Resurrected In Spite Of - Alternative View

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Resurrected In Spite Of - Alternative View
Resurrected In Spite Of - Alternative View

Resurrected in spite of … Modern science has reached great heights and even learned to resurrect the dead. The person's heart stopped, breathing stopped, and resuscitators approach the lifeless body. Two electrodes are applied to it in the region of the heart and lungs, and a powerful electrical discharge with a voltage of several thousand volts is applied.

It happens that this electric shock immediately triggers a stopped heart, it happens that the procedure has to be repeated several times, and the resuscitators do not take their eyes off the minute hand. If 15-20 minutes pass and the heart cannot be started further, then it is not worth tugging at the deceased: even if the heart manages to start, the brain, which has not been supplied with oxygen all this time, has already died, and instead of a living rational person we will get a person - a plant.

In the summer of 1987, after an electric shock, resuscitators tried to revive a crane operator Y. F. Vorob'eva from Donetsk for two hours without success (using the same current), after which they were sent to the morgue. It was on Saturday, and on Monday a medical student who went down to the morgue decided to practice, after which the "corpse" suddenly came to life.

It is worth mentioning one more story told by Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences N. P. Bochkov. “I could name, for example, an episode when in our largest surgical institute a boy was sent to the morgue from the operating room after unsuccessful attempts by resuscitators. Fortunately, this room was not located in the institute itself. In the car, the boy came to his senses and began to cry.

We will not retell in detail the oral folklore of the crematorium workers about the terrible screams of the deceased being burned alive, but in India, where it is customary to cremate on special sites near the Ganges, cases were documented when the deceased came to life in a flame, and some were even saved.

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that, due to the heat, cremation is carried out within two days after the declaration of death, so that medical errors are quite possible. As for the customs of Muslims, then there the funeral should be carried out during the day of death before sunset. As a result, many stopped trusting doctors in recognizing the objectivity of death, and now the deceased is often placed in his coffin with his mobile phone. And there have already been recorded cases of calls from “the other world”.


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The protagonist of this story is the prophet Elisha (850-800 BC), it is described in the Fourth Book of Kings. “And Elisha entered the house, and behold the dead child was lying on his bed. And he went in and locked the doors behind him and prayed to the Lord. And he got up and lay down over the child, and put his mouth to his lips, and his eyes to his eyes, and his palms to his palms, and stretched out over him. And the body of the child warmed up. And he got up and walked back and forth through the upper room, then he got up again and prostrated over him. And the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. And he called Gnezias and said: Call this Shunammite woman. And he called her. She came to him, and he said - take your son."

A similar story is told by the Greek historian Philostratus in his work on Apollonius of Tyana (1st century AD). During his stay in Rome, the philosopher met a funeral procession that saw off a girl from a noble family. Apollonius said: "… put down the stretcher, for I will stop the tears that you shed for the deceased …". He touched the deceased, quietly whispered something to her - and the girl immediately woke up from an imaginary death.

Already modern historians talk about the repeated use of the shamanic practice of resurrection among the northern peoples of Russia, however, provided that it is performed on the recently deceased. There are different versions of this procedure for different peoples, but in general terms it looks like this. First, the shaman plunges into a trance, during which his soul goes to the Lower World and, overcoming various obstacles, searches for the soul of the deceased there. Having found, he begins to persuade him to return to his body. If the persuasion is successful, the shaman or his appointed person proceeds directly to the revival procedure.

The “resuscitator” lies face down next to the deceased and remains in this position for up to three days. During this procedure, no one should enter the room (the prophet Elisha in this situation closed the door behind him). Apparently, in such a procedure, there is still some know-how, carefully hidden from the uninitiated. After three days, they either go out together (with the day of the angel), or the performer of this procedure makes a helpless gesture.



You can see in this description only a ritual from the field of black magic, but the studies of two Russian scientists - A. Gurvich in the 20s and K. Korotkov in the 90s - allow us to slightly open the veil of secrecy over such a magical procedure.

A. Gurvich in numerous and carefully conducted experiments showed that any living organism, both from fauna and from flora, generates into the external environment the so-called mitogenetic rays, or "rays of life" arising from cell division. That is, any living organism has another aura observed in the ultraviolet range.

Gurvich also performed a very spectacular demonstrative experiment: if you take some wilted plant and place the roots of a germinating bulb near it, generating a sufficiently strong mitogenetic radiation, then the withered plant comes to life. Moreover, this effect will be observed even through a quartz glass partition, but it is absent with a conventional glass partition that does not transmit ultraviolet light.

Short, in the 90s, in experiments carried out in the morgue with the help of the equipment he developed using the Kirlian effect, he found that the Kirlian glow, for example, the hand of the deceased, sharply different in living and inanimate objects, for three days is similar to the glow of a living object and only then dramatically changes its character. Those. to some extent during these days life in the body is still glowing.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you of a few more cases that refute the "criterion of five minutes." Both cases occurred in Mongolia - one in the 70s, the other in the 90s. A teenage boy got lost in the winter desert and froze to death. His body was found 20 hours later. Its temperature at this time dropped to 20 degrees. Through the use of an improvised "resuscitation", which has long been used by the Mongols in such cases, the deceased was brought back to life. True, the preservation of the brain was ensured by the low temperature.

There is no reliable criterion for determining the moment of irreversible death yet. Lack of brain activity is also an ambiguous criterion and requires special equipment, which is not available in all medical centers.

By the way, even the ancient Greek writer Philostratus, who described the case of the resurrection of a girl by Apollonius of Tyana, was well aware of the imperfection of the methods for determining the moment of death. “Either he discovered in the imaginary deceased a certain spark of life that was hidden from the rest, or he warmed the already extinct life with his touch - somehow this question remained insoluble not only for me, but also for witnesses of the described event”.