The Magic Of Power. Secret Superstitions Of Politicians - Alternative View

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The Magic Of Power. Secret Superstitions Of Politicians - Alternative View
The Magic Of Power. Secret Superstitions Of Politicians - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Power. Secret Superstitions Of Politicians - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Power. Secret Superstitions Of Politicians - Alternative View
Video: The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce 2024, September

Bishop of Kharkov and Zaporozhye Stanislav Shirokoradiuk said that in the pursuit of victory, presidential candidates in Ukraine turn to shamans and sorcerers for help. In the struggle for power, all means are good, and often politicians turn to otherworldly forces for help. This tradition is rooted in the distant past: astrologers, psychics, clairvoyants, sorcerers, magicians, shamans and other occult personalities have long enjoyed influence at any court. Our Version came to the conclusion that nothing has changed.

It would seem that in the courtyard of the XXI century, spaceships ply the vastness of the universe, and the days of Nostradamus are long gone. On the other hand, even such a pragmatic ruler as Joseph Stalin often invited one of the most famous soothsayers of the last century, Wolf Messing, to talk. And Adolf Hitler offered a reward of 200 thousand Reichsmarks for the head of the seer, after he predicted his death and defeat in the war.

In the 90s, esotericism flourished in Russia: psychics Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Alan Chumak did not leave TV screens, the Aum Senrikyo sect (banned in Russia) had an office opposite the Kremlin, and President Boris Yeltsin sent delegations to Vanga. Now it is customary to hide the fascination of the powerful of this world with occult affairs, so as not to cause ridicule. But "astrologers" are still in demand by the authorities.

There are two ways in which politicians interact with predictors of various kinds. The first is consultations if the client really believes in the stars. The second way is more cynical - it is simply ordering the desired result. In this case, astrology becomes at the service of political technologies.

Lukashenko from God

According to rumors, in the coming weeks, predictions about Alexander Lukashenko's bright political future may appear in the press. In this case, the news will refer to the predictions of famous astrologers. According to some sources, it was decided to turn to clairvoyants in the administration of the President of Belarus. Why did you need to order astrological forecasts? Rumor has it that Lukashenka, despite all his communist past, believes the astrologers. So, back in 2006, the astrologer Pavel Globa said that Lukashenka will have to unite the Slavic peoples. Some of the astrologer's words caused a smile - Globa, with a blue eye, proclaimed Belarus the center of European civilization and assured that God himself had put Lukashenka in the presidency. However, many experts rememberedthat not long ago Old Man was seriously considered by some as Yeltsin's successor in the event of the unification of Russia and Belarus. Yes, and Alexander Grigorievich himself made it clear that his native landmarks were cramped for him. In general, Globa, apparently, hit the mark, because, according to rumors, he soon received a weighty envelope as a gift.

Probably, Globa's colleagues became aware of this, since in 2012 the magician and psychic Mohsen Noruzi announced that the Belarusian president would become the successor of Vladimir Putin, who would not be able to complete his term and would leave for Cuba. Was this forecast also biased? Who knows … Besides, if, as mentioned above, new forecasts appear in the near future, this can be regarded as an attempt to use astrologers' forecasts as such signals - they say, Lukashenko feels confident and is not going to go anywhere. It was not without reason that all February there was talk that the Kremlin had already planned to make Belarus another Russian republic.

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Special purpose psychics

Do not shy away from the services of magicians in Russia. As mentioned above, under the first President of the Russian Federation, everything otherworldly and unknown was in favor. And for good reason. It is said that the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga predicted that Yeltsin would become president of Russia, when there was no such post, and he himself headed the Moscow City Party Committee. Apparently, this made an impression on the politician, and later he constantly sent delegations to the fortuneteller. And in general, I was imbued with respect for esotericism. They say that during the 1993 putsch, a group of psychics "defended the White House": sitting in the office, they generated an "energy shield."

Later, under Yeltsin, a special group of psychics was formed. FSO General Boris Ratnikov in all seriousness told the main government publication about how his structure protected Yeltsin from attempts at external influence on consciousness. “We thwarted Yeltsin's first visit to Japan. It was supposed to take place in 1992. As we learned, the President was intensively “programmed” to give a number of the Kuril Islands to Japan,”Ratnikov admitted. By the way, the common scarecrow that Madeleine Albright allegedly declared the need to take Siberia away from Russia is also based on the revelations of the psychic general. “A couple of weeks before the bombing of Yugoslavia began, we held a session of connecting to the subconscious of Secretary Albright. In Madame Albright's thoughts, we discovered a pathological hatred of the Slavs. She also outraged thatthat Russia possesses the world's largest reserves of minerals, Ratnikov revealed his secrets.

In addition, Major General Georgy Rogozin, who was called the main Kremlin astrologer, worked in the FSO as the first deputy head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. The fact of the presence of psychics and parapsychologists in the service of the law enforcement agencies was also confirmed by the retired major general of the GRU, the historian of the special services Valery Malevanny. Did Yeltsin really believe in mysticism? “In those years, a monstrous orgy of obscurantism, a new rasputinism, reigned in the president's entourage. The presidential security service, headed by Korzhakov, was at the height of its power. The patronage of the second person in this structure was a colossal resource capable of solving many problems, including in business,”said Eduard Kruglyakov, Chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research.

Songs of Tibetan Lamas

With the coming to power of Vladimir Putin, occultism went into the shadows. Although there is information that during his first term, a parapsychologist, GRU Colonel Viktor Novikov worked with the presidential administration. He is associated with the "group of sorcerers Rogozin."

Yet, relying on the help of spiritual forces, Putin prefers traditional Orthodoxy. His confessor is called Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov), who back in the 90s received the nickname "Lubyanka priest" for "spiritual accompaniment" of the Chekists. Rumor has it that last year's meetings between the President and the head of the Old Believer Church, Cornelius, made some in the Russian Orthodox Church tense up: was the head of state attracted by the harsh asceticism of the Old Believers?

But Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev entered spirituality from the other end - it is known that he is fond of yoga. Rumor has it as a teacher of a German medium named Aloka Nama Ba Hal. In turn, about the head of "Rusnano" Anatoly Chubais they say that he became very superstitious after the attempt on his life by Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov. Rumor has it that Chubais is no longer parting with the amulet that the Tibetan lama gave him.

The first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, who oversees domestic policy, deserves special attention. He is a follower of the philosopher Georgy Shchedrovitsky, the founder of the Moscow Methodological Circle. "Shchedrovityans" are aimed at changing the reality around them and are confident that society can be programmed. This is called social engineering. Methodologists have never hidden their desire to influence the decisions of the authorities. Members of the circle of methodologists have been advising Kirienko for a long time. When he headed Rosatom, the philosopher's son Pyotr Shchedrovitsky served as his advisor.

In addition, the famous fighter against sects, Alexander Dvorkin, claimed that Sergei Kiriyenko took a course in one of the structures of Scientologists. However, Kiriyenko himself categorically denies his connection with the followers of Scientology.


In mid-February, shamans from the "Huhe Munhe Tengeri" ("Eternal Blue Sky") organization conducted a ceremony "to strengthen Russia and its peoples," in which they burned the carcasses of five camels. The initiator of the ritual was the leader of the organization, Deputy Supreme Shaman of Russia Artur Tsybikov. A video appeared on the Internet in which animals are first led through a crowd, and then their carcasses are burned.

The Supreme Shaman of Russia Kara-ool Tyulyushevich Dopchun-ool was indignant at the initiative of his deputy. “I express my deep indignation at his act, he belittled all shamans and perverted shamanism,” he said, promising to convene the Council of Shamans of Russia to discuss the incident and exclude Tsybikov from his ranks. In the meantime, the prosecutor's offices of the Irkutsk region and the city of Angarsk began to check the incident.