There Is No Room For The Living In The Old Cemeteries. Do Not Disturb The World Of The Dead, Everyone Will Be There - Alternative View

There Is No Room For The Living In The Old Cemeteries. Do Not Disturb The World Of The Dead, Everyone Will Be There - Alternative View
There Is No Room For The Living In The Old Cemeteries. Do Not Disturb The World Of The Dead, Everyone Will Be There - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Room For The Living In The Old Cemeteries. Do Not Disturb The World Of The Dead, Everyone Will Be There - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Room For The Living In The Old Cemeteries. Do Not Disturb The World Of The Dead, Everyone Will Be There - Alternative View
Video: Kentucky Route Zero: In and Out of Context | Static Canvas 2024, September

High-rise buildings are increasingly crowding out the territories of old cemeteries and invading this "no-man's" land, which has become expensive in price. At the same time, complex environmental and ethical problems appear, as well as difficult-to-explain phenomena and anomalous phenomena.

In the general energy-informational field of the Earth (EIP), the information memory of those who have left us remains. The energy-informational impact on descendants does not stop, according to the laws of bioenergy-information science, even after the departure of the ancestors. In fact, we continue to interact with the relatives and friends who have left us, we continue their deeds regardless of space and time.

Destroying and destroying old and abandoned cemeteries, we destroy the memory field of a single EIP, show vandalism and disrespect for ancestors. On their part, we are expected to have a reverse impact in the form of a negative impact of necrophilous fields on residents of cottages and multi-storey buildings built on the sites of old cemeteries.

In Great Britain, the problems of using old cemeteries were solved as early as the 19th century. Having abandoned the burials in several tiers in the same places (which turned out to be dangerous due to the decomposition of bodies at shallow depths), Dr. Jacob Bijlow from America proposed to lay out gardens in old cemeteries without knowing about necrotic fields.

Mont Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge in 1831 became the first "garden of oblivion." The foreground of the newspaper photograph of this garden shows curved, dichotomous trees, which indicate the presence of geopathogenic zones, as evidenced by white glowing spots in the background and sensory biolocation of the image.

That is why this place should be considered ruinous for the garden and unfortunate for the recreation of students. Memorial parks and gardens can be placed only in a comfortable area, where there should be no entertainment events, picnics, etc. No need to disturb the world of the dead.

The location of new cemeteries must be determined using the biolocation method (BLM). So, for example, BLM in the vicinity of Belyaninov (Moscow region) revealed a network of intersecting water-bearing disturbances on the territory of the projected cemetery, which excludes the expediency of its foundation.

The sites of old cemeteries and monasteries on bio-comfort sites are considered sacred, miraculous and healing, and their expansion into the countryside cannot threaten the bioenergetic balance of the environment. Monasteries, temples and churches in such places are likened to shrines, to which pilgrims rush thousands of kilometers. The energy of space and earth in these places heals and ennobles people, regardless of their social status and religion. However, unfortunately, not all territories of old cemeteries are located in comfortable areas, outside geopathogenic zones.

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If in rural areas they treat the memory of their ancestors more carefully and do not disturb their peace, then in urban agglomerations where there is no free land, they are increasingly reclaiming it from old cemeteries.

The article "Attractions on the graves" (Labor. 1996. July 28) examined the fate of the park in front of the cinema "Leningrad" in "Moscow. At this place, the Moscow government decided to restore the Memorial fraternal military cemetery of the heroes of the First World War. But in the prefecture of the Northern District, a project is being developed for the improvement and use of this territory for a recreation park (!).

The design of amusement rides at the burial site is not consistent with any of the laws of bioenergy information science.

This cemetery with a disturbed aura, blessed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, becomes a pathogenic park where there will be no worldly joys and peace of mind for people who “trample not only those buried, but their very memory,” as the newspaper Trud emphasized.

According to popular beliefs, a house, shops, merry-go-rounds and in general any structures built on the site of old cemeteries with disturbed graves cannot turn out to be completely "healthy", as S. Lebedev and A. Lidin remind of in their book "Karma of Everyday Life".

The article "Wandering graves" (Echo. 1995. No. 59) provides historical facts of transferring old graves to new places spontaneously, without human help.

In the 15th century in Linz (Austria), there was a case when the disappeared grave of Stettenberg, suspected of practicing witchcraft, was found elsewhere. The inhabitants of Linz decided that his ashes could not calm down and moved: they burned his remains and scattered the ashes in the wind.

The Church and the Inquisition reacted in their own way to the wandering graves. 1627 - The Inquisition Tribunal in Cuenca (Spain) recorded the secret movement of the old grave of Pedro Asuntos, along with the soil in which the rotted coffin was located. Two witches were accused of witchcraft and burned, who supposedly, having cast spells, transferred this grave.

There are cases of moving graves in different time (several decades from the moment of burial) and spatial (up to several kilometers) intervals. So, for example, in America in 1895 was moved to a new place (600 meters from the old one), along with a tombstone, the grave of gold digger David Lowry, who was buried more than 30 years ago.

Attention is drawn to the movement of single graves with the soil, but not paired or group graves.

There are several versions regarding the nature of the phenomenon of wandering graves today, including religious, or cult, occult (with the involvement of the science of rapidly occurring anomalous phenomena - spontaneous teleportation, poltergeist). But the influence of UFOs is not excluded, especially since flat places remain instead of old graves.

Adherents of Jainism - a religious sect that developed in India in the 6th-5th centuries BC. e., - such movements of graves were considered the most terrible evil, salvation from which was in self-immolation. In the Middle Ages, "brothers of purity" from the secret Islamic society, with the help of emissaries, searched for displaced graves for the use of the land in occult rites. This land from different locations, both geoactive and pathogenic, probably had different mystical and healing properties.

The tribes of black Africa, Polynesia and the Pacific archipelagos, priests of all cults in Samoa, Haiti and other islands immediately after the funeral poured tree sap over the grave or covered it with shells (less often with red clay) so that "the grave would not go away."

On the islands of Tongo there is a tribe whose priests bury two people in one grave at once, since a grave with one deceased can "leave", while with two - not, because the soul of one of the buried will oppose this.

Some researchers of anomalous phenomena, such as the French ufologist Chateau, rejecting the mystical side of these mysterious movements, associate them with the spontaneous teleportation of dead matter (as you know, teleportation is a one-time transfer of a material object from one point in space-time to another). Researchers Rank and J. E. West associate these movements with the poltergeist.

The case of space-time teleportation of graves is described by the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado, who visited the cemetery of the Inca priests. Those initiated into the secrets of magic have chosen a temporary place for their remains on the ocean coast, from where the graves are transferred to an elevated basalt plateau, located two and a half kilometers away. This is a place of articulating faults, where UFOs could have flown, which supposedly and "helped" to transfer the graves to a high-energy basalt plateau, where the priests saw "white-skinned gods." Alvarado actually saw six graves on this plateau, moved there without the participation of the Indians.

In the case of moving graves, examples of distant teleportation are not known (to other cemeteries, to neighboring countries, cities and villages).

There is practically no information about wandering graves in old Russian cemeteries, except for the case when in the Manturovsky district (Kostroma province) a grave with a cross, earth and human remains was deported (and then excavated) to the hut of the village headman from an abandoned churchyard one and a half versts from the village … Dowsing studies confirm the need to choose bio-comfortable places for cemeteries in order to avoid such phenomena.

When designing and compulsory development of the territory of former cemeteries, sites of mass graves and executions, as well as cattle burial grounds, it is necessary to take into account the negative impact of necrotic fields on the health and peace of mind of their future "residents".

In the absence of direct contacts between those who lived and those who live, they continue to interact according to the second law of bioenergy informatics.

In St. Petersburg, in high-rise buildings erected in a former Jewish cemetery, residents are more likely to get sick than in neighboring houses built on a comfortable territory, which follows from the statistical analysis data.

In Tsarskoe Selo (town of Pushkin) in the mid-1980s, 10-storey buildings with improved-planning apartments were built right in the plague cemetery. The large stadium and park on Novocherkassky Prospekt in St. Petersburg were placed in a former cemetery, and, according to V. Petrov (Scandals. 1996, No. 16), every year some fan of evening walks in these places must end up in a psychiatric hospital. When they began to demolish this cemetery, then, according to the story of a resident of St. Petersburg V. Dymov, one night they saw there "dancing" coffins. This anomalous phenomenon can be classified as spontaneous teleportation of biologically inanimate subjects.

Near the city of Kyakhta in Buryatia, a dacha settlement was rebuilt within the cemetery, where executions were carried out in the 20s of the XX century. In the houses above the graves, necrotic fields and changes in the aura are recorded. These necrophilic fields are also felt by residents in the form of unusual anxiety, feelings of inexplicable fear and depression. Sensations such as weakness and soreness inherent in geopathogenic zones are also characteristic of necrotic fields, which was noted in the cities of Ulan-Ude (in the building of the State Statistics Committee), Kansk (in the bank) and others. How to neutralize necrotic fields is still unknown.

After death, souls are drawn to those with whom in life they had an energetic connection, and these victims, who do not have energy protection, develop a necrotic spell. Mental discomfort, fatigue syndrome and depression are evidence of the presence of a necrotic spell. It is possible to assume that this kind of influence of necrotic fields affects the residents of houses erected in old cemeteries and mass grave sites.

Often old cemeteries are located in holy places, where there are energy communication channels with space. And they cannot be blasphemously violated. There are many of those who have not fulfilled their earthly karma. We will be attentive and respectful to old cemeteries, and no buildings or attractions in their places!

N. Nepomniachtchi