Plasma Of The Sun Will Envelop The Earth: What Does This Threaten Earthlings? - Alternative View

Plasma Of The Sun Will Envelop The Earth: What Does This Threaten Earthlings? - Alternative View
Plasma Of The Sun Will Envelop The Earth: What Does This Threaten Earthlings? - Alternative View

Video: Plasma Of The Sun Will Envelop The Earth: What Does This Threaten Earthlings? - Alternative View

Video: Plasma Of The Sun Will Envelop The Earth: What Does This Threaten Earthlings? - Alternative View
Video: Illah Reza Nourbakhsh. Lecture "Robot Futures" 2024, September

The scientific world, as they say, is on its ears from the solar flare that happened on September 6 of this year, which no one expected or predicted even in the near future, since the Luminary was inactive. And suddenly … an explosion, and even such a power!

What does this threaten us, earthlings, who are reliably protected from such cataclysms by the strong magnetic field of the Earth? However, some experts, having studied the details of this solar burst, came to the disappointing conclusion that on September 8, that is, today, the plasma streams of the Sun can reach our magnetosphere (provided that they fly perpendicular to it) and literally "wrap" it in their a cocoon for two days or more.


The best part is that plasma solar clouds, which will cover an area of up to one hundred million kilometers, will give us unusual auroras, and they can be observed even by residents of middle latitudes, for example, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, and so on. Among the negative consequences, scientists call disruptions in the operation of modern electronic equipment and communications, as well as the negative impact of strong magnetic storms on human health. Mortality at this time, unfortunately, will certainly increase, especially for residents of large cities, so doctors recommend these days to lead the healthiest way of life, that is, do not pass on, do not drink alcohol and smoke as little as possible, in which case - be sure to contact " Ambulance".

During this period, car drivers should be extremely careful on the roads, or even better, simply abandon their personal vehicles and change to a less dangerous city one, for example, ride the subway. Well, if there is such an opportunity, then the best option is to go out into nature and spend some time there, indulging in your favorite activities, for example, getting carried away with light work in the garden, going on a "quiet" hunting or fishing. And in no case should you sunbathe these days, that is, relax on the beach …