Ghosts Near Us - Alternative View

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Ghosts Near Us - Alternative View
Ghosts Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Near Us - Alternative View
Video: Justin Bieber - Ghost (Visualizer) 2024, September

Ghosts from childhood

Photography is forever frozen time. A fragment of life, captured on film or on a camera matrix.

But those only real life and events can be captured by the camera. Often we can see strange and scary things in photographs. Skeptics attribute this phenomenon to dust on the sensor, or dirt on the lens. But oddities in photos do not always appear, but only if these photos are taken in certain places.

This story happened several years ago, and was told by her direct participant in those events - Alexey. The group of young people went camping on two days off. They looked in advance on the map, what interesting places can be visited, and laid out their route so that it would run past an abandoned pioneer camp. According to travelers' reviews, this place was mysterious. Young men and women decided to set up a tent city near the ruins of a former pioneer camp.

The place was picturesque, there was a river nearby, and the young people decided to combine business with pleasure. Relax in nature and explore the remaining dilapidated buildings of the children's health resort. For several hours they wandered among the ruins and actively clicked the camera shutters. They fooled around, posed in front of a broken swing and shattered plaster sculptures. It was getting dark, the abandoned camp no longer seemed to the guys a harmless place to walk. They felt a bit uncomfortable among the gloomy fragments of bygone eras, and the tourists packed back to the camp. They forgot about the photographs taken in the abandoned buildings.

Returning home, Alexey decided to upload to his computer the photos taken during the trip. He examined the footage and suddenly saw that there was something strange in all the photographs taken in the abandoned camp. The young man increased the size of the photo, and his surprise knew no bounds. There were strange translucent shadows in almost all of the pictures. He was especially frightened that these figures were clearly visible next to his friends. In some shots, these faces of ghosts could be seen in close-ups, in others, disembodied figures were seen in the background.

At first, Alexei thought it was just defective personnel. In the twilight of the premises, the camera simply gave some kind of error, and these figures are just a play of light and shadow. Suddenly, his friend Irina called him, she asked if Alexey had looked at the photos from the trip. The girl also actively filmed that day with her camera. She asked Alexey if he noticed anything strange. The young man confirmed her words. Irina said that at first she thought that her camera was broken, but since he also has ghosts in his photographs, it means that it is not her camera.

The young people met and watched the footage together. Almost everywhere they saw strange figures against the background of the ruins. The ghosts seemed to be overjoyed at the appearance of people and sought to approach them as close as possible. Alexey and Irina tried to maximize the photo, it seemed to them that these were not adults, but children.

Promotional video:

Young people decided to find out the history of this camp, but there was practically no information about it on the Internet. They went to those places next weekend. There was a small village near the camp. Most of the indigenous people left it long ago, and houses were used as summer cottages in summer. But the guys managed to find an old man who remembered the times when there was a pioneer camp near the village.

The man listened to the guys and looked at the photographs they had taken. He said that the camp was closed in Soviet times. The reason was the tragedy that happened there. Through an oversight of the counselors, several schoolchildren died. How this happened, no one knows. They said that the guys went swimming at night and drowned in the river. Their bodies were never found. At this point, the river was very treacherous: deep pools were hidden under the calm surface of the water.

Alexey and Irina before this strange incident they did not believe in mysticism. But the ghosts captured in the photo convinced them of the reality of the other world. The guys decided to turn to a medium, and he confirmed their guesses: the souls of the dead children, who were never found, remained forever in the camp. An untrained person does not see spirits, but the camera matrix was able to capture them. The medium said that the souls of children do not harbor hatred for the living, they just wanted to play pranks and communicate. He advised the children to once again go to that place and take the toys there so that the spirits of the children would not be sad there. The guys did everything as the medium advised. They left sweets and toys in one of the abandoned buildings. When they left the building, a light breeze swept over the heads of the young people - it was the children who thanked them for the gifts. Now they have toysand they will not frighten random travelers.

Angel of Love

When a person is old, or dies from a serious illness, his family is mentally prepared for the impending loss. But if a very young man or child suddenly leaves, it becomes a shock to those around him.

Alexander and Valentina really wanted children. When a daughter appeared in their family, they focused all their attention on her. As often happens in families where there is a long-awaited child, the girl from the cradle was surrounded with care and attention. Parents watched every step of Svetlana. They were waiting for this child so much and were so afraid of losing him!

The tragedy happened when the girl was 10 years old. The family was resting in the country. On a wonderful summer day, the neighbors invited the parents and the child to go on a picnic. Alexander and Valentina willingly accepted the invitation. The adults were relaxing and the children were frolicking on the lawn. Another neighbor with his children joined the company. He drove up to the vacationers on an ATV and offered to ride all the guys along the forest paths in a powerful car. Everyone was delighted. The spouses reacted to the venture very carefully: they were very afraid of such fun. Their child was not even allowed to swing strongly on the swing, and here is such a dangerous attraction. While all the children were skating, little Sveta begged her parents to let her ride at least once.

Valentina gave in to her daughter's requests. Alexander was categorically against this, but his wife insisted on her own. The neighbor put his son and Svetlana on a quadric, and they left in the depths of the forest. The allotted minutes of the walk elapsed, but the man with the children did not appear, and people rushed to search. A few minutes later a terrible picture appeared to their eyes. The owner of the ATV drove along an unfamiliar road, and did not see a root sticking out of the ground. At speed, the all-terrain vehicle ran into an obstacle and rolled over. The boy and his father suffered greatly, but they were alive, and little Sveta received a fracture of the base of her skull. The doctors who arrived at the scene of the tragedy said that death in such cases is instantaneous.

The grief of the parents knew no bounds. Alexander, instead of supporting his wife, blamed her for the death of his daughter. If she had not allowed Svetochka to participate in this dangerous attraction, nothing would have happened. The young woman almost lost her mind with grief. She herself believed that she was guilty of the tragedy. After the funeral of their daughter, the couple continued to live together, but already as neighbors and sworn enemies. They did not want to support each other in grief. Each tried to console himself in his own way, but even more fell into a deep depression. They lived in this hell for a year.

In the evening, on the anniversary of his daughter's death, Alexander returned home from work. It gets dark late on summer evenings. But the usually noisy courtyard was empty: no one was playing on the playground, and no neighbors were sitting near the house. The man got out of the car and headed towards the entrance. Suddenly, behind his back, he heard the characteristic sound of a swinging swing. He turned around and froze in place: his Svetlanka was swinging on the swing. The girl jumped off the swing, but did not approach her father. She stood a few meters from him: “Dad, I am always with you. I haven't gone anywhere. And I will always love you. Forgive mom, it’s very hard for her.”

The man rushed home. Valentina met him at the door. Sobbing, she threw herself on her husband's chest and said that her deceased daughter had just come to her. The couple did not know what to think. But from that moment on, the wall of ice and alienation that arose between them after the death of their daughter began to melt. The husband and wife finally began to talk and spend time together as before. Their daughter began to come to both of them, but not in her earthly form, but in the form of a transparent cloud. The couple decided to see a psychotherapist.

At the very first lesson, they told Angelica not only about their tragedy, but also about the visions that began to accompany them a year after the death of their daughter. To prove their words, they showed the doctor a photograph: it clearly showed the outlines of a little girl sitting in the back seat of their car. The psychotherapist turned out to be a specialist not only in her field. The woman has long been interested in such phenomena. She said that every person comes to this world for exactly the time he is supposed to. And you don't need to blame each other for the death of your daughter.

The psychotherapist explained to the spouses that the girl did not blame them for her death. On the contrary, she wants her parents to live in peace. Little Light is now their guardian angel. The couple heeded the advice of a psychologist. And six months later, Valentina told the psychologist that she was pregnant, although the doctors said that she no longer had a chance. Angelica was very happy. She always knew that there are things in this world that are difficult to explain using traditional science. It's just that not everyone can feel the subtle worlds. But this does not mean that you need to deny their presence.