Chakras - Alternative View

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Chakras - Alternative View
Chakras - Alternative View

Video: Chakras - Alternative View

Video: Chakras - Alternative View
Video: How to Read the Chakra System 2024, September

Chakras are called energy centers in the human etheric body, designed to receive energy from the space around us and distribute it between various energy channels, organs and systems of the body.

There are seven chakras in the human body:

1. MULADHARA (red chakra)

- Located between the anus and genitals.

- It is considered the root chakra, the "foundation of life." Serves as a receiver of the Earth's energy flow, energizes other chakras.

- It is a place of concentration of instincts, impulses and vitality. Her energy is directed towards survival functions.

- Determines trust in the world and inner strength.

- On the physical plane, it is responsible for the energy used to build the body and for the work of the external genital organs.

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2. SVADHISTHANA (orange chakra)

- Located at the apex of the pubic bone.

- Determines sex life, life satisfaction, self-giving ability.

- On the physical plane, it is responsible for the work of the large intestine canal, internal genital organs, for sexuality and fertility.

3. MANIPURA (yellow chakra)

- Located above the navel.

- Determines the core of a person, his inner self, consciousness and connection with inner strength.

- The development of this chakra is associated with the acquisition of strength and wisdom.

- On the physical plane, it is responsible for the solar plexus, for the functioning of the channels of the liver, pancreas, duodenum, stomach.

4. ANAKHATA (green chakra)

- Located at heart level.

- Determines the ability to love, sensitivity towards other people.

- In the body, it regulates the work of the heart channel, blood circulation and all organs of the chest.

5. VISHUDHA (blue chakra)

- Located in the throat, almost under the larynx.

- Determines the ability to communicate, creative activity and awareness of their own individuality.

- Responsible for the growth function, the kidney canal, the throat area, the thyroid gland and lymph nodes.

6. AJNA (blue chakra)

- Located between the eyebrows, sometimes called the "third eye".

- Determines volitional effort, intuition, intelligence and the conscious aspect of creativity.

- On the physical plane, it coordinates the work of the endocrine glands, is responsible for the work of the brain channel.

7. SAHASRARA (violet chakra)

- Located in the center of the "skull lid" (crown).

- Receives the energy of the Cosmos, feeds other chakras, controls the subtle processes of interaction of all energy centers of the body.

- Connects the bodily, mental and spiritual nature of a person.

- Determines the ability for higher discernment and consciousness.


During the birth of a child, the chakras are open and ready to receive prana for the growth and development of the gross and subtle bodies. However, in order to protect itself from negative energy, the chakra can close. The functioning of the chakra is mainly affected by the sensations and feelings experienced in childhood that remain throughout life.

There are two categories of people for whom knowledge of the chakras will be especially useful. The first is parents with children of seven to eight years old (the age when the child is at the stage of development). Although childhood itself and the child's experiences are subject to the laws of karma, there is still a chance to prevent some problems, having knowledge about the chakras. Parents can learn to determine the state of the child's chakras (whether they are open or not).

Another category of people who can benefit from the knowledge of chakras are people suffering from various diseases, which are known to be caused by emotional or psychological turmoil.

The diagram shows the location of the seven main chakras, as well as the areas of the body that they affect. It should be noted that healers do not always agree that this is the exact location of the chakras, but this does not mean at all that the material given is not correct or that healers are mistaken. It simply means that chakras at different levels are perceived and seen in different ways. And the dispute is completely inappropriate here. This material describes the vision of the chakras in their maximum contact with the physical body. Of course, if we begin to consider the same chakras in other, higher dimensions, then accordingly we will see completely different things.

The first chakra is called mooladhara in Sanskrit - it is located at the end of the ridge between the anus and the genitals. Muladhara is responsible for the formation of the whole organism. This chakra connects us to the main life energies and the adrenal gland. It controls reactions to stress. In a moment of danger, the adrenal glands increase the production of hormones, which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. This gives the person strength and increases the speed of the reflex.

This chakra includes such parts of the body as the colon, legs, bones.

The most common type of people who have their first chakra damaged are criminals. People who are at the animal level of consciousness usually only care about themselves and getting food. If this chakra does not function well, then various diseases begin, such as: constipation, obesity, various hemorrhoids, radiculitis.

It is important for children to feel protected. Otherwise, if the child does not feel safe, then to some extent his first chakra will close in order to protect the child from negative energies. Unfortunately, once closed, the chakra can remain in this state throughout life, greatly weakening the child, or, quite possibly, on the contrary, strong egoism and aggressiveness develop.

The second chakra, svadhisthana, is located at the beginning of the genitals. This chakra is responsible for the sense of pleasure (including sexual). Since this chakra is associated with the functioning of the gonads, in the West this chakra is considered only the sex chakra, although in fact it has a much larger area of influence. Children who have received enough physical contact with their parents, especially with the mother, do not actually face significant problems in this area. However, children raised in an atmosphere of lack of love will be prone to various disorders of this chakra. A child may develop a tendency to go to one of two extremes: one is the attitude towards sex as something disgusting or unnatural, and sometimes even the fear of engaging in sexual relations, the other is to consider sex as the most important occupation in life. In accordance with the laws of karma, in a previous life, people of these two types in relationships with others took more than they gave. If in childhood a person experiences a crisis as a result of which his chakra closes, then in the future he will experience difficulties in relationships with others, manifested as disgust or a strong fear of physical intimacy. People of this kind need to try to please others without expecting reciprocity.

The third chakra, Manipura, is located just above the navel and directs prana flows to almost all internal organs below the diaphragm. This chakra in children determines the level of desire for power and control. As a person develops a sense of responsibility, the desire to manage does not necessarily become a negative trait. However, if any complications arise in the third chakra, then negative qualities develop in a person. They begin to think that they can become happy by increasing their power and power.

If a person in this life tries to control others and make decisions for someone or illegally take someone else's position, his third chakra will fail. Such souls may be born in a family in the next life, where the stronger will control them very tightly, never allowing them to use their own mind or make independent decisions. It is also possible that such souls will be born in a place where chaos reigns and the authority of power is absent.

In any of the cases described above, the third chakra will close, and consciousness in its development will fall into one of two extremes. At one extreme, a person can become timid and cowardly, believing that he does not have the ability to manage his life. Another is to use reason and use your influence only for the sake of constantly increasing power and power. The way to balance this chakra is to be content with what the Lord gives.

The fourth chakra, anahata, is located in the chest area and is connected to the heart, chest and lungs. People whose parents are divorced or whose families have a hostile atmosphere usually has a damaged fourth chakra. Because of the poor relationship between the parents, the child does not have a proper example to follow. In the future, when he has to build a personal family life, he will not know how to do this and what to expect from his partner. This creates a sense of personal failure, self-doubt, and withdrawal. In most cases, in a past life, such people did not consider it necessary to surround others with care, affection and warmth. It is somewhat similar to the experience affecting the second chakra, but more subtle.

Under the pressure of a hostile atmosphere experienced in childhood, a person's heart "hardens". Therefore, such people need to open their hearts to someone. But first, they need to learn how to receive positive emotions and experiences themselves, and then try to apply these feelings to other living beings. Since the fourth chakra of the heart is associated with maternal feelings and instincts, people deprived of maternal care in childhood need to learn to play the role of a loving mother, regardless of their gender.

The fifth chakra, vishuddha, is located at the bottom of the throat, in the area of the thyroid gland. This chakra is responsible for the formation of ideas and judgments in a person, as well as for communication and speech. Children brought up under the prohibition to have their own opinions in the future will experience very big problems in this area. Parents who care only about themselves usually say: "No, you shouldn't think like that, you should think like we think." Such treatment of a child can lead to the closure of his fifth chakra.

Another reason for violations can be the strong love of the mother, if, as a consequence, the mother forbids the child to have an opinion. The mother manipulates her love so that the child thinks: “My mother loves me very much, she is so wonderful. But if I have an opinion different from hers, she will be upset and our relationship will be upset. When a person has a closed fifth chakra, he does not tell anyone what he thinks about, or, in the opposite case, develops the belief that everyone should listen only to him and accept only his opinion. It is very important to give children the opportunity, especially at the age of five, to form and express their opinions, despite the fact that parents may try to lead their child in a different direction.

The sixth chakra is located in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. In Sanskrit it is called ajna. It is connected with the head, eyes and vision, and on a more subtle level with intuition (inner feeling) and philosophical understanding. In a child, this chakra is associated with fantasy and childhood dreams. We all know that all children do not think and see this world as adults. They are not yet burdened by our strict standards and rules. What a pity sometimes to see a father or mother with slaps and slaps on the head forcing their child to do what is “right”. Perhaps, by the standards of our society, such a child will really grow up to be correct. But will he be happy?

The sixth chakra is responsible for the perception of the world and the sixth sense (instinct), and also has to do with the subtle perception of the world. If you do not give free rein to the imagination of a child, then he will grow up as a scientist in the worst sense of the word. It will be difficult for him to understand things that cannot be seen or measured.

The seventh chakra, sahasrara, is located at the very top of the head and opens up the upward flow of energy. The work of the chakra cannot be disturbed by itself. Its functioning depends on the state of the other six chakras. This chakra is associated with awareness of God, self-realization, comprehension of the Absolute and true compassion.