Strange And Dangerous Mists - Alternative View

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Strange And Dangerous Mists - Alternative View
Strange And Dangerous Mists - Alternative View

Video: Strange And Dangerous Mists - Alternative View

Video: Strange And Dangerous Mists - Alternative View
Video: 15 Women With The Most Unique Bodies in the World 2024, September

Fog. It would seem that the most common atmospheric phenomenon, which, according to science, is caused by the smallest products of condensation of water vapor. But the milky-white veil, cutting off the traveler from space and time, absorbing all sounds, causes a mystical horror in a person, gives rise to many horror stories.

Let's remember the film "Fog" (2005) directed by Rupert Wenwright. The inhabitants of a small town called Antonio committed a terrible evil on a very foggy night. They plundered and burned a ship carrying a group of lepers. Almost a hundred years have passed since then. Life in the port town passed quietly and serenely until one of the nights Antonio suddenly enveloped him (a stable fog, from which evil breathed. He brought with him the souls of ghosts who could not find peace for themselves …

"So this is a movie!" - you say. But reality can sometimes be more incredible than the most nightmarish inventions of the human mind …

The ghosts of La Mussara

La Mussara is one of the most mysterious places in Spain. It is still unclear why the residents left this village, which officially ceased to exist on January 10, 1960. Representatives of various mystical sects who make pilgrimages to this place forgotten by God and people, the main reason for this is considered the mysterious properties of the mists of La Mussara.

This is how one of the Russian tourists describes this phenomenon:

“Yes, it was a strange fog. He began to emerge from the forest in thick, greasy layers as soon as the last ray of sun disappeared behind the mountains. The forest, which had not been cut down for the last 50 years and had grown freely, approaching the remains of the walls of once residential buildings, now looked gloomy and inhospitable.

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I've seen fog before, but I've never seen one like this. Rather, it looked like some kind of fluid substance, it is not clear how it was kept in suspension.


We cautiously approached the edge of the cliff, the edge still visible in the rising fog swirling like steam over the cauldron of hellish kitchen. Where, half an hour ago, far below, one could see the first lights in towns and villages, and further, at the very horizon, a gray-blue strip of the sea, spread out, absorbing everything in its path, either fog, or really dense, gray steam …

People say that in those days when the fog was especially thick, in the evenings some watched an incredible picture: a procession of monks in long cassocks appeared right out of the floating haze, and their faces were hidden under hoods so that it was impossible to see. At the head of the procession was a monk with a large wooden cross in his hands.

The brothers slowly emerged from the fog, walked for a while, not reacting to anything around, and suddenly disappeared in a gray foggy veil. Those who told this story warned that in no case should you try to make contact with the monks, and even more so try to look under the hood, otherwise certain death.

Many who stayed overnight in the city, then, describing their feelings, said that in the fog they began to feel uncomfortable, and sometimes physically ill: they began to feel dizzy, chills attacked, and felt a breakdown.

I didn’t experience anything like that; on the contrary, I felt a clear surge of energy, the mood was great. Moving in the thickening fog, my husband and I joked and laughed a lot, delighted every little thing, every out of place said word. It seemed that some kind of dope was dissolved in this fog …"

Lost in time

Some people trapped in the mists of La Moussara were literally lost in time. For example, a person spent 3 hours in the fog, and friends searched for him for 10 hours. Or, on the contrary, a tourist who disappeared for several minutes from the field of view of the satellites spoke of several hours of unsuccessful attempts to get out of the fog.

Perhaps this is because there is a portal to another dimension in La Moussara. However, this "door" differs from others in its special power and a large number of those who have disappeared or moved in time or space.

On the outskirts of Moscow there is a Golosov ravine. Historians have found in the capital's archives a document dated 1621, which speaks of the appearance of a small detachment of Tatars on horses with outdated weapons and in old-fashioned clothes from a dense greenish fog at the very gates of the royal palace.

The riders were immediately tied up and interrogated. During the interrogation, it was stated that these were the warriors of Khan Devlet-Girey, who attacked Moscow 50 years ago! The ancient chronicle is silent about what happened next.


In the future, residents of neighboring villages mysteriously disappeared more than once in the Voice Ravine. Historians claim that the archives of the police department of the Moscow province contain documents that report on two peasants, Ivan Bochkarev and Arkhip Kuzmin, who disappeared in 1810 and unexpectedly appeared 21 years later!

The peasants told how, returning home from a neighboring village, they decided to while away the path and go through a ravine, although they knew that this place was considered unclean. A dense fog rolled along the bottom of the ravine, but suddenly a corridor flooded with light appeared.

The peasants decided to walk along it and met people overgrown with wool. The hairy people explained to them with signs that they were in another world, from which it would not be easy to return, but they would help them. A thick fog descended again, and the peasants moved on. Arriving in their native village, they saw older wives and very grown children, whom they hardly recognized. It turned out that more than 20 years have passed!

When studying the bottom of the ravine, modern scientists have recorded a fairly significant break in the earth's surface, through which powerful radiation comes in. It is quite possible that this explains the many mysterious phenomena taking place here.

The curse of the green imperishable

In the Russian North, mysterious fogs, popularly called "blue", occur. They suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear. They can be of different colors: from milky white to greenish and yellow-orange. They are sticky and cold, capable of absorbing the sound of a human voice.

How many people were lost, disappeared forever in the vastness from Kanin to the foothills of the Urals after meeting with this mysterious fog!


The first mentions of it appeared in written documents of the 16th-17th centuries, when representatives of other peoples began to come to the polar tundra.

The famous documentary filmmaker Alexander Rukhlov wrote about it this way:

“Several centuries ago, a Novgorodian Stroganov organized a colony on Novaya Zemlya for the extraction of sea animals and furs. At first the colony flourished, but then suddenly all the colonists began to die one by one. The official of the Arkhangelsk governor Klingstend, after talking with the indigenous inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya, pointed out the "deadly yellow fog" as the reason.

In the ancient legends of the northern peoples, it is said that such a fog appears on the earth suddenly if people violate the sacred commandments of their ancestors. This mist of Tas Shinyo consists of the souls of people not accepted by the Pole Star. According to eyewitnesses, it now creeps over huge spaces, then shrinks, extinguishes all sounds, does not allow to see anything, drives you crazy, kills on the spot or forever "obscures".

The only ones who were not touched by the trouble were the aborigines of these places, they were not touched by the fog, at a time when all the "Stroganovs" died. They took the death of the settlers as a due punishment for their evil deeds and deeds. The main thing is that they violated the "taboo" - they began to search in the rivers for the "green incorruptible" - the shrine of these places.

In Russia, from ancient times, multi-colored pearls were famous: white, light blue, reddish and black - they were used both to decorate icons, church dresses and utensils, and in various embroideries, ornaments and ceremonial attire. But it had one drawback - it quickly lost its luster, faded and crumbled.

The mythical "green incorruptible" is a special pearl, eternal, unfading, unfading. In the ancient Samoyed epic it was called nothing but "semsyuga". Perhaps this word is derived from "pearl", or maybe has some other, more ancient roots. The polar pearl acquires such unusual properties only in the rivers of the Far North, receiving its strength from the Pole Star. Northern shamans said that green pearls choose their own master and can both make happy and bring trouble.

In general, if you put together all the mystical stories associated with fog, you get a large library. This topic is truly inexhaustible. And often the phenomena occurring in the fog are inexplicable by modern science.

