Aliens Have Invaded US Relations With Russia - Alternative View

Aliens Have Invaded US Relations With Russia - Alternative View
Aliens Have Invaded US Relations With Russia - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Have Invaded US Relations With Russia - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Have Invaded US Relations With Russia - Alternative View
Video: What Is Russia's Relationship With The United States? | Conversations with Jim Zirin 2024, June

Ufologists seem to be suffering from an autumn aggravation: recently, statements that aliens have long been among us have become especially frequent. Moreover, they are being done in the context of aggravated Russian-American relations. The main complaint of the conspiracy theorists is that the presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation have long been aware of the presence of aliens and even encounter them themselves, but stubbornly refuse to tell the public about it.

The latest sensational news: the alien served in the protection of the former American leader Barack Obama. He was even filmed on video - he showed his extraterrestrial essence, as the authors of the hypothesis believe, with strange and suspicious "mechanical" movements of his head. The recording was made at the 2012 AIPAC conference.

When attention was drawn to her, it suddenly turned out that not only the movements of the security were suspicious - he did not look like a person at all: he had a too elongated face, an uncharacteristic grayish skin tone that stood out sharply in a dimly lit hall, and dark eye sockets.

Donald Trump, like his predecessors, did not admit that aliens are already among us, because this "violates the US Constitution" and risks "collapsing the world economy." One influential American expressed a desire to appeal to Vladimir Putin for recognition of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization - as a more determined and independent leader.

The man is Steve Bassett, chief executive of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) and the only registered lobbyist in the United States on "alien and UFO disclosure." He, like more than 50% of American citizens, strongly believes in the existence of humanoids. Moreover, Bassett believes that the US government is secretly cooperating with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization in the development of new technologies, imposing the strictest secrecy on this activity. According to the activist, this is due to fears of provoking a conflict with religion, the rule of law and may lead to savings in traditional fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal.

Steve Bassett went to Russia to reach out to President Putin, who, in his opinion, can end the taboo on messages about "guests from the Universe". And by the way, a month ago a team of miners of the mining company Kuzbassrazrezugol in one of the most remote areas of Volgograd, at a depth of more than forty meters, stumbled upon a strange object covered with metal, perhaps even tungsten. An unusual find is a disc, no more than one and a half meters in diameter, but weighing more than two hundred kilograms. In fact, there were two identical objects, but the first one broke when it was hooked with an excavator bucket.

The PRG director claims that the beginning of contact between the human race and representatives of the alien race, as well as the use of extraterrestrial technology, dates back to July 1947. Seventy years ago, there was the Roswell incident, which is commonly understood as the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near the city of Roswell in New Mexico. This event was forgotten for a long time, until in 1978 the physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman (Stanton T. Friedman) interviewed Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the investigation of the events of 1947. Since then it started …

Researchers from MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network), according to the British newspaper Metro, discussed the list of people who died allegedly from "accidents" or victims of "suicide". There are hundreds of names on the list. John Ventre of MUFON says, “Is someone killing our UFO experts? Over the ten-year period, 137 people died."

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Last year, paranormal researcher Max Spiers, who claimed to have survived a secret government "super soldier" program, was found dead, and conspiracy theorists once again pointed the finger at secret government agencies. Strong proponents of this theory insist that dozens of murders since 1947 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy may have been orchestrated to cover up the truth about UFOs. And now we have to hear the confessions of people who say that they receive strange threatening phone calls.

Nigel Watson, author of The UFO Research Handbook, says: “The idea that UFO researchers have been killed implies that there is some kind of conspiracy and some kind of secret organization behind it. This is entirely consistent with the concept of the Men in Black (MIB), who are either aliens in human form or government agents keeping UFO witnesses from public confessions. MIBs usually verbally intimidate people, but it seems logical that Men in Black will resort to violence and murder when the need arises."

Despite the imaginary or real threats, the flow of publications on this topic does not stop. For example, in June, a video interview was released with the late Charles Forgus, the deputy sheriff of Greater Springs in Howard County, Texas, describing how he and his boss visited the crash site of the alleged Roswell UFO. In a conversation recorded in 1999, Forgus revealed that he had seen many military personnel. They carried covered bodies, small (about one and a half meters tall). “We didn’t see any heads, but the hands looked very human, brownish in color, as if they were very tanned,” Forgus said. Soon, the military insistently asked him and a colleague to leave the scene.