Hitler And Black Magic - Alternative View

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Hitler And Black Magic - Alternative View
Hitler And Black Magic - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And Black Magic - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And Black Magic - Alternative View
Video: C-SPAN Cities Tour - Augusta: "Hitler's African Victims" 2024, July

Hitler's black magic

Once I came across a rather strange information, I would have met it earlier, I would have just thrown it aside, considering it an absurd fairy tale. But in my current situation I didn't have much choice.

I'm talking about the book by Professor Wilfried Thalmann "Hitler and the Devil". As a matter of fact, this work has never been published. Professor Talman was a specialist in contemporary history who worked in the 1920s at the University of Cologne. When the Nazis came to power, he fled to Switzerland, where he was granted citizenship without any particular problems, because the professor was a recognized world figure in historical science. If he did not have Jewish roots, the Nazis would have carried him in their arms.

So, Talman was considered a serious researcher until 1944. Then, as you know, he went crazy. After the professor gave a lecture to the amazed students that there is an active intervention of otherworldly forces in world history, he suffered a severe nervous fit. The scientist was taken to the hospital, but he was sent home at a speed, because he was a completely harmless old man and did not rush at passers-by on the street. However, he was fired from the university. Over the next five years, Talman toured Europe collecting material for his book, and even found several students. But literally before the manuscript was handed over to the publishing house, which agreed to publish it, the professor and his work disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Some passages remained with the students, and I managed to get them in a roundabout way.

The fact that Talman was officially declared insane did not bother me. A madman is one who talks about incomprehensible things. About 200 years ago, anyone who would talk about the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics would have been hid in a mental hospital. So I was only interested in the content of the surviving excerpts from the book …

So, until the very last days of the war, Adolf Hitler believed that an iron will could change objective reality, as his teachers Haushofer and Eckart bequeathed. Hitler knew that he had this will, probably knew that he also had strength. However, for such a push, the highest concentration of all forces was also necessary. But it was decidedly impossible to concentrate - especially in the light of reports from the fronts, which were given to the Fuhrer by advisers, who already believed that battles were decided by the military, and not by magic. In those days there was an impression that Hitler had finally fallen into despair. And when this happened, he did what black magicians do in the most desperate situation - he tried to conclude an agreement with the most powerful, darkest forces. As you know, the pact is a very ancient form of magic. Its essence lies in the factthat for an appropriate reward, the fiends of the abyss will be able to intervene in the course of real events on the side of the magician who signed the contract.

The historian of magic Arthur Edward Waite, who studies the days when only the most uneducated fool did not practice magic, wrote in one of his books:

The contract is a concession to the paucity of the sorcerer. In black magic, as in some other processes, the needy must be prepared for sacrifice, and a sorcerer who is under-equipped may end up paying too high a price.

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So sacrifice is the key to the contract. The magician must be ready to offer it, and the more he demands, the greater the sacrifice must be; and the powers of darkness demand destruction, chaos and death.

“Losses are never too big! They are the ones who will sow the seeds of future greatness! - said the Fuehrer in those days, probably convinced that even greater losses - as victims - could correct the balance of power in his favor.

Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote of Hitler's final days:

Then the Fuhrer, it seemed, became like a certain cannibal god, rejoicing in the destruction of his own temples. Almost all the orders he gave were a verdict: the prisoners must be destroyed, his old surgeon must be killed, his own brother-in-law must be killed, all traitors must be killed without any trial. Like the ancient heroes, the Fuhrer wanted to send as many human victims as possible to his grave.

And since, as it is said in all books on black magic, there is no better sacrifice to Satan than a close friend or relative, then we see: brother-in-law, Hitler's old doctor … the Fuhrer clearly decided on an agreement! He decided to ask for help from the dark forces in which he believed, decided to ask for a miracle of such power, which in an incredible way could help change the true reality and restore the former positions of Germany.

The current situation was no longer critical, it was already absolutely resolved - while not in favor of the Nazis - and the price of such a miracle should be incredibly high. The Fuhrer is ready to pay any bloody price and, in addition to his brother-in-law and surgeon, orders to flood the Berlin subway. In the underground passages, death overtook more than 200,000 civilians who were hiding there from the bombing. However, the monstrous sacrifice was in vain: either the dark forces did not hear Hitler, or Satan, the father of lies and vices, hid and did not pay what he had to pay.

It was April 20, 1945, the Fuehrer's birthday. Hitler planned to spend it in the Alps, but the situation was getting worse every hour. The Fuhrer hesitated, and this was not the best time to hesitate. Russian troops closed Berlin in a circle. In a letter from one of Hitler's adjutants, it was said:

In just a few hours, the city will turn into one big trap, from which even a mouse will not escape. And the Fuhrer, instead of thinking about escape, suddenly declares: "The Russians who are at the gates of the city will certainly be thrown back and go home!"

Nobody believes Hitler, and that night the bulk of the elite of the Third Reich fled from Berlin. But Hitler is completely calm, he seems to be listening to other voices. On the afternoon of April 22, the Fuehrer was informed of the Russian breakthrough after a failed counterattack in the southern suburbs of Berlin, which was led by SS General Felix Steiner. All combat-ready units were transferred to that direction, but this did not help either. Then the Fuhrer said that he would stay to "defend Berlin" - nothing destroyed his blind faith in the dark forces that he served.

1945, April 29, morning - Hitler married Eva Braun. On the same day, he drew up a political will, which, in particular, stated:

After six years of war, which, despite all the setbacks, will one day sink into history, like most of the glorious and valiant manifestations of the nation's life aspirations, I cannot leave the city that is the capital of the Reich. Since there are too few forces left to put up further resistance to the enemy offensive in this place, and our resistance will gradually weaken, since the soldiers, deceived by the enemy, lack initiative, I would like to remain in this city to share my fate with those millions of others. people who willingly decided to do the same.

It is not known whether Hitler received the news that Mussolini was captured, killed and hanged by his heels for a public outrage in Milan, but it was then that he decided to save himself and Eva Braun from a similar fate:

My wife and I chose death to avoid the shame of defeat and surrender. According to our will, our bodies will be immediately burned in the place where I mainly worked during those 12 years when I served my people.

And then there is a pause. Allies from all sides are approaching Berlin, and Hitler is waiting for something, as if he was playing for time out of fear. But this is not so: there was no fear in those days. Of all the possible days and hours left to him, Hitler chose a very definite, most suitable one and is waiting for him even at the risk of being in the hands of the enemy. 1945, April 30 - after listening to the reports of the remaining officers and warmly saying goodbye to everyone, even to the secretaries, the Fuhrer, accompanied by Eva Braun, returned to his room. There they took poison, and Hitler put a bullet in his head, remaining true to himself until the very end. His suicide also became a ritual sacrifice, because April 30 is the oldest holiday of Satanists, the most important date in their calendar: the eve of Walpurgis night.

When this picture took shape in my head, I was shocked by its obvious simplicity and, at the same time, by its mystery and power. Sacrifice yourself and your beloved woman? But to whom? For what? I didn't have clear answers to these questions …

Hans-Ulrich von Kranz
