12 Well-known Facts Turned Out To Be Myths - Alternative View

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12 Well-known Facts Turned Out To Be Myths - Alternative View
12 Well-known Facts Turned Out To Be Myths - Alternative View

Video: 12 Well-known Facts Turned Out To Be Myths - Alternative View

Video: 12 Well-known Facts Turned Out To Be Myths - Alternative View
Video: INCREDIBLE TRUTH about ANGELS | 12 Facts you need to know 2024, September

Science is constantly moving forward, at times refuting not only the opinions of ordinary people, but also theories, which were considered immutable by scientists of the past. And what we were taught from childhood, presenting it as purely scientific facts, in fact, may turn out to be just fiction.

Lightning does not strike twice in the same place

We are so confident in this popular wisdom that we are trying to use it, not only fleeing a thunderstorm, but also trying to predict the cyclical nature of any troubles. Meanwhile, modern science claims: lightning can not only easily strike a second time in the same place, but moreover: it is more likely to strike exactly there than anywhere else. So hiding from a thunderstorm where an electric arrow from heaven has recently hit it is dangerous.


A coin thrown from a skyscraper can kill a person

The myth that a coin thrown from a skyscraper picks up enough speed on its way to the ground to kill a passer-by is popular with filmmakers. But, physicists argue, it has nothing to do with reality. The coin's aerodynamics and air resistance will not allow it to accelerate enough. In the worst case, a loser, on whose head a coin dropped from a high-rise building fell, will experience only mild and short-term pain.

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Nerve cells do not repair

“Nerve cells do not regenerate,” our parents argued with authority, presenting this idea as an absolutely scientific fact. Meanwhile, back in 1988, neuroscientists established that the human brain, regardless of age, is able not only to establish new connections between neurons, but also to grow new nerve cells to replace the dead. This discovery today helps to return to full life patients who have survived a stroke or brain injury.


A person uses his brain only 10%

The numbers cited by fans of this myth vary slightly, from about 3 to 15 percent. But they all have nothing to do with reality. Scientists are confident that a person uses his brain completely. It's just that not all of its numerous zones and nerve centers work simultaneously. For example, the center of hearing turns on only when we hear sounds, and remains at rest in silence. But, in general, even during sleep, our brain works more than 10% of its capacity.


Sugar makes children hyperactive

Why not just looked for the reasons for the mass hyperactivity of today's children! But the "sugar" version is perhaps the most popular. And, according to doctors, it is completely untenable. Yes, when we eat foods high in sugar that provide a quick, albeit short-lived, energy boost. But how a person uses this energy depends solely on his personal characteristics. A violent kid will continue to jump and run with renewed vigor, a calmer one will continue to draw or study a book, and a tired one will go to bed. So the causes of hyperactivity and how to deal with it should be looked elsewhere.


Hair and nails continue to grow after death

This truth is considered indisputable among the people. But in reality this is just a myth. In order for nails and hair to continue to grow, the cells that form them - onchioblasts - need nutrition, which, of course, the deceased cannot provide them. It's just that in the very first hours after death, the skin and muscles of the deceased begin to dry out, exposing the inner parts of the hair and nails, which were hidden by the flesh during life. This legend has no other basis.


Antibiotics help against viruses

This legend is perhaps the most widespread and certainly the most dangerous of all. To be convinced of its falsity, it is enough to remember that in translation the word "antibiotic" means "killing living things." Meanwhile, modern science does not consider viruses to be living organisms. The mechanism of their functioning is completely different, and antibiotics are not able to fight them. Why would a doctor prescribe antibiotics for you when you have a cold? Most likely to protect you from a concomitant bacterial infection or to stop it if it has already entered the body.


If you swallow gum, it stays in the body for years

No product, including chewing gum, lasts forever. The digestive system is designed in such a way that, having squeezed out all the nutrients from the product that has entered it, it regularly removes its remnants outside. So, chewing gum will enrich you with small amounts of sweetener and flavoring, after which it will obediently come out for a maximum of a couple of days. But swallowing it for fun is still not worth it: sticky gum can easily cause constipation.


Polaris is the brightest star in the sky

This statement goes back to the era of the first seafarers, when sailors made their way across the oceans without modern instruments, focusing only on the light of the North Star, which invariably points to the north. In fact, while the Pole Star is still popular with sailors and poets, the brightest of the stars in our sky is Sirius. The planets of the solar system - Venus, Mars, Jupiter - shine even brighter in the sky … But it is unforgivable even for a novice astronomer to confuse them with stars.


There is no gravity in space

Strictly speaking, the force of gravity acts even in outer space. It's just that it is weaker, and directed in a different way. On the surface of the Earth, a person is attracted only by our planet. On earth's orbit, the force of its attraction is almost imperceptible, although it continues to act. On the other hand, the attraction of other celestial bodies is increasing - pay, satellites, stars … Ultimately, any object in space will be attracted by one of the celestial bodies, which, by the way, is well known to fans of science fiction.


Bats are blind

Even at school, we were taught that bats cannot see anything, but orientate in space only with the help of echolocation. But in nature everything is reasonably arranged. If a bat is naturally blind, then why should it have eyes? Yes, bats do not have the best vision in the world, but at least they can distinguish light from darkness, and some species of these animals rely on vision as much as on echolocation. Yes, and by the way, these animals are able to see not only in the dark: not so long ago, scientists found out that their eyes are quite capable of adapting to light.


To survive, an organism must evolve

This biological truth is especially loved by teachers and parents, urging the younger generation to work on themselves. Meanwhile, biologists argue: evolution does not welcome change for the sake of change, and if an organism is fully adapted to life, then it does not have to change. Sharks, mushrooms, lichens have existed unchanged for millions of years, and they feel pretty good. And artificial changes can even be detrimental to survival: think about what awaits some Yorkshire terrier in the wild! Remember to remind anyone who reminds you of the need to tirelessly improve yourself.