History Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

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History Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View
History Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: History Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: History Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View
Video: Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 2024, September

Much has been written about the Holy Grail. The most prominent scientists-theologians devoted their research to her, wrote about the role and significance of this mysterious vessel. The opinions and conclusions were different. In our time, even an opinion has appeared about the extraterrestrial origin of the Cup, that it belongs to those objects that were left on Earth by aliens from other planets.

Mysterious mountain Salvans

The holiness of the Holy Grail is due to the fact that, according to legend, it served Jesus Christ and the apostles with the vessel from which they received communion during the Last Supper. And besides, according to rumors, the Holy Grail has magical properties and is able to heal from any ailments. After the crucifixion of Christ on Calvary, his blood was collected in the Holy Grail, which further enhances its uniqueness.

Ancient legends claim that the mysterious Salvans mountain rises in a distant, inaccessible country, surrounded by impenetrable forests and swamps. Its top is crowned by a monastic abode called "Higher Brotherhood". Here, as if in a temple of wondrous beauty, the Holy Grail is kept vigilantly guarded.

It is believed / that only those people who have given up worldly goods and pleasures, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the triumph of good and justice, can see this Cup. For people who are dishonest, envious, selfish, a meeting with the Holy Grail can lead to misfortune and even death.

Unrighteous "hunt"

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It may seem strange that the search for the Holy Grail was conducted not only in ancient times. The "hunt" for the Holy Chalice began even more intensely in the years not so far behind us - before the Second World War. The instigator of the unjust "hunt" was none other than Adolf Hitler himself.

More than once it was reported that Hitler showed great interest in esoteric sciences, mysticism and occultism. Of course, he knew the legends about the holiness of the Holy Grail. He also knew that in Austria, in one of the museums in Vienna, the tip of the so-called Spear of Fate is kept, the very spear with which Christ was killed, crucified on the cross. Finally, Hitler knew that, according to legend, the one who concentrated both the Grail and the Spear of Destiny in his hands would become omnipotent.

The possessed Fuhrer more than once came to Vienna in order to see with his own eyes the coveted tip of the Spear of Destiny. Dreaming of world domination, he mentally imagined how to connect the tip and the Holy Grail.

As the seekers of the Chalice believed, the word "Salvans" is either a certain conventional sign, or a very ancient and long-forgotten name for some mountain that still exists today, but is called quite differently.

SS "archaeologists"

Hitler commissioned the SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler to solve this riddle. Prior to this, "faithful Henry" had already done a similar job, trying to find a way to the mysterious Shambhala.

The assignment was considered top secret. This is evidenced by the “Highest degree of secrecy” stamp, which was on all documents related to the search for the Holy Chalice. It was prescribed to seize the Cup, when it was discovered, quietly and secretly, it is easier to say, to steal. If the quiet option does not work, then use the weapon.

For the scientific support of Operation Grail, a historian, professor at one of the German universities Otto Kluse, who was a member of the Nazi party, was included in the search team.

The Fuhrer was impatient, and therefore he demanded to find the Holy Grail within a maximum of six months.

The operation began with the fact that a whole staff of archivists secretly began to study ancient chronicles and books that could contain some information about the Holy Grail. And not only in Germany. For the same purpose, Professor Cluse traveled to Spain and France, and his assistants - to England and Poland.

Soon, the Nazi professor was able to present Hitler with a carefully composed overview of the history of the Holy Grail. According to these studies, she could have gotten many centuries ago to the Spaniards or the French. And if this is so, then the Chalice should have been sought, most likely, in the Pyrenees Mountains, between Spain and France. It was there that detachments of well-equipped SS men were sent.

The Elusive Bowl

The locals, of course, did not have to know who and why arrived in the Pyrenees. The Germans pretended to be archaeological scientists and sports climbers who had come to explore high-mountain monasteries and temples.

Himmler regularly reported to the Fuehrer on the progress of the secret search. And although things were bad, he still assured that the Holy Grail would eventually be found. But this deception could not last long. Hitler had to involve Otto Skorzeny in the search for the shrine, who was performing especially important tasks for the Fuhrer. But that didn't work either. Even this top-notch Nazi intelligence officer was unable to locate the Grail.

When the Second World War broke out, Hitler's "archaeologists" had such opportunities for searches that they could only dream of. All archives of the occupied European countries, storerooms of all museums, private collections and other depositories were opened for them. But the Grail was not given in hand, although the search stubbornly continued, despite the gradual retreat of Hitler's troops to the west.

According to British intelligence, a month before Germany's surrender, German submarines were sent to the shores of France. The agents who disembarked from them were instructed to once again make some kind of search related to the Holy Grail. Probably, Hitler, feeling the approach of the end and his own death, still harbored the hope that the miraculous Grail would help him win the war. Only after the Fuhrer's suicide did the search for the Chalice cease.

Capital of "John's Kingdom"

The failures of the Nazis, perhaps, are explained by the fact that they were looking not where they should have looked - not at all in Europe, but far from it, in the East. One old French book states that the Holy Grail left Mount Salvans in ancient times and went to a certain "eastern country of Sarras". According to another legend, she was transported to the "kingdom of John", inhabited by virtuous people, also located in the East.

Many historians have denied the existence of such a kingdom. But not so long ago, scientists managed to find out an important detail that opened the veil over the secret of the Grail. An ancient testimony was found from a certain monk who claimed that "the kingdom of John" was in Central Asia. Its capital was the City, which bore the beautiful name of Sadin.

The study of old maps showed that the mysterious kingdom was located in Siberia. His capital, Sadina, stood on the banks of the Tom River, a tributary of the mighty Ob. Historian Nikolai Novgorodtsev wrote: “It turns out that the Kingdom of John, into which the Grail was brought, was located in the Tomsk Ob region, and its capital was on the territory of the city of Tomsk or in its vicinity”.

Siberian scientists organized several expeditions to the Ob region in order to find at least some traces of the "kingdom of John" and its capital. It was not possible to find traces of these, I hope that it has not been possible yet.

Gennady CHERNENKO. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 20 2008