Nikolaevna! Pushkin just wooed her when she was 16 years old. Milady married a second time, and Natalya Nikolaevna also married a second time in 1844.

Probably, the writer dealt with her so wildly because he was angry that she was getting married again. But then the novel "The Three Musketeers" was supposed to be written in 1844 or 1845. And for sure! It was in 1844 that he was written!