Secrets Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View
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Where did people come from on Earth? It would seem that the answer to this question is known to everyone, because scientists have provided sufficient evidence for the theory of evolution, which says that man descended from a monkey. At the same time, there are many other, alternative, theories of human origin. As a rule, these hypotheses have practically no evidence, although these ideas themselves are quite interesting for their originality and boldness.

For many centuries, religion has successfully answered the question of the origin of man. The idea that man was created by God, however, like any other religious theory, did not require any proof, only faith. In the past, science was not very developed, and most people were not well educated. That is why the religious theory of the origin of man suited everyone. Over time, along with theological theory, others appeared, in particular, and Darwin's theory of evolution. Initially, the hypothesis that man could have descended from a monkey caused a violent protest in society. But when Darwin published his scientific work on the origin of species, creationism got a serious competitor.

According to Darwin and his followers, man descended from ancient apes, who were the common ancestors of both modern apes and modern humans. Natural selection played a major role in this. To exist more or less comfortably, human ancestors were forced to become more intelligent and cunning compared to other species. Predators could only be defeated by cunning, since the ancient man had neither sharp claws, nor impressive teeth, nor the ability to run fast. The ancient people were forced to compensate for their imperfection with cunning and the use of various devices and tools. Thus, man became the first biological species in which only the smartest and most cunning survived, and not the fast and toothy ones. Ultimately, this was the reason for the development of the human brain and the appearance of Homo sapiens.

Today both adults and children know the theory of evolution. However, this does not mean at all that the question of where a person came from is completely closed. Many are not satisfied with the theory of evolution, therefore, alternative theories appear, which to one degree or another explain the emergence of the human race.

Among the alternative theories, one of the most popular is the so-called "cosmic" hypothesis. Its supporters are sure that humanity owes its appearance on the planet to aliens. At the same time, there are many versions of how exactly alien aliens contributed to the emergence of human civilization.

According to some scientists, humans are the direct descendants of aliens. It is possible that the alien guests ended up on our planet and either simply could not leave it for some reason, or deliberately flew in as a result of an unknown disaster on their home planet. Others argue that aliens somehow created humans, either as slaves, or as pets, or simply out of boredom or for fun. Later, for some reason, the aliens lost interest in the people they created, or they are still waiting for people to reach a sufficient level of development to make contact with aliens.

It should be noted that space theories have appeared relatively recently, namely at the time when people began to think about interplanetary travel and that they may not be alone in the Universe. There is no evidence for theories of the extraterrestrial origin of mankind and certainly will not be, as long as people do not have the opportunity to study aliens.

There are cosmic hypotheses that are very closely related to the theory of evolution. They say that microorganisms were brought to the Earth from other planets, which over time adapted to a new habitat, gradually changed. As a result, the first mammals, monkeys and humans appeared. In addition, there is a theory according to which a person was transported to Earth in a ready-made form, and after that he did not change at all. This hypothesis is closer to the theological theory, that is, to the theory of the creation of man by higher powers. And due to the fact that the “divine” theory stipulates that this has never happened again, then it is impossible to test the new alternative theory in principle.

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There is an opinion according to which people were not at all the first intelligent beings on Earth. Ernst Muldashev's theory, in particular, says that intelligent civilizations lived on our planet at different periods of time, moreover, one race replaced another. Humans are the fifth intelligent race on Earth.

It is worth noting that Muldashev was an ophthalmologist by profession, but he became famous precisely because of the theory of human origin. The hypothesis of the existence of other intelligent civilizations on the planet before people helps explain many facts that could not be explained before, in particular, the presence of ancient structures that ancient people simply could not build due to the lack of advanced technologies. In the same case, if these technologies remained as a legacy from the previous intelligent races, this explains a lot.

Muldashev's works are very convincing, so many people, after reading them, become not only admirers, but also followers of the professor of medicine, who decided to devote his life to anthropology. The theory that the Atlanteans could be the forefathers of mankind seems to many more attractive than the traditional theory of evolution. At the same time, if we talk about the proofs of this hypothesis, the situation here is not very good, since none of the numerous scientific expeditions in which Muldashev himself took part was able to find confirmation of his version.

The scientist himself is sure that the lack of evidence is not at all a guarantee that his theory does not correspond to reality, because there are not very many proofs of the theory of relativity, however, it, nevertheless, became the basis for many scientific works and studies. However, the scientific world categorically disagrees with this statement, therefore, the hypothesis of the origin of man from earlier, more advanced races is not taken seriously by scientists.

Some of the scientists who doubted the relationship between man and monkeys began to look for other relatives in the animal kingdom. American biologists have discovered that the human cell has a genetic similarity to the gray rat cell. The similarity was so clear that scientists came to the conclusion that humans and rats have a common ancestor.

Moreover, in favor of their theory, scientists say that the behavior of rats and humans is also very similar. So, rats are quick-witted, smart, learn quickly and know how to apply the skills. Flocks of rats are very closed, therefore they recognize exclusively their own, and they simply gnaw strangers. Rat populations are very reminiscent of public organizations of an authoritarian nature.

Genetic scientists, in turn, argue that in their modern form, people appeared on the planet about 200 thousand years ago, which is five times longer than the lifetime of human civilization. At the same time, there are many reasons to believe that the ancient history of mankind is much older and is not limited to two hundred thousand years. And the named figure is just a trait when the branch of humanity separated from the more ancient race of intelligent beings.

There is a lot of evidence for this theory. In particular, there is the concept of forbidden archeology, which includes finds that cannot be explained by modern science. We are talking about the footprints of giants, whose age reaches tens of millions of years, the ancient skeletons of incredible creatures that are very similar to humans, and artificial objects, whose age reaches millions of years.

Modern science does not take such findings seriously and does not consider them, since they do not fit into any of the existing theories. However, at the same time, the idea arose that once there was a mother planet in the Galaxy, on which humanity was born, after which it settled in all worlds suitable for life. Then all the colonies created by the aliens, for some unknown reason, degraded, ran wild and lost civilization.

Against the background of all these theories, the idea that man did not come from a monkey, but a monkey from man sounds not so stupid. In other words, primates are a completely degraded, side branch of humans. Moreover, the authors of this hypothesis quite easily found evidence for it.

As you know, in the process of intrauterine development, the fetus goes through all stages of development. But, as it turned out, a person does not go through the so-called "monkey" phase. Conversely, there is a period in the development of the monkey embryo when it is very similar to humans.

Occultists have their own opinion regarding the origin of modern man. They collected a large number of ancient myths and legends about the origin of mankind and those civilizations that existed before. These legends claim that the most ancient civilization originated in the north. This happened long before the ice age. Divine ancestors settled in the northern sky. Some researchers are sure that we are talking about the colonization of the Earth by creatures from space. Others say that a developed culture that existed on a small island decided to expand its territory. However, both versions mean that the settlers were representatives of another, even more ancient civilization, about which nothing is known. The newcomers settled on the mainland Hyperborea, around the North Pole.

The Hyperboreans lived on the mainland, where the sun never set. Apollo occasionally flew to them on a golden carriage drawn by swans. According to some researchers, this was the prototype of the spacecraft. The inhabitants of the mainland were tall, fair-haired creatures. And it was they who became the progenitors of the white race.

Hyperborea did not exist for long, a comet or the fallen second moon completely destroyed the continent.

A new race appeared in Lemuria, on a huge continent, in the place of which the Atlantic Ocean is now located. This continent was constantly exposed to earthquakes and eventually disintegrated into islands, after which it sank to the ocean floor.

It is quite possible that scientists will be able to find it in the foreseeable future and this will radically change all ideas about the origin of mankind. And, perhaps, the scientific world will not be able to decide for a long time which of the many theories is correct.