Alien Code In Human DNA Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

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Alien Code In Human DNA Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View
Alien Code In Human DNA Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Alien Code In Human DNA Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Alien Code In Human DNA Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View
Video: DNA discovery sheds light on the history of humans 2024, July

Scientists recently released an interesting piece of information: they discovered a foreign code in our DNA. Extraterrestrial beings created our species - this is exactly the conclusion that suggests itself from the data obtained.

Researchers who have worked for 13 years on the human genome project indicate that they have stumbled upon an amazing scientific discovery: they believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in human DNA are nothing more than the gene code of life of alien origin. …

Initially, the so-called "junk DNA" code as well as its functionality remained a mystery to scientists. Researchers now believe that our DNA contains a trace of extraterrestrial origin built by ancient extraterrestrial engineers.

After careful analysis through multiple studies in various fields such as mathematics, chemistry and programming, specialists from the Astrophysical Institute. Fesenkova decided to declare: what we call "junk DNA" is in fact some extraterrestrial code created by alien genetic engineering programmers.

According to researchers from Kazakhstan, the hypothesis is that more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations a billion years ago worked on the birth of a new type of life and its dispersal on planets. Earth is just one of these planets where they settled the life they themselves created.

The researchers point out "what we see in our DNA is a program in two versions, a gigantic well-structured code and a simple or basic code."

The group of researchers believes that the first part of our DNA code was not written on Earth and that they say it is verifiable. Second, and most importantly, genes by themselves are not sufficient to account for explosive and explosive evolution. There must clearly be more to this mind game.

According to the hypothesis of scientists "we must accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the genetic code of creatures of alien origin, our cousins, and that evolution is much more than we are used to thinking."

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These scientific findings are supported by statements from eyewitnesses and observers who claim to have had contact with aliens that look almost human. It can be assumed that humanoid aliens could provide some of the genetic material needed for human evolution.

Quote from Discovery News: This interpretation leads to a far-fetched conclusion: the genetic code appears to have been invented outside the solar system several billion years ago. This statement supports the idea of panspermia, the hypothesis that life was brought to Earth from outer space. This is, of course, a new and bold approach to the conquest of galaxies, if we imagine that this was a deliberate step of extraterrestrial super-beings who know how to operate with genetic material.

Researchers speculate that at some stage, our DNA was encoded with an alien signal from an ancient extraterrestrial civilization. Scientists believe that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution alone.

Galactic signature of humanity

Surprisingly, it turns out that once the code has been installed, it will remain unchanged over cosmic time scales. As the researchers explain, our DNA is the most durable "material" and that is why the code is an extremely reliable and intelligent "signature" for those aliens who will read it, - says the Icarus magazine.

Experts say: “The recorded code can remain unchanged over cosmic time scales, in fact, this is the most reliable design. Therefore, it provides an exceptionally strong repository for smart signatures. The genome, appropriately rewritten with a new code with a signature, will be frozen in the cell and its progeny, which can then be carried through space and time."

Researchers believe that human DNA is arranged in such a precise way that it reveals "a set of arithmetic and ideographic structures of the symbolic language." Scientists' work leads them to believe that we were literally "created outside the Earth" several billion years ago.

These ideas and beliefs are not accepted in the scientific community. However, these studies proved what some researchers have been saying for decades, that evolution could not have happened on its own, and that there is something extraterrestrial for our entire species.

However, these studies and statements do not reveal the main secret. A mystery that remains as it is now; if extraterrestrial beings did create humanity and life on planet earth, then "who" or "what" created these extraterrestrial beings?