Star Wars: Earth In Danger - Alternative View

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Star Wars: Earth In Danger - Alternative View
Star Wars: Earth In Danger - Alternative View

Video: Star Wars: Earth In Danger - Alternative View

Video: Star Wars: Earth In Danger - Alternative View
Video: Earth in Star Wars: Standing Up In The galaxy (Part 1) 2024, September

In the Milky Way galaxy, according to scientists, there are at least 10 billion planets, of which 5 to 10 million are similar to Earth. Simple logic dictates that intelligent life forms are possible on many of them. And surely there are supercivilizations that are several orders of magnitude superior to the earthly. Why, until now, cosmic brothers in reason have not entered into explicit contact with humanity? There are many good reasons for this. And nowadays more and more people hear the opinion that such contacts are undesirable and even dangerous. If only because astronomers discovered that there are real star wars going on in deep space.

Telegrams to brothers in mind

For a long time, earthlings hoped that they were not alone in the Universe, and dreamed of an upcoming meeting with brothers in mind. Moreover, in most science fiction works, such contacts were portrayed in the most rosy light: wise and generous aliens willingly share with us the latest achievements of their highly developed civilization, and humanity is making a giant leap forward in development. More sober voices sounded in dissonance in this mellifluous chorus. For example, the writer Sergei Snegov in his trilogy "People as Gods" showed that even supercivilizations are not always able to understand each other. And the cult saga "Star Wars" by George Lucas clearly demonstrated how highly developed intelligent species are fighting for life and death. Obviouslythe authors of these and other "pessimistic" works were able to receive and decipher the danger signal from the energy-informational field of the Universe and tried to convey it to the consciousness of earthlings.

And humanity is behaving extremely naively and imprudently. In 1974, a program of messages to extraterrestrial civilizations (METI) began to operate, within which the first "dispatch" was sent from the Arecibo radio observatory in Puerto Rico to the constellation Hercules, where, according to scientists, the likelihood of intelligent life is quite high. In the next 40 years, more than two dozen messages went into deep space to various star systems. So far, no answer has been received, which is not surprising, because, for example, the "telegram" sent to the system of the star Gliese 581 of the constellation Libra in 2009 will reach the addressee only in 2029. Unless, of course, they intercept on the way.


The fact that such an interception is possible is proved by the history of American interplanetary spacecraft. In 1972 the Pioneer-10 unmanned vehicle was launched. On board was a 15.2 x 22 centimeter plate made of gold-plated aluminum with an engraved pictogram. It depicts a man, a woman, the Pioneer apparatus itself, the layout of our planet in space and other signs that carry information about the Earth and its inhabitants to the aliens. The ship flew near Jupiter, conducted research on this giant and left the solar system. His "twin" "Pioneer-11" has done the same way.

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Then the vehicles behaved very strangely - they reduced their speed and deviated from the course by 400 thousand kilometers.

Among the reasons for the deviation from the course were the effects of the solar wind, gravitational field, dark matter, etc. And radical researchers saw the intrigues of aliens in this.

We make noise, brothers, make noise

Scientists began to sound the alarm immediately after sending the first interstellar messages. In 1974, Nobel laureate radio astronomer Martin Ryle went to press demanding a ban on any attempts to broadcast from Earth to alleged extraterrestrial civilizations. In his opinion, it is very dangerous to draw the attention of the powerful forces of the Universe to mankind, which is just taking its first timid steps in outer space. More advanced civilizations can easily conquer us or even destroy us.

Frank Drake, one of the authors of the METI program, objected: “It's too late to worry about being discovered from outside. It is done. And it continues from day to day, with every TV show, every sounding signal of the military radar, every command issued on board the spacecraft …”Indeed, humanity behaves too noisy, like naughty kids, and extraterrestrial intelligence, if it really exists, has long been already tracked us.

What are the consequences? Perhaps supercivilization will not pay attention to us at all, just as we do not care about the ants crawling around somewhere outside our summer cottage. But as soon as these insects enter our garden or, God forbid, our house, then we begin to ruthlessly destroy them. Likewise, it costs nothing for aliens to strike a preemptive strike on Earth. They are well positioned for such an attack. This can be confirmed by astronomers who have observed Star Wars.

Echoes of space battles

In October 1963, the United States launched the Vela satellites, which were supposed to monitor the implementation of the nuclear test ban treaty in the atmosphere, outer space and under water. Out of the blue, their detectors detected gamma-ray bursts in deep space, billions of light-years from Earth. Until now, astrophysicists are arguing about the nature of this mysterious phenomenon. But it has been argued that these short, bright flares are the result of incredibly powerful explosions in distant galaxies. It is possible that these are echoes of Star Wars, during which supercivilizations millions, if not billions of years ago, exchanged deadly blows, the power of which exceeds the human imagination. The energy of a typical gamma-ray burst is equivalent to tens or even hundreds of supernova explosions. Moreover, the dimensions of the explosion area do not exceed several tens of kilometers, and the flash occurs inside a narrow, highly turbulent ejection of matter flying at almost the speed of light. All this resembles a shot from some super-powerful weapon, hitting the target and destroying it. A typical flash is a series of explosions of varying power, lasting from a fraction of a second to several minutes. Isn't it an exchange of blows during a star battle?

Later, traces of similar star wars were found in our Galaxy, in the strip between the constellations Ursa Major and Taurus. The most interesting thing is that in this area of space there are no celestial objects that could be detected by astronomical instruments.

These space battles took place in time immemorial, their echoes have reached us through many hundreds of thousands of years. But where is the guarantee that star wars do not continue to this day, and our planet, "noisy" for at least 50 light years, will not be attacked by some space aggressor?

Accidental hit

By the way, it is likely that a mysterious cosmic ray hit the Earth in the 8th century. This is the conclusion reached by Japanese scientists who studied the carbon-14 content in the wood of long-lived cedars. They found that between 774 and 775, the trees received severe radiation exposure. Radioactive carbon is formed when the nuclei of atmospheric nitrogen atoms are bombarded by cosmic ray neutrons. It is absorbed by trees during photosynthesis and remains in the annual rings. The Japanese compared the data obtained with the carbon-14 content in trees in Europe and North America of the same period. The results were identical.

Scientists initially suggested that the reason for such a high level of isotopes in wood could be a supernova explosion. But no chronicle evidence of such an event has been found in the 8th century, although it could not have gone unnoticed.

Ufologists believe that the Earth accidentally found itself in the line of fire, which was led by the spaceships of warring supercivilizations. They fired at each other from gamma guns, and at the same time slightly caught our planet. American astronomer Harris disagrees with this version. He believes that in the VIII century, the Earth was touched by the exhaust of a starship, which maneuvered next to it, receiving energy for movement from the annihilation (transformation reaction) of antimatter with our usual.

This accidental hit caused the spread of cancer and other diseases, which medieval doctors attributed to God's punishment for our sins.

But if the space battle flares up again near the limits of the solar system, the consequences for earthlings will be much more catastrophic.