Chakras: How To Open Them And What It Can Give You - Alternative View

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Chakras: How To Open Them And What It Can Give You - Alternative View
Chakras: How To Open Them And What It Can Give You - Alternative View

Video: Chakras: How To Open Them And What It Can Give You - Alternative View

Video: Chakras: How To Open Them And What It Can Give You - Alternative View
Video: The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!) 2024, September

Chakras are energy points in the body that are responsible for storing, transforming and receiving energy. The very concept of "chakra" is abstract. They cannot be seen and touched, but they can be felt. Each human chakra is responsible for certain spiritual qualities and energy in a particular area of life. It is believed that if a person fails in some area, then some chakra does not work for him. For example, setbacks in your personal life can happen due to the fact that the love chakra is not working well. Where are these energy centers, and how to activate them?

There are 7 chakras in total. Each has its own function and is located in a specific place on the human body.

First chakra - Muldahara

It is located in the perineum or at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for natural instincts, inner fears and physical stamina. If it does not work, then the person begins to feel defenseless, lonely and insecure. On a physical level, this can manifest itself through pain in the lower abdomen and spine. You can activate the Muladhara chakra through meditation. To do this, you need to imagine a red energy ball in the tailbone area and tune yourself to the idea that life does not pose any threats. You need to experience confidence, well-being, and security.

Second chakra - Svadhisthana

It is located at the level of the appendix and is responsible for the feeling of joy, the ability to have fun and the formation of creative energy. People who have this chakra inactive often become angry, jealous, and addicted to their attachment to something. At the physical level, this can manifest itself through diseases of the genital organs. You can activate the Svadhisthana chakra by returning simple everyday pleasures. Try to find something pleasant in every day you live, get satisfaction not from the result of your work, but from the process, fight negative emotions and stay yourself.

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Third chakra - Manipura

It is located in the area of the solar plexus. If you often do something wrong, if all your plans collapse due to any external circumstances, you cannot gain strength for active actions, then the Manipura chakra does not work for you. She is responsible for confidence, life principles, our desires, stereotypes and choice of path. The physical manifestations of the inoperative state of this energy center are diseases of the stomach and liver. You can activate this chakra by freely expressing your thoughts and desires, as well as by freeing yourself from stereotypes and prejudices.

Fourth chakra - Anahata

It is located in the area of the heart and is responsible for the ability to love and compassion. The physical manifestation of the passivity of this chakra is heart disease, lung disease, poor blood circulation. Failure in love? Perhaps your love chakra is not working? You can activate it if you learn to accept yourself as you are and love your body and soul.

Fifth chakra - Vishuddha

This chakra is located at the base of the neck and is responsible for self-realization. If you are lost in life, you are not satisfied with what is happening around you or the lifestyle that you lead does not bring you satisfaction, then this chakra does not work for you. On a physical level, this can be expressed through diseases of the larynx, thyroid gland, and throat. To activate this chakra, you need to remain yourself, not depend on other people's opinions and views, go your own way and be honest.

Sixth Chakra - Anja

It is located in the middle of the chest and is responsible for intuition. The passivity of this chakra can be expressed in addiction to drugs, high self-esteem, loss of meaning in life and a sense of superiority over other people. This chakra can be activated through the development of intuition. You need to listen to your desires more often and learn to feel the unity with the world.

Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara

It is located in the parietal region and is responsible for unity with the Universe. This is the highest point of human consciousness. She is responsible for spirituality and insight, and is the main chakra through which the energy of other centers passes. This chakra can be activated only through meditation and gaining new knowledge about the Universe and its energy.

Working with the chakras is a long process, but the result of all efforts is worth it to engage in comprehending your energy centers. Awareness of harmony, a feeling of joy, success in life and the acquisition of the meaning of life - all this can be obtained through the active work of the chakras.
