The Buried Polytechnic Museum In Moscow: The End Of The Reconstruction - Alternative View

The Buried Polytechnic Museum In Moscow: The End Of The Reconstruction - Alternative View
The Buried Polytechnic Museum In Moscow: The End Of The Reconstruction - Alternative View

Video: The Buried Polytechnic Museum In Moscow: The End Of The Reconstruction - Alternative View

Video: The Buried Polytechnic Museum In Moscow: The End Of The Reconstruction - Alternative View
Video: THE POLYTECHNIC MUSEUM / MOSCOW / 2009 2024, September

Disputes and discussions about the real history of the building of the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow do not subside. Alternatives claim that the building was built on the foundations of older structures. Supporters of the official historical paradigm remain unchanged: they built it this way, or so they covered it up during the construction of other buildings and roads.


Let me remind you that two years ago, when the restoration work began to strengthen the foundation, not the foundation was dug, but another underground floor. But as it turned out, under this underground floor there was another "-2" floor or already a basement. This was confirmed in an interview by the director of the museum, Yulia Shakhnovskaya.

There are enough oddities in this structure. The most complete picture of paradoxes in the history of the Polytechnic Museum was sorted out in one of his videos by the Chairman of SNT:

I recommend for viewing. Also on his channel you will find a video about the author's visit to the beginning of the reconstruction.

So what has been done during this time? There were thoughts that the walls would be fortified and they would bury everything back. It turns out that the architects, restorers and builders decided to save the excavated part for posterity by changing the project. Rather, expanding it, covering for reconstruction and the adjacent area. Fortunately, the budget of Moscow allows.

Promotional video:


Reconstruction project of the territory around the museum building. They decided to turn the pit into an amphitheater. And the excavated part along the perimeter of the building - into the pedestrian zones. They dug up almost half of the perimeter. And everywhere there is one picture - there is an underground floor. Let's see what happened:


The building was also reconstructed along the perimeter. They studied the condition of the walls, reinforced them, and changed the masonry. Let's go down and see what the pedestrian bridge is along the building, why it was needed, why it was added to the project.


A concrete bridge was made along this part of the building. It is at the same ground level surrounding the building. But so that visitors would not have dissonance from this structure, the ceiling of the concrete bridge was covered with shiny tiles, visually increasing the height. The building does not appear to be buried under this bridge. On the last slide, from this perspective, the unusualness in architecture is still present.


The final view of the square, the amphitheater and the very type of the museum building, which could be seen already at the end of summer 2019. It is beautiful, unusual and people with an inner question to everything unusual, this view should prompt them to think: this is how it was originally built or something happened that formed underground floor? As you know from retro photographs, this building and its extensions were not originally built. But more on that in the next part.


Excavated and reconstructed perimeter of the museum building with attached bridges to the entrances that remained in their places. The corner slope is made in the form of a terrace. There are many such architecture with "-1 floor" buildings. I have shown similar examples in my time in the series of articles "Buildings covered with soil".

Skeptics in a few years will also argue about this museum that this is how the building was originally built, or it sank into the ground. In general, this reconstruction will be forgotten and everything will continue in a circle.

What was done inside? As I wrote above, two floors were discovered. Whether they were completely covered with soil (clay) or were only in a deplorable state - only the builders and the building management know. Maybe one of them will write in the comments. But if they found it, it means they were covered with soil.

The fact that work on the restoration of previously unknown two underground floors was carried out is further confirmed by this news story:

Also be sure to watch this short video for a complete picture.


Descent down and a picture of restoration work opens. Work is underway to strengthen the columns, brickwork of the supports. What levels these are - I do not know. Only builders will say this.

As you can see, a lot has been done for the building. The main thing is that a hint for posterity about the events of past eras was left in the form of an amphitheater and pedestrian zones around half of the building a few meters below the road.

In the next part, I will analyze the old photographs of the museum, show the moments that are paradoxical in my opinion and make an assumption: for what reason we see the buried building of the museum and other buildings in Moscow.

Author: sibved