Gift Of Orion - Alternative View

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Gift Of Orion - Alternative View
Gift Of Orion - Alternative View

Video: Gift Of Orion - Alternative View

Video: Gift Of Orion - Alternative View
Video: High Council of Orion - Embodying Your Gifts 2024, September

The secret of the ancient shrine of the world - the "heavenly stone", or the Grail, has captivated inquisitive minds and hearts for a long time. The Grail was sung by medieval troubadours and minnesingers. The Old French word Graal meant a bowl or gas. A legend known to most people said that during the Crucifixion of Christ on Calvary, Joseph of Arimathea, who removed the body of Jesus from the cross, collected his blood into a vessel that became sacred. However, in addition to the chalice with the blood of Christ, in the legends about the Grail, a certain miraculous stone was stubbornly mentioned that came to earth from heaven. “And this stone is called the Grail,” said one of the ballads of Wolfram von Eschenbach, the poet-knight. His ballad told about a wonderful dam wandering around the world and giving its wearer divine power and wisdom …

But not only medieval poets were attracted by the mystery of the Grail. Both before and after the harsh times of the Middle Ages, entire generations of scientists and mystics tried in vain to unravel this mystery. Did he really exist, a sacred vessel with the blood of Christ called the Grail? Or is it just a symbolic image of the mystical power of the Divine, his all-conquering power? And why is the image of the Grail somehow connected in legends with another mysterious image - the "philosopher's stone" of the alchemists? Does this symbol have anything to do with Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Wandering Stone"? According to Wolfram's ballad, this stone fell to earth from the sky. One of the old German legends tells that this stone was brought to earth by a host of angels.

The image of a mysterious stone carrying mystical power runs through the entire history of Europe and the countries of the East. Even in the secret legends about Atlantis, a certain stone is mentioned - a messenger from heaven, containing a heavenly fire, whose power is capable of protecting and leading entire countries and peoples along the path of a better life. What is it? Legend? Or scraps of knowledge about a once existing relic, no less mysterious than the legend itself?

Hitler's Secret Expeditions

Be that as it may, but the ancient legend found its admirers among the politicians of the 20th century. They turned out to be … Hitler and the military leadership of the Third Reich. At least four times Hitler sent secret expeditions to Tibet under the leadership of his confidant, one of the leading employees of the top-secret scientific complex "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors"), Dr. Schaeffer. The work of this complex was focused primarily on the "heritage" of an occult and mystical nature. Of course, prominent specialists in traditional fields of science, from the exact and natural sciences to the humanities, also worked in the institute. However, first of all, Hitler was interested in everything related to the field of mysticism and occultism.

The purpose of the Tibetan expeditions of the Nazis was to find and at any cost to kidnap something called the "wandering stone." The Fuhrer believed in ancient legends, which stated: if you carry a mysterious stone in the ark in front of an advancing army, it will grant it victory.

The expedition included prominent Tibetan scientists, experts of the Third Reich in the field of esoteric philosophy and religious cults of the East. In addition to Tibet, similar military-scientific expeditions were sent by the Nazi leaders of Germany to the Pyrenees, to the places of the legendary Montsegur - the last stronghold of the Albigensians, which fell more than 700 years ago. In ancient legends, it was reported that the Albigensians owned the greatest shrine with mystical power. Some sources said that this shrine was the Grail itself - a vessel with the blood of Jesus. Other sources claimed that the Albigensians possessed a wonderful stone that gave them unusual spiritual strength and knowledge in the sciences. The envoys of the Third Reich also visited Egypt - with the same purpose of searching for the Grail and other relics of antiquity, capable, according to the Fuhrer,to give mystical power to the fascist hordes thrown to conquer the world …

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Sending Schaeffer's expedition to Tibet in search of the wonderful stone, Hitler was quite accurately aware of the area where the treasure was to be sought. Shambhala is a mysterious protected area of Tibet, where wise yogis who left the world live - that was the main purpose of the expedition. Most of the Tibetan and Indian sources, as well as all theosophical literature, associated the discovery of the ancient shrine with the concept of Shambhala. But, sending their expeditions to Tibet, the command of the Third Reich did not take into account the main circumstance. Ancient sources emphasized that a mysterious stone was sent into the world to fulfill high spiritual goals and only people with noble intentions and a pure heart can own it. Throughout the history of its existence, Shambhala was inaccessible to ordinary people, all the more so to those with selfish designs.

Grail keepers

Why is the ancient legend about the stone connected with the concept of Shambhala? Is it real? Such questions have been asked by more than one generation of people fascinated by the mysteries of history. Serious answers to them can be found in the books of H. P. Blavatsky and the Roerichs, which are parts of a single teaching transmitted to humanity by the spiritual Teachers of the East.

“Throughout the history of mankind, this belief in the Holy Stone, which protects the country in which He is located, runs. The Brotherhood of the Grail keeps the Stone sent from Orion, and it was received by the Great Teacher Jason, who put Him at the foundation of the Brotherhood Community. The Stone itself is kept in the Community, but its fragments are sent to the world to accompany great events,”says one of Helena Roerich's letters.

The literary and philosophical works created by her and her husband, Nicholas Roerich, say that the stone containing an unknown power was sent to Earth by a highly developed civilization of three main stars from the constellation Orion. In the place where the stone fell from the sky, the abode of spiritual knowledge - Shambhala was founded.

How can stone fragments influence the course of earth's history? Its most important events are always carried out through the mediation of certain people. They receive, by the decision of the Masters of Shambhala, fragments of a stone, which retain an energetic connection with its main part, stored in the Himalayan abode of the Highest Knowledge. By the power of the highest cosmic energy contained in it, the stone not only helps to direct the course of history in a progressive direction, it also protects its carriers - people performing a particularly important historical mission, cultural figures, rulers, spiritual teachers. Analyzing information about this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, it can be assumed that the legendary stone is something like a generator of high-vibration psychic energy, which saturates the space where it is located with its super-powerful radiation at large distances.

The ancient legends mentioned in the works of the Roerichs say that the fragments of the wonderful stone were owned by the emperors of Atlantis and Ancient China, Akbar and Solomon, Tamerlane and Alexander the Great, many other prominent figures whose names have not been preserved by history. Not all of them knew who sent this treasure to them and what properties it possessed. Many commanders perceived the stone as an ordinary talisman bringing good luck. At best, they knew about the extraordinary forces hidden in him and that mysterious spiritual Teachers were behind this gift. But there were also those among the keepers of the stone to whom almost the whole truth about it was revealed. As a rule, these were the disciples and messengers of Shambhala.

Usually the stone was brought to its future owner by unknown messengers. "Bearing Fire" - as this gift of Orion was called in the East - remained with a person for as long as was necessary to fulfill any responsible mission. Then the stone disappeared as mysteriously and unexpectedly as it appeared. There have been many cases. when the stone disappeared faster than expected, because the figure into whose hands it fell was morally unprepared to fulfill his historical mission.

The Cryptograms of the East, recorded by Helena Roerich and published under the pseudonym J. Saint-Hilaire in Paris in 1929, contain fragments of ancient legends and tales of the East about the stone. It also contains historical information about the Grail and its Guardians, which is closer to our time, as reported by Helena Roerich by her mentors, the Teachers of Shambhala. In the "Cryptograms" it is said that women often played the role of the Keeper of the Stone. This was especially true of those cases when the historical figure in terms of consciousness was far from understanding his mission and the role of the stone in it. It is not without reason that a woman was considered in the esoteric philosophy of the East to be the personification of the spiritual principle.

Helena Roerich's diaries “At the Threshold of the New World” contain the following lines: “You already know that the appearance of the Stone is always associated with the feminine principle, Napoleon, on the advice of evil forces, extinguished his own star … The Stone was brought to Napoleon in Marseilles by an unknown person, and he gave it to Josephine. The plan (meaning the special historical mission of Napoleon, which was never completed) was already defeated when Napoleon madly rushed to Russia, for he was not supposed to touch Asia.

Let us recall another plan - the unification of Asia with Europe, when Alexander the Great began a great deed, he in the same way, having sent his beloved Melissa, violated the dictates of fate. Both Napoleon and Alexander the Great had a prediction about the Stone, but human nature obscures the clarity of the task. True, they gave it (the Stone) with the best feeling to their beloved, but then they lost touch, darkened by animal flashes. It should be worn by a woman who has the best feeling."

The question arises: what could have been the creative mission of Napoleon, who conquered many countries by military force? But on rare occasions, even military force can be used for good under special circumstances. The administrative unification of a number of countries under the rule of Napoleon could ultimately contribute to the political and cultural unification of Europe, and this is precisely what the mysterious talisman handed over to the commander should have helped. But, alas, dreams of personal power overshadowed predictions, and the spiritual mission for which the stone came to Napoleon was not fulfilled by the emperor. The same fate befell at one time and Alexander the Great.


The book "Cryptograms of the East" says that once the path of the stone also ran through the Russian lands, but the rulers, in whose hands it ended up, could not use its power to the full, since were not ready for this spiritually. “The Novgorod hero crashed against a stone, because he did not believe. The will of Novgorod pointed to the possession of the Treasure, but disbelief overshadowed the possibility of a miracle,”says the Cryptograms about the Novgorodian wanderings of the Stone.

Commenting on the information contained in the "Cryptograms", Richard Rudzitis in his work "The Brotherhood of the Grail", containing a lot of interesting information, writes: "In Russian folk traditions, Alatyr is often mentioned, a white" scorching "stone, a stone of" white light "," the father of all stones ", which, according to one version of the popular "Dove" (Deep) book, the Savior put in the foundation of the Zion temple. Under this stone "a mighty force is hidden, and this force has no limit." From under this white stone of Alatyr, springs and rivers flow all over the earth for healing, for the whole world for food.

According to the "Cryptograms of the East", Novgorod temporarily owned the legendary stone, but having acquired it, Novgorod, due to its unbelief and careless life aimed only at achieving wealth, failed to save it, just as it failed to maintain its prominence and cultural superiority among other cities. After all, this is the very precious stone, having received which any nation is experiencing a true revival. And such a wonderful cultural prosperity was in store for Novgorod, if it found the harmony of close and constant cooperation with the Cosmic Law”.

More than once in history there have been cases when the dark forces and their emissaries on the earthly plane tried to take possession of the Orion treasure in order to use the power of the Stone for their own selfish purposes. However, these attempts ended in failure. “The follower of the night tried to show the appropriation of the Stone, but the Treasure was always a bright sign. The crafty rulers did not possess the Stone for a long time, not knowing that only striving for good conquers the Fire of the Stone."

The mysterious power hidden in the Stone was felt by many of its owners. “Just as you have to get used to the heat and how to get used to ice, you have to get used to the radiation of the Stone. Everyone who wears the stone should live quietly with it. The dope of rays is invisible, but secret heat is stronger than radium. The unseen oil flows. Obviously, the Stone rests on the fabric of its homeland, "- said about the ancient shrine in the" Cryptograms ".

The same source left us with a description of the appearance of the mysterious gift of Orion: “The worst mistake is to deny the Stone. Indeed, I saw him - a shard of the shield of the world! I remember its size, as long as my fifth finger, a gray reflection, like a dry fruit. I even remember the signs, but I did not understand them,”says the“Book of Tristan, Called the Moon”, an excerpt from which is quoted“The Cryptograms of the East”. Other sources also say that "The stone, which came from the East, has the shape of a flattened fruit or an elongated heart", and that it "is like a human heart and it contains a shining crystal."

Where, in what era, is the trail of the "heavenly wanderer" lost? In the "Cryptograms of the East", among other interesting information presented in an unusually beautiful, poetic language, one of the prophecies about the future fate of the Stone is cited. This is what this prophecy says: “Father Sulpicius had a vision: a white pillar of cloud moved closer and a Voice rang out:“Keep the Stone in the ark brought from Rothenburg. It has four squares with an "M" sign. The phenomenon will be clear when I pronounce - the path of four to the East, Nothing will subtract the Commandment."

What ark from Rothenburg are we talking about? In the works of Blavatsky, it is said that in the 11th century the wife of a German feudal lord from Rothenburg hid an alchemist and a Kabbalist philosopher who was fleeing the persecution of the Inquisition in her estate. In gratitude for her salvation, the scientist presented her with a wonderful talisman of the East - a Stone that carries spiritual strength. Subsequently, a casket was made for this Stone, covered with a piece of leather, on which various kabbalistic signs and symbols were displaced: the legend said that King Solomon once owned this piece of leather. Since then, the stone began to travel the world, hidden in this casket.

This casket was depicted in the paintings of the great Russian artist Nicholas Roerich and his youngest son Svyatoslav, who also became an artist. In the portrait of Nicholas Roerich, painted by his son, the great artist and thinker holds in his hands a casket decorated with mysterious signs. The same casket is also depicted in the portrait of Helena Ivanovna Roerich. In the XX century Helena and Nicholas Roerichs became the Keepers of the Stone, performing the greatest spiritual and educational mission, which the Shambhala Teachers entrusted to them. Together with them, "Carrying Fire" - the gift of Orion, traveled along the roads of the Roerichs' Trans-Himalayan expedition, visited Moscow, Altai, Central Asia and everywhere where the wanderings led the envoys of Shambhala.

Of course, their contemporaries did not know that the Roerichs had become the Keepers of the wonderful relic. Only a few especially trusted employees of Nikolai Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna were privy to the secret of the Stone. Among the closest friends and pupils of the Roerichs was Zinaida Grigorievna Fosdik, an employee of the N. K. Roerich Museum in New York (later she became its director and devoted keeper of a part of the picturesque, literary and philosophical heritage of the Roerich family that remained in the USA).

During her collaboration with the Roerich family, Zinaida Grigorievna kept diary entries in which she noted the most interesting events and information related to the life and work of N. K. and E. I. Roerichs. In the diaries of Z. G. Fosdick there were also records concerning the Stone, which her Teachers possessed. In particular, Zinaida Grigorievna wrote that the Stone kept by the Roerich family "worked miracles", had the ability to independently move on the surface of the table on which it was located, and radiated heat. In the diary of Z. G. Fosdick, it was also reported that Teacher E. I. and N. K. Roerichs ordered them to show the Stone to N. Roerich's younger brother, who took part in their work - Boris Konstantinovich - and tell about it, which was done in the presence of ZG Fosdik.. Elena Ivanovna told how it was sent …

The Way of the Four to the East

How, then, was the "Bearing Fire" - the messenger of Orion received by the Roerich family?

In one of his literary works - the essay "Vekhi" - Nikolai Konstantinovich described many real events in his biography. These events also concerned the most mysterious facts from the life of the Roerich family, including their connection with the Teachers of the White Brotherhood. In fact, "Milestones" are an autobiographical sketch, but since the events described in it were really unusual, so as not to create a stir around his name, Roerich described everything that happened to him and his family members as if it would happen to his friends and acquaintances.

This essay also reflects the moment when the Roerichs received the "Wandering Stone"; “It was indicated that it would be a very valuable package. As time went. Our friends seemed to have forgotten about this circumstance and came to Paris. One day from Banvertrest Bank they bring a notification about the receipt of the package. It turned out that the most unusual package was delivered by this most ordinary route. As you can see, it happens."

"Our friends" - this, as already mentioned, was the Roerichs themselves. Clarifying the details of this significant event, the biographer of the Roerich family, PF Belikov, in his work “Roerich, (An Experience of Spiritual Biography)” writes: “It happened on October 5, 1923, when the Roerichs gathered in Paris on their way to India. For the first time we find a hint about the Stone in Roerich's poem "The Conjure" in 1911:

“Know the stone. Save the stone. Conceal the fire. Light up with fire. Red bold. Blue calm. Green wise. Know one. Save the stone. Fu, Lo, Ho, carry the Stone. Give back to the strong. Give it to the faithful, Ienno Guyo Dya - go straight ahead!"

It is possible that this was one of the Vladyka's Instructions, accepted, but not immediately deciphered. It says in it not only about the Stone, but also four of His future carriers, which are hidden under the names, obviously, of past incarnations.

The Roerichs received detailed information later about what exactly They were destined to be the next bearers of the Stone and “what exactly is connected with this.

The unpublished entries for Leaves of the Garden of Moria (the first book in the Agni Yoga series) contain the following lines: History of the Ark. When the opportunity to receive the Treasure was forged, the Ark was prepared in Germany. A parchment was found for him with ancient images of magical signs; at the command of the Voice and incantations - four letters are written, revealing the meaning, only now understood. But it is fair to return the Ark to the mistress when the path goes to the salvation of humanity. Part of the skin belonged to Solomon and could contain a spell of evil. … Part of the Stone lies with Us; when the Stone connects, the brought shard will complete the victory. Get the piece wandering in the world."

The mysterious phrase about the need to “return the Stone to the mistress” is associated with the knowledge of the Roerichs' past incarnations by the Teachers: it was Helena Roerich in one of her past lives that was the wife of a German feudal lord from Rothenburg, who sheltered an alchemist scientist from the persecution of the Inquisition and received the Ark (box) with the Stone.


Tracking the events connected with the receipt by the Roerichs of a wonderful relic, PF Belikov continues; "In N. Roerich's letter dated September 2, 1923 from Paris to Shibaev, there is such a mention:" We are now being given the Legend of the Stone. " Thus, the Legend, which contains the details of the history of the appearance of the Stone on Earth, was received by the Roerichs shortly before the Stone itself. Subsequently, she entered the book of Elena Ivanovna "Cryptograms of the East", where E. I. performs under the pseudonym J. Saint-Hilaire.

Elena Ivanovna, sending R. Rudzitis a photograph from the Stone, wrote on October 1, 1935: “… I am enclosing a photograph from one such package. You can read about her in "Cryptograms of the East" - The Legend of the Stone. So, in the photo, the Stone rests in the ark on an ancient fabric, on which the ancient inscription "We will win by this sign" is embroidered in the radiance of rays. Keep this picture with you, show and tell only the closest ones. I will be happy to answer your questions about the Stone, in connection with the legend, if you have such."

In the work of PF Belikov, the inevitable question of the future fate of Orion's gift is also highlighted. A biographer and employee of the Roerich family mentions that Stone accompanied the Roerichs on their Central Asian expedition. What happened to this relic then? Belikov writes about this: “The epilogue to Agni Yoga gives a partial answer about His whereabouts:“I affirmed Agni Yoga with the pillars of My feet and took fire into my hands, I gave a fiery Stone to the one that, according to Our decision, will be called the Mother of Agni Yoga, for she submitted herself to the test of spatial Fire. The jets of this Fire were imprinted on the Stone during a great flight before the face of the sun. A fog of sparks covered the peaks of the Keeper of the Snows when the Stone made a fiery path from south to north into the Protected Valley.

Consequently, at the predestined moment, the Stone made a "flight before the face of the sun" in order to find itself in its homeland, in Shambhala? Obviously it is.

In his work, PF Belikov also reports that “The Casket of the Stone was captured by Svyatoslav Nikolaevich in the portraits of Elena Ivanovna, Nikolai Konstantinovich and in a separate picture. Nikolai Konstantinovich depicted Him on the canvases "Treasure of the World", "Chintamani", "Keeper of the World". The triptych "Fiat River" depicts the Stone itself in the Hands of the Lord.

There is a photograph of an open Casket with a Stone resting on an embroidered fabric. It dates back to 1923-24. The author is not aware of the presence of later photographs."

The Stone is mentioned in many literary works of N. K. Roerich. In The Heart of Asia, Roerich writes: “The great Timur, it is said, owned this stone. The stone is usually brought by completely unexpected people. In the same unexpected way disappears in due course. To appear again at the appointed time in a completely different country. The main part of this Stone is in Shambhala. Only a small piece of it is given out and wanders all over the earth, maintaining a magnetic connection with the main Stone. Endless legends are generously scattered about this Stone. It is also said that King Solomon and Emperor Akbar owned it. These legends involuntarily reminded of the Wandering Stone, sung by the famous meistersinger Wolfram von Eschenbach, who concluded his song with the words: "And this stone is called the Grail."

Speaking about the greatest spiritual mission carried out by the Roerich family, PF Belikov also mentions a mysterious prophecy contained in the “Cryptograms of the East”: “The phenomenon will be clear when I say - the path of four to the East. Nothing will subtract the Commandment. Give in to the destined hour."

Shrine of Shambhala in Russia

The Roerich family became a bridge connecting bygone eras with modernity, legend - with reality, East - with West. The broken threads of millennia were again filled with meaning and fluttered, ready to pass on the baton of bound knowledge to future generations. Together with the Roerich family, the stone made a long journey through the countries of the East and West and again visited Russia.

What was the stone's mission? Its radiation had a special psychophysical effect, cleansing the astral space of the Earth at great distances. The secret heat radiated by the gift of Orion saturated the space of the country in which he was located with powerful cosmic energy, activating the consciousness of many people and enhancing their spiritual and creative potential.

In Moscow, where the Roerichs arrived to meet with members of the Soviet government, the stone had an additional mission. The fact is that any military clashes accompanied by bloodshed saturate the space with negative psychic energy, which tends to persist for a very long time. After the bloody events of the revolution and the civil war, the space of Russia was oversaturated with negative energy, negatively affecting the consciousness of people and their spiritual level. Only the "carrying fire" messenger of Orion could "defuse" the negative psychoenergetic field of the administrative and political center of the country. And he fulfilled his mission.

Of course, it is impossible to completely cleanse the astral space of the city, especially the entire country, from accumulations of negative energy, and this would contradict the cosmic law of karma. But Kamen was able to significantly improve the energy of the cities he visited (including Moscow). Orion's gift also fulfilled his other task - he repeatedly saved the Roerich family from enemy attacks. So it was in Moscow. Dzerzhinsky, with whom the Roerichs were supposed to meet for a conversation, gave the order to arrest their expedition, and the next day he died, not having time to carry out his plan … It seems that the dark forces were extremely desirable to destroy the Roerichs expedition, but despite all the difficulties and the dangers facing her, she nevertheless fulfilled her mission.

What was the spiritual mission of the Roerichs - the ambassadors of Shambhala? It was so complex and global in scale that it is simply impossible to answer this question in a few words. Let's just say that one of their main tasks was to spread Agni Yoga, or Living Ethics, the greatest scientific and philosophical doctrine of our time in Russia and the Western countries. This doctrine reflects the millennial wisdom of the East, set forth in a modern language, understandable to Europeans. Representing the quintessence of esoteric science and philosophy of the East, Living Ethics contains a colossal spiritual potential that can indicate not only the true causes of the most acute social problems of our time, but also practical ways to resolve them.

The last messengers of Shambhala in this world, the bearers of the Stone - the Roerichs - left the world of the living. Where did the heavenly Stone disappear after their death? Did you go to your homeland, to the legendary Himalayan stronghold of Light? Or is it stored somewhere else, waiting for the new envoy of the legendary country, who will be entrusted with the next great mission? We don't know that. Time does not soon reveal its secrets. But among the revealed secrets are the names of those who became the Keepers of the Stone and the messengers of Shambhala in the 20th century.