The Mystical Horrors Of The Caves - Alternative View

The Mystical Horrors Of The Caves - Alternative View
The Mystical Horrors Of The Caves - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Horrors Of The Caves - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Horrors Of The Caves - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Caves That Should Never Have Been Explored 2024, September

Bernatsky Anatoly In 1992, the expedition of the famous anthropologist David Woddle did not return from the jungle of Thailand. To find out the reason for the disappearance of the researchers, the American Association of Anthropologists formed a group of daredevils, led by Perry Winston and Roy Clive - experts who are well acquainted with the impenetrable and mysterious wilds of Indochina.

Following the path that Woddle and his comrades were supposed to follow, the new expedition reached the densely scrubbed hills northwest of the River Kwai. Behind them stretched a valley, on one side of which lay marshes inhabited by poisonous creatures, on the other - a river flowed.

These places were considered cursed by the local population. And this opinion was based on a legend according to which cannibal sorcerers once lived here. For this reason, Winston and Clive could not find guides from the local residents, and they, along with the rest of the group, continued on their own through the unfamiliar area.

In his diaries, shortly before his tragic journey, Woddle described this lowland in several lines, and also mentioned a mysterious cave in which the cannibals performed their ritual rituals.

Winston and Clive believed that, most likely, it was the unknown cave that kept the secret of the disappearance of Woddle and his comrades. Therefore, the main goal of scientists was to search for this mysterious place …

As soon as the thick twilight descended on the valley, the scientists, tired of the long and nervous journey, climbed into the tents. However, before they even had time to close their eyes, they were suddenly disturbed by incomprehensible sounds, similar to the monotonous knocking of many wooden sticks on an empty container. They came from the southwest side of the valley.

Instinctive fear in a sticky veil bound everyone in the tent. And of course, no one dared to go in the direction from where the strange rattling came.

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After lying in a tent until the morning, because no one could sleep soundly after such a surprise, the scientists set off in search of the source of strange sounds.

And so, when there were several miles of path behind them, the researchers unexpectedly stumbled upon a cave, which, most likely, Woddle mentioned in his notes.

Winston and Clive had no doubt that the mysterious sounds came from this very place.

But it was absolutely incomprehensible who they belonged to: a bird, an animal or … a ghost. Or maybe a person? But this was hard to believe, since many signs indicated that people had not appeared in these places for several years.

When the researchers began to inspect the surrounding area, they soon found the almost decomposed bodies of members of the Woddle expedition. They were recognized by their special equipment, as well as by other signs that were known to Winston and Clive.

In addition, the cause of death of the researchers was established almost immediately: they were apparently killed by opening their skulls and breasts with blunt objects. There was one oddity in all this: untouched property. If people had committed the murder, they would undoubtedly take things with them.

After all these terrible finds, as well as night "castanets", scientists entered the cave with caution. And for good reason. Inside the grotto, they found a large number of human skeletons. Some of them were lying on the floor, others were leaning against the walls, and others were hanging from the ceiling.

In addition, all skeletons had fractured skulls and thorax. It was also interesting that most of the skeletons had been here for more than one decade, and maybe even several hundred years.

For rest we settled down away from the cave filled with human skeletons. The onset of night was anxiously awaited. And the premonitions were soon justified. Suddenly, around midnight, rhythmic sounds like a drumbeat were heard. But now they could be heard almost side by side, and no one doubted that they were coming from the cave.

Keeping the cocks of their rifles cocked, people did not sleep a wink until morning. And only when the sun flooded the surroundings with bright light, the explorers again went to the cave. But over the past night, nothing has changed here. There was also no sign of anyone visiting the cave.

However, in the cave itself, an unexpected surprise awaited the archaeologists: they immediately noticed that almost all the skeletons had changed their position. This could mean only one thing: at night someone moved them from place to place. But why and who?

Winston, along with one of his colleagues, decided to set up an ambush near the cave in order to understand what was happening. And in order not to doze off, they grabbed a hefty supply of coffee and whiskey. In addition, they had weapons and a movie camera with them, allowing them to shoot in the dark. The rest went back to the parking lot.

And again in the middle of the night there was a familiar knock. Nobody heard any other sounds. And as soon as dawn broke, everyone rushed to the cave. Deathly silence greeted them. And soon Clive discovered the bodies of Winston and his companion, crushed and with pierced skulls.

This terrible picture had such a strong effect on the members of the expedition that the surviving researchers, taking with them the corpses of their comrades, immediately left the vicinity of the terrible cave.

Leaving, no one dared to look into the grotto of horror. However, one daredevil was found in the team. True, he did not enter the cave, but only directed a flashlight beam into its black mouth. According to him, he saw caked blood on one of the skeletons … But it is difficult to say how real the facts presented here are.

The horrors that the researchers had to experience in the mysterious Kashkulak cave, hidden in the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau in Khakassia, do not exist, but nevertheless, for several centuries, from generation to generation, bad fame has been passed on about it. This is the cult cave of the ancient Khakass. Here they made sacrifices to their gods, including people. "Kashkulak" translated into Russian means "the cave of the Black Devil" …

The participants of many scientific expeditions who explored the cave with half-rotted human and animal remains, for the most part, were experienced and courageous people. But almost all of them experienced a feeling of panic fear and horror as soon as they descended into this cave.

It happened that suddenly at some point people, without a word, threw equipment and rushed to the exit. Moreover, they were often experienced speleologists.

But, in addition to feelings of psychological discomfort and inexplicable horror, even stranger and more mysterious cases happened to people. One of them happened in 1983 with Konstantin Baulin, a speleologist, an employee of the Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine.

After a long stay in the cave, people moved towards the exit. Konstantin was the last in the bunch. And suddenly he felt that someone's gaze was "drilling" into his back. And then a wave of panic swept over him. For a moment, the scientist, as if submitting to someone else's will, turned around and … froze in horror: five meters away from him, he saw the figure of an elderly man in fluttering clothes and in a shaggy hat with horns, who was calling him after him. The distance between them was small, and the researcher was able to clearly see his burning eyes and smooth inviting movements. At the first moment, the scientist wanted to rush to run, but his legs did not obey him, and he even took several steps towards the vision. Suddenly, accidentally pulling the rope that tied him with the other participants, he seemed to be freed from the spell and rushed to the exit. After this incident, the scientist no longer descended into this cave, but the man-vision dreamed for a long time and called for him.

Local legends say that one of the caves of the dungeon is inhabited by its keeper - an ancient Khakass shaman. And those tourists who disturbed his peace, he punishes, appearing to them in dreams or in reality in the form of an old man in fluttering clothes, and beckons into the depths of the cave. Perhaps it's all about hallucinations.

There is certainly a reason for this assumption. And the hallucinations themselves in the cave could be explained by the unusual situation and the effect on the psyche of the enclosed space under the ground. But it's hard to say why different people who have been in the cave have the same hallucinations.

Nevertheless, a number of interesting observations that may shed light on this phenomenon have been made. For example, in a cave, devices recorded a constant oscillation of the electromagnetic field.

Moreover, scientists have found that among various signals, a strictly defined impulse is preserved almost all the time. Sometimes it was a single signal, and sometimes it manifested itself as a whole series, for example, for an hour at intervals of two minutes. But the signals always came with the same amplitude. And there were days when the impulse did not show itself at all, but then the instruments recorded it again.

Where did these signals come from and what was their source? That they came from the bowels of the earth became clear after a series of studies. But what served as their source, even the most modern equipment could not determine. Scientists have suggested that the signals recorded in the cave are not natural and can only come from an artificial emitter. If it is a radio beacon, then who is the target for the signals sent to the sky?

In the course of further research, it was found that nervousness, depression, and fear of people were captured only when strange signals were recorded. Moreover, when there was no one on the upper platform, the magnetometer was silent, but as soon as people appeared on it, it immediately began to react. As if the cave guessed that she had someone to show her secrets to.

Further analysis showed that at the same minutes bats and birds in the cave showed anxiety.

Trying to explain everything that happens in the cave, the researchers suggested that this phenomenon is based on some external physical factor, the appearance of which is associated with the presence of a person. Most likely, it is a person who becomes a catalyst for those very unstable processes, for the implementation of which an external impetus is needed.