Call Of The White Mountain - Alternative View

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Call Of The White Mountain - Alternative View
Call Of The White Mountain - Alternative View

Video: Call Of The White Mountain - Alternative View

Video: Call Of The White Mountain - Alternative View
Video: What is One Thing You Are 100% Sure Have Seen, But People Would Call You Crazy if You Told Them? 2024, September

For the first time I heard about the events of those ancient years when I was a student of the famous aviation university (and at the same time - a member of the editorial team of our unforgettable "Engineer Aeroflot"). Now there is neither university, nor its traditions, nor the memory of its "golden age", into which I was lucky to fit in in the 70s and 80s of the last century …

One evening, after another editorial meeting, which imperceptibly turned into evening tea with a bite of all sorts of goodies, a strange thing happened: there was a gentle knock on our editorial door. And it was at eleven o'clock in the evening (autumn was outside, it was getting dark early …)!..

As I remember now, I opened the door and saw behind it a handsome old man in our Aeroflot uniform with "important" shoulder straps (that is, with gold embroidery). After studying at the institute for four years, I knew all the teachers of all faculties by sight (also thanks to my work in the newspaper). I did not know this Aeroflot man …

The visitor did not hesitate with self-introduction, calling himself Vitaly Semyonovich, who arrived from Kiev - from our related educational institution. Having made all the necessary meetings with the leadership of our "Red Banner", he decided before leaving for the institute hotel (the next day he had to return to Kiev …) to visit his old friend - our wonderful editor, Leonid Iosifovich (Heavenly kingdom to him …). However, there was a mistake - it was on that evening that Leonid Iosifovich left us earlier than usual, saying that he was not quite healthy (either he caught a cold then, or caught the flu - I don't remember now) …

Vitaly Semyonovich was clearly upset, complaining about the vicissitudes of Her Majesty Fate, but did not refuse the offered tea with goodies. And he immediately admitted that he had developed a craving for sweets from those very years when …

… And it was then that the word "White Mountain" sounded. Now, more than thirty years later, I remember very little of the story of our evening-night guest. However, the mystical and fascinating atmosphere that completely and completely engulfed us-students who THEN adhered to an absolutely materialistic and completely Komsomol-idealistic worldview and worldview will not be erased from memory.

Vitaly Semyonovich's story had a magical effect on us. In any case, having arrived home at midnight or after midnight, I could not sleep for a long time and again and again recalled the mystical story that a friend of our heroic editor shared with us. How and why this story was NOT captured and published in our large circulation is a question to THAT TIME and to THAT SYSTEM. Let me just say: SUCH in our party-supervised printed organ a priori could not be published. And all the heroism of our wonderful editor would not help here …

But I haven't forgotten that story! And she found me again - more than thirty years later …

Promotional video:

In 1995, having run for half an hour to my friends-buddies in the editorial office of one of the most popular Russian-language Latvian newspapers (located at that time in the Pardaugava press skyscraper - "House of Printing"), I "stuck" there for a good three hours. And the reason for this is the MEETING with my HISTORY. More precisely, with its new owner-carrier-guardian. His name was Ya. P. Now I do not remember how exactly how we crossed paths with him in one of the narrow corridors of the editorial and companionable system pleasant to me. It is not important. Everything happened as if by itself, which means - RIGHT …

And then, after all I heard from my unexpected counterpart, I was in a strange airy state of mind, I felt how my entire deep nature soared into invisible heights. It happens when your deepest desire comes true …

I will no longer torment the reader with a long preface-saying. Let the FAIRY TALE be heard - the way it sounded, resonated through all the years of her expectation of meeting with me, with all the "fantastic-fantastic" details. One thing I can say is that I personally have not added a single word to what is written below. I just tried to unite into a single narrative channel what went through my ear, my soul, my heart …

So - let's start from the very beginning, with a note published in the early 90s of the last century in one of the district newspapers of a small town in the Pskov region. Lord, what was not then published in these "wonderful bulletins" (one epic with the "M-sky triangle" in the Riga-All-Union "Soviet Youth" was worth what!)! This is probably why the attitude to THIS note was already … appropriate …

Be that as it may, but it was through this note (through the access to its author, signed by Grigory Grigorievich S.) that the MAIN topic of our narrative came out - the topic of Contact with the Unknown in the form of "Call of the White Mountain". However - let's go in order …

At first, the author, with whom I was fortunate enough to meet in the very edition of the press high-rise building (I will call him the Author), was surprised by the very fact: in a modest town in the Pskov region, where his editorial unpredictable Planida had brought him, at one time there lived a man with a very merchant surname - Kalashnikov, a relative of which somehow turned out to be connected with the family of the SAME Roerich …

… The meeting with Grigory Grigorievich, the author of the note in the large circulation of the Pskovozemelsky town, aroused even greater interest in the Author. The author of the note himself turned out to be an extremely outstanding person - both externally and in his spiritual makeup. Before the Author appeared a large, burly, tall retired colonel, who did not at all look like his almost seventy …

We started talking. We sat up late, until darkness outside the windows. And this is what the story was told by Grigorich …

- Arriving here, to the new place of service, I did not even know about the connection of our noble backwoods with the name of Roerich. And he knew little about the most world-famous artist. However, life is such a thing that if something in it touches you REALLY, then be calm - it will not let you go until the end of your days on this wonderful planet …

And my acquaintance with Roerich and his business began back in 1952. At that time I was a student at the military communications school. And among other things, they read us a course on radar there - an amazingly interesting discipline, I will report to you …

The course was taught by Professor Halperin, a top-class specialist who began his journey into the radio world back in tsarist times. And he read this course just amazing - how he sang. It was impossible not to be imbued with the deep content of this high science!..

At one of the lectures, touching upon the topic of electromagnetic fields and their display on a radar sweep, he somehow said: “… And since every material object has its own energy field, in principle it can be determined against the background of the fields of other physical objects, and it can also be measured …"

I then missed this, which seemed strange to me, a statement, but my neighbor on the desk, Valentine, - he jumped up and started whispering something in my ear. My attention at that moment was distracted by a picture that opened through the auditorium window behind the fence that enclosed the territory of our school: a flock of young girls had gathered there … Well, in general, you understand …

The professor, noticing Valkin's zeal, politely inquired about such a clearly interested reaction: "And what do we have in this regard in the form of reflections?"

- Excuse me, Comrade Colonel, - Valka said, embarrassed and nervous from an at once hoarse voice, - and a man has his own field?..

The professor took off his glasses, somehow rubbed them especially carefully, looking (at the same time slightly squinting) at Valka and for some reason at me …

- You see … This is a topic of a separate and very SPECIAL (here he made a meaningful pause, while looking straight into our eyes …) conversation. In the meantime, I can state: there is … let's just say … a very significant number of documented reports of cases of detection of certain fields in a person are recorded …

- And they can be measured ?!

- You can measure everything, there would be an appropriate device with the necessary scale of sensitivity and settings … Come to me after the lecture, young people, and now we will continue …

Valka sat down, looking at me in a particularly mysteriously triumphant way. Until that moment I had not seen such an expression on his face …

After the lecture, Valka and I rushed to the professor for a conversation. And this conversation, as all subsequent events of our special radio-technical life with Valkina showed, turned out to be fateful. It was after that conversation that we caught fire with the idea of creating a radiation receiver for a field unknown to anyone (at that time). We immediately began to call it BIOPOLE …

… For almost three years Valka and I have been busy working on our “receiver” (although then, in the fifties, we simply called it “live radiation fixer”). And not only our radar physics helped us, but also chemistry. Especially in this matter Valka became skilled: all the time he was chemicalizing something, surrounded by textbooks and manuals on inorganic and organic chemistry, conjuring with some salts, reagents, acids, sintering something, evaporating, precipitating, dissolving. But I, being nevertheless more inclined towards "simple radar machinery", was running errands for Valka, doing in my spare time creating an amplifier circuit with complicated compensatory automation …

… In short, as a result, SOMETHING was born, capable of clearly and unmistakably recording the presence of a person and other large living organisms (horse, cow, etc.) in the gripping sector of the device. And after a while, we somehow managed to filter out the signals coming from the person, from all other "life-carriers". And it was a real victory-revolution in our completely materialistic endeavor …

It's time to defend the diploma. And it was here that we were broken off by the harsh Soviet-socialist reality: at the selection committee "the hairs on our heads stood on end" - we were immediately classified along with the "wonderful invention" and in fact were forcibly assigned to work in a special research institute. I will not dwell on this aspect of our specific profession, but I will only say that life brought Valka and me to Balkhash …

These were those years - the end of the 50s of the last century. After the first launches of our space rockets and satellites, our bosses experienced some euphoria - the boundaries of what was permissible and non-seditious expanded dramatically. Anything could be invented - even a broom on an MHD generator! Everything was encouraged and considered in the order of things (this is best evidenced today by the dilapidated and half-worn issues of the Tekhnika Molodyozhi magazine of that time). In one word - Thaw …

From Valka and me, our chiefs were seriously expecting a device capable of giving an unmistakable indication of specific places of accumulation of manpower of a potential enemy, and if possible - up to the numerical strength …

And we worked hard. In two years, the circuit and the hardware were brought to full condition and reliability (and this is in the age of lamps and tube amplifiers, which still dominated electronics!). Well, as for the materials with which Valentin worked, those same "liquid crystals" were obtained by his works, which now you will not surprise anyone. And then it was a real miracle of some incredible chemo technique …

In the summer of 1958, we were somehow very hastily summoned to the head of the department of our special laboratories, located along the most picturesque banks of the Balkhash. Two men in civilian clothes were already waiting in the chief's office, carefully studying our reports with Valka. We introduced ourselves to the newcomers, after which the strangers announced bluntly that they had come to us to test our device and would not want to linger with this case. Well, well, it must be so, an order is an order. We immediately brought the device, set it up, turned it on and “demonstrated” everything. The device behaved quite adequately …

Two guests in civilian clothes stepped aside from our "technical miracle", joked about something for a couple of minutes and again approached us with Valka. They offered to look at the operation of the device with setting different obstacles between it and the object. And as we knew, we prepared everything we needed with the help of our almighty zavlab Semyonich. In general, the device did not go astray either when setting up a cardboard barrier, or when fencing an object with foil, a lead strip, a piece of concrete …

And then Valentin and I got a little crazy - a young thing. They offered our inspectors to come to the laboratory after lights out, which will be announced in the barracks opposite (there was a militarized contingent of guarding the entire facility). On that and decided …

At about midnight, our entire "acceptance" team gathered at the agreed place. The garrison was asleep. Silence, only the singing of cicadas and other rustling-rustling living creatures is heard …

For the purity of the experiment, we brought the device to the window overlooking the stoker. Included. There is no signal … Our "miracle" was moved to the window overlooking the adjacent laboratory building. Everything is quiet … And then we placed our "hyperboloid" at the end window of our office - opposite the very barracks with a security company). The device gave out a clear and powerful signal. Everything is as according to the instructions we have drawn up for future users of our invention …

However, the test did not end there. My dashing chemist went to the phone, dialed the number of the officer on duty at the barracks. His friend, the company, came up. Valka (obviously having agreed with him in advance) says some conventional words to him, after which a loud command “Rota, rise! Combat alarm !!! And right there on our device - a powerful burst of signal amplitude!.. And outside the window there are still only crickets and cicadas …

The "researchers in civilian clothes" left early, with the first transport leaving our Balkhash location. A week later, a dispatch arrived on a special form: to prepare Valka and me for an urgent and extremely important business trip abroad. And here we saw how Soviet special diplomacy works instantly and smoothly: in less than three days everything was done - passports, equipment, rations, special equipment … During this time, we managed to equip our equipment with the ability to work from batteries and packed in the safest way. This special wool, I think, would be enough to pack an elephant - not only our appliance …

It was on this cotton wool that we were accommodated in the plane, which instantly appeared on the runway of our Balkhash center. The special officer who accompanied us handed us passports and accompanying papers. That's it! We are flying, it turns out, to China!

In Beijing, we were met by officers of the military attaché of our embassy. Together with the two arriving military attaches, we immediately moved into a Chinese winged tin. Valke managed to ask our diplomat that we were flying to Lanzhou. From there - somewhere in the Chinese darkness. In the mountains, in a word …

We sat down at night, shook the bad runway for a long time, until we finally stopped. We spent the night without any special adventures, and even without much comfort - on the same cotton padding of our device. And in the morning we were transferred to a truck. Together with us, two Chinese military escorts were outfitted on the road “who knows where”. Smiling and completely taciturn Chinese "specialists" sat down with our ambassadors in the gas car in front of us, and Valka and I were in the truck, on the already familiar cotton wool of our miracle product …

Let's go. According to the calendar, it’s summer, but we seem to be in winter: cold weather, thin air (there is nothing to breathe, my head is spinning and breaking). And around - like on Mars: solid reddish sand, rubble, no plant, no blade of grass …

For the whole day - not a single stop, not for any need. In the back they were eating canned food, biscuits, washed down with tea from the famous Chinese thermos. I had to save my physiology right from the body …

Finally, by nightfall, we got to some strange village: utter mud all around, terrible stench, some kind of plague-smoked people, apparently not washed since birth …

In the morning we learned from our "attachés" - we are in Tibet …

We packed up quickly, barely having time to hastily sip tea with biscuits - and off we go! And the path has become quite difficult: the further, the more it shakes; the cold is overwhelming. And the road is uphill and uphill all the time. And what is around us are solid black mountains. And there is absolutely nothing to breathe …

We arrived somewhere again only at night. We were so tired that I do not remember how, where and on what I fell asleep. And in the morning, as it became clear, Valka and I looked around and did not understand where fate had thrown us - either again a Tibetan village, or some kind of monastery. Stone houses and tattered tents are mixed up, from which smoke, soot and an indescribable stench rush. And amid all this wild semi-primitive chaos and evil spirits, Chinese soldiers walk, clearly feeling themselves masters of the situation - they drive the locals with kicks, beat them like sidor goats for the slightest offense …

Before Valka and I were impressed with everything we saw, a herd of yaks was driven to our aid. We loaded our precious technical cargo onto them and followed the guides and spies along the mountain path - up again. But this time, fortunately, not for long: after about half a kilometer, the ascent to the ridge of another nameless peak ended and we went out onto a small platform, from which an amazing panorama opened up to our eyes - a rocky slope ran down, behind it a wide valley stretched far, and beyond the valley is a chain of sharp snow-capped peaks of indescribable beauty. And as if pushing this chain apart, a huge Mountain rested against the sky - a white regular cone-pyramid with a wide base. Dazzling white …

To the side of the ridge is another volleyball-sized area. The site is clearly man-made, and a large, insulated army tent has already been set up on it. Here Valka and I placed our precious equipment. And before we finished unpacking and adjusting the equipment, our entire accompanying team - the Chinese and our "attachés" came to our tent. We received an assignment-order: to direct our receiver to the Mountain and measure the signal. No more, no less!..

“This is an extremely responsible assignment from our high Chinese friends,” one of our ambassadors concluded sternly (and at the same time, at the word “high” he even rolled his eyes - obviously to show how HIGH Chinese friends are meant here …).

And to us, young and cheerful, inexperienced, what sadness? It has been said - then we will do it!..

We assembled our installation, checked the battery power, ran test programs powered by the generator, snorting behind the wall of our tent … We were sitting, waiting for the signal to appear. But he is not. And the four bosses assigned to our team are sitting and waiting. Freezing. Do not leave …

Now the night has come and covered our location. On the oscilloscope sensor - everything is the same, a straight straight line. Empty …

Three of our spies went to bed, there was only one smiling Chinese. Only his smile became paler and more tortured with each passing hour. Periodically, he gave a command to his subordinate soldier, and he quickly ran to the village for food and tea. And Valka and I, having a little snack, slept alternately that night …

In the morning, the "holy trinity" who had been absent at night approached, and judging by the angry fumes coming from them, they did not waste time. The first thing they wanted was to check the health of our equipment. Valka, slightly embittered by all this "Chinese gimmick", quickly "drove away" the apparatus in all modes, after which he clearly and almost syllabically brought to the attention of the "companion accompanying" the essence of the operation of our device: the installation works on objects of biological origin, and here (my friend poked his index finger towards the "object") - a snowy mountain, and this could have been said back in Beijing!..

It became quiet and immediately felt the growth of hostility from all the "accompanying". The case smelled of kerosene …

Suddenly all four "diplomats" went to the end of the tent, started whispering about something, and then, without saying a word, rushed to the exit. And until evening we did not see them again. Only a Chinese soldier from time to time was declared as a mountain ghost - he would bring tea, then provisions …

By evening, all four returned, and all - with fumes …

They brought ink and paper with them, sat down to draw up an act in two languages. The essence of the act: the experiment did not give the desired result. All those present signed the act, and so did we. After that, an order was received: to disassemble the installation, prepare for return transportation. Departure in the morning. And the four of our escorts left …

Valka began to swear: I wanted to sleep, I wanted to go to the bathhouse!.. And suddenly he stopped and, as often happened to him, stared somewhere in front of him, into empty space …

- So, let's take it apart? I asked.

Valka woke up.

“Of course,” he says. And he raised his finger to his lips and pointed with his eyes to the soldier, who was huddled in the corner of the tent and wobbled …

Valentin climbed into one of the boxes, took out metal tubes, slats, a coil of wire and with all this equipment left the tent …

After about ten minutes he returned, carefully pulled the wire behind him and imperceptibly put its bare end opposite the connection terminal to the input of the receiver. And then the line on the oscilloscope soared up and disappeared from the screen. Valka clicked the toggle switches of the ranges of signal level perception, and the blue vein of the signal "returned" to the oscilloscope capture field …

We looked at each other in silence …

- All! Turn off the bandura to Edren Fen! - Valka barked loudly, not taking his eyes off the awakened soldier, - we'll sleep for three hours and start to disassemble.

Our soldier fiddled, fiddled, pretended to intend to clean the smoked cauldron, but looking at how we began to spread our pea jackets on boxes with cotton padding, left …

Jumping up, we instantly connected the half-dead batteries …

A powerful even signal was coming from the Mountain, elastic and fat sinusoids were beating and crossing on the oscilloscope screen. Valentin, meanwhile, tied his tubes and slats in bunches, made some strange constructions out of them and ran out of the tent with them. The signal became stronger and weaker, but did not disappear. Moreover, at some point, the pattern on the oscilloscope somehow strangely changed - it was no longer a sinusoid, but some kind of signal of a strange shape, hitherto unknown. Valka rushed to the device, began to readjust it this way and that, until he received a picture similar (as they would say now) to a three-dimensional image of some process. Here my friend and I were stunned: in order for SUCH to be drawn on our primitive “receiving eye”, it was necessary to influence by some completely unknown signal, the parameters of which we were clearly not able to comprehend. At that time, we did not yet know what frequency-phase modulation of impulse processes was … However, I remembered the appearance of this strange signal on our oscilloscope for the rest of my life …

At some point, I realized that I had lost the sense of time, fatigue and lethargy from lack of sleep disappeared completely. Moreover, the body seemed simply weightless, the head worked clearly and completely without tension, as if there weren't all those days of oxygen starvation!..

And then I noticed that Valentine had been away from the tent for a long time. I went out. He was facing the Mountain, and the expression on his face was somehow detached … unearthly. The Mountain also looked strange, all as if doused with a dazzling white sparkling light and from this seemed to be flying over the Earth …

- Valya, let's go, you'll freeze to hell …

- Meals of the village … - Valentine was surprised, as if coming to his senses …

Indeed, when we entered the tent, a red light was on on the converter unit. The skiff came to the batteries …

After that Valentine did not say a word.

In the morning we hurriedly left the equipment in the boxes, waited for the soldiers and yaks, plunged and descended into the “monastery village”. Gazik (and with him our accompanying persons) had already disappeared - our truck was waiting for us. While the soldiers were busy loading equipment from the yaks into the back of the truck, we stood to the side. And at that moment, a dirty and tattered Tibetan appeared from under the ground next to us, looked at us mournfully and, imperceptibly from the soldiers, raised his fingers to his mouth - they say, I want to eat. Valka took out a packet of cookies from his bosom and gave it to the Tibetan. The man nodded gratefully. Valka took him around the corner of the hut, and began with gestures, facial expressions to try to find out something from the aborigine. He looked seriously and attentively at these Valkin "grimaces and jumps", and suddenly whispered something in his ear …

On the way back, we took our equipment out of the cotton boxes, lay down in warm and soft "sarcophagi" and slept, slept, slept …

Only once, awakening from a sweet dream, Valka, seemingly not addressing anyone, said:

- Everything is as in the protocol … There was no signal. I will stand on this even under torture …

I remember then that I was even slightly offended by him. Did not have? Well, okay! I'm not my enemy either …

Upon my return, I realized that we had become participants in the events described due to some careless decision at some "top". And all this coincided with the decision of our Chinese comrades to go their own way, along the Great Leap Forward. The Soviet-Chinese friendship began to falter …

The case, however, was hushed up. The head of our Balkhash department was transferred to the capital, our topic with Valka was quietly covered, the group was dispersed, and I was offered a place at the Academy …

After all that he had experienced, Valentin changed a lot - he became withdrawn, it became difficult to communicate with him, to find a common language. In addition, he firmly sat down for an unfinished thesis, and I - for academic textbooks …

In the fall we parted. I went to Moscow to study at the Academy …

Frankly, I rarely returned, even in my thoughts, to this story. After the Academy, there was a difficult service in the army, in Cuba, in Angola. But … Here I will allow myself to repeat: if SOMETHING unusual touched you once, then sooner or later a meeting with him will take place again. And it took place - thirty years later …

Thirty years later

So, more than thirty years have passed. I was already listed as an experienced pensioner, I never fidgeted from the local beauty. The nature here is incomparable! He started growing currants. Tired, you know, from the service with all its vicissitudes …

About four years ago, I somehow came to the bus station with the intention of going to Porkhov to see a breeder I know. I look, people are crowding, gathered in a circle.

- The old man became ill, - explained one compassionate and agile old woman.

Indeed, coming closer, I saw an old man sitting on a bench, wiping himself with a washed handkerchief and swallowing - one after another - some pills. The old man looked at me … Oh my God - Valentine! So yes-ah! That's a meeting!..

Immediately my friend caught my eye - a young man with his car, and I begged him to take me home with my old friend …

- I barely found you, Grisha … - confused, with obvious shortness of breath, Valentin told his story. - At first I wanted to write, but then I decided to come and see - it’s still better, and you should know when God will still meet … Moreover, I had to visit your city by all means … And it must be - such an absurdity - on the bus from Pskov I felt bad …

At that time, Valentin, like me, rang in his sixties, and he looked like an eighty-year-old. Life didn't work out. Lonely. Ill: heart, asthma. And as a scientist, he did not take place. At the defense of the dissertation of the chief political department, he stood up and firmly warned that, since the applicant's report and the work itself are ideological sabotage and shamanism, then with any outcome of the vote, he will attach his dissenting opinion to the decision of the Academic Council. And he applied. Scandalous and defiant, because the entire commission voted in favor. A dissenting opinion meant only one thing - the work was not approved.

- And in what way did this political guide consider shamanism?..

And here Valentine brought me back thirty years ago.

- Do you remember Tibet? Do you remember how we caught the signal? Sorry, but THEN I couldn't tell you anything …

Once, even before leaving on our Chinese business trip, on Balkhash, I built a structure in front of the receiver, which ensured the reception of a clear, powerful signal. Moreover, what surprised me indescribably, the signal appeared without the presence of a person in front of the device! And only when the plane of the structure was oriented to the east-southeast. At the same time, the signal was not always - it periodically disappeared. I fiddled with my design, and even abandoned it - I decided that it was all a game of chance …

And then at the Mountain it suddenly dawned on me! I made a similar structure again and placed it in front of the receiver … Well, you remember the result.

- I remember, and what kind of design?

Valentine looked at me attentively, was silent …

- Cross. The vertical-to-horizontal ratio is 2: 1, the wire outlet is from the bottom … Do you remember how you felt after receiving a signal …

- I remember. It was a good, strong feeling, the state of health jumped at once!..

- We were at an altitude of 4-5 thousand meters. My pulse was constantly under 100 BEFORE THE SIGNAL, and AFTER - 60, exactly! And no signs of altitude sickness! Moreover, the head was clear as crystal. And it was then that the whole causal relationship of this strange phenomenon was revealed to me, as if SOMEONE in my own voice was explaining the whole essence of this connection and what needs to be done next.

And then I placed a crescent moon in front of the receiver - a curved tube. The effect is the same as with the cross! Then he installed an eight-pointed cross. The signal became weaker, but when I turned this cross by a little thirty degrees, the signal increased sharply. Do you think?.. Okay, I'll explain later!..

Then … Then there was something that I could not tell anyone, not even you. Wouldn't believe it. And it was impossible …

I left the tent, and suddenly someone's invisible, but irresistible will forced me … to split up. After that, one part of me remained standing on our frozen site, and the other instantly moved to the Mountain. I kind of hovered over its snow-white peak. The slopes of this natural giant were of perfect shape, seemed artificial, shone with sparkling silver. Then I saw (or, more precisely, I was shown) two mutually perpendicular rays of light gray flickering color falling on the slopes. The planes of rays, falling from the zenith to the surface of the slopes, reflected from it and went to the horizon, forming a cross at their intersection …

Then my consciousness, as it were, shifted upward, into the space above the Mountain, and at the same time I felt that my spectrum of perception of visual information had changed. I quite clearly saw either a ray or a cord of a dazzling blue color, descending from the very Heavens and falling exactly to the very central point of the mountain's top. The cord-ray seemed not whole, continuous, but as if a compressed modulated wave, in which some structure and meaning were guessed …

Before I had time to peer into this dazzling sight, I felt that my vision was becoming normal and I stopped seeing the cosmo-sending of modulated information descending to the top of the Mountain. My attention was attracted by my own figure, who was standing by the tent, and yours, who came out to me that night. Somehow, I saw that a light on the power supply panel lit up, signaling that the power supply of our device had gone down … And finally, I clearly heard a voice inside me, forbidding me to talk about what I had seen because I and everyone else did not have sufficient knowledge. Instead of parting words, I heard in myself: "Strive for the Light, for pure Knowledge, be fearless and selfless in your search for Truth, and Truth will reward you, the seeker!" This was my last impression of contact with the Mountain …

For a year I was silent. And the next summer he could not stand it and, having left on vacation, drove to Kharkov, to Halperin. I told him about everything that happened in Tibet.

He listened to me attentively, breathlessly, and said sadly:

- I will be frank with you, Valentine. You have greatly puzzled me, moreover, you have put me in a very difficult position. On the one hand, as a scientist, I must say that you are faced with an extremely ambiguous, mysterious phenomenon, and therefore requires further deep and comprehensive study. On the other hand, as an old man who has seen a lot, I must warn you that by doing so you risk finding yourself on a very dangerous and unpredictable path, and just touching such a topic can break your destiny … I cannot give you advice. Do as your conscience and your heart tell you, as you deem possible in circumstances that will stand before you with all their immutability …

I did not listen to either the professor or other wise people to whom I tried to turn for advice. I was impatient and ambitious. In the dissertation I mentioned, I only once (and then only in passing) mentioned the forms of my antenna-feeder devices, but this turned out to be sufficient so that my work would not be approved …

And I abandoned everything. Now I understand - in vain! After all, you and I, my friend, have discovered something! Our Mountain is a huge natural (or well disguised as a natural) signal repeater, let's say … - from Space. Just imagine how powerful this signal of an incredibly complex internal shape must be (as now I see this pulsation along the MAIN transmission channel - along that cord ray!) So that it could cover the entire surface of the globe! After all, it turns out that these two scanning beams, falling from above on the Mountain and being controlled by the setting energy and information of the "cord", are reflected from the smooth snowy mountain surface and, according to all the laws of physics, go in all directions parallel to the earth's surface …

Thus, the cross above the dome of each church or chapel is an antenna system that picks up the vertical and horizontal components of the signal. Domes are focusing systems that create a concentrated stream of radiation of an unknown nature falling into the altar space. And if a person comes to this place, having tuned in properly (now they say - in deep concentration and meditation), then his own field is attuned and enters into resonance with the field of re-radiation of the Mountain. Then, speaking in church terms, Grace descends on him …

The signal emission time and its amplitude-frequency characteristic are synchronized with the position of the Earth in its orbit (and therefore with the time of the year and with other usual calendar-synoptic reference points). Hence the dates of patronal holidays, on which it is desirable to be in the temple …

As I now think, young Russia, having adopted (for one reason or another) the Byzantine faith, also adopted its "mechanics" - the exact observance of the canons of the Byzantine type of Christianity. Including in the sense of the technology of church building. Altar - to the east; the cross over the dome of the temple dome with its plane also faces the east. But for central Russia, the eastward direction is the direction to Kamchatka, and not to the northern Himalayas or southwestern Tibet. Therefore, almost everywhere an eight-pointed cross with an upper horizontal and lower inclined crossbeams has become established in our country. In the theory of receiving-transmitting and antenna-feeder devices, this - as you remember - is a factor in compensating for the absence of plane-parallelism in the polarization of the original signal, caused by an under-rotation of the usual cross by 20-30 degrees with respect to the radiation source.

It is easy to understand why a crescent-shaped antenna system also receives a signal (albeit somewhat modified in its planar component). From the point of view of antenna technology, the Muslim crescent is like a cross, only curved if we consider the crescent together with the spire on which it is fixed. And some fold on the surface of the Mountain retransmits the horizontal plane of the signal in a slightly folded form, sufficient for confident adjustment of the structure with a crescent moon to the received signal …

But as for the five-pointed star … I can state quite definitely: this form of "antenna" can receive any signal, but not from the Mountain!..

And a few more words about the cord ray. All these years I have been thinking about the significance of this factor in the radiation of the Mountain. And just recently I read in one of the scientific journals, where the most daring hypotheses are published, a report on the research of the so-called "zebra structures". Their essence: between the Sun and the Earth there are some inhomogeneities of the cosmic vacuum, the nature of which belongs to modern science to the "quasiperiodic type". The meaning of this expression is best reflected in the term that scientists have assigned to this phenomenon: "zebra" -structure. So, these same "zebras" have led astro-physicists to a striking fact: the circumsolar "zebra" is an artificial creation that determines by its structure and the nature of its impact on the near-earth space the course of the evolution of life on Earth. Patterns in the alternation of zebra stripes,in their thickness and mutual arrangement "one to one" repeat (or set?!) the patterns identified in the structures of grammars of all modern languages of the peoples of the world, as well as in the grammar of the so-called "DNA texts" characteristic of the genetic apparatus of a living cell …

Do you understand, now, WHAT IS I saw in the pulsation of that cord-ray beating into the top of the Mountain? Why, this is nothing more than a setting energy-informational CONSTANT (albeit in the form of "quasi-periodic sendings", obeying - as it was recently revealed - the laws of self-reproduction of ALL LIVING according to the Law of the Fractal of Life!). AND?!..

Then Valentin clutched at his heart, breathed noisily, reached into the pocket of his old jacket for medicines. It was evident that he had carried all these thoughts with him for more than a dozen years and he could no longer keep all this to himself. And the years have taken their toll. They took it mercilessly …

Having slightly oklemovvshis, Valentine continued …

- Why, do you think, Both Blavatsky and the Roerichs were so strongly attracted to the Himalayas?..

You and I, Grisha, were somewhere in the northern foothills of the Himalayas, judging by my calculations and observations to the west of Lhasa - 500-700 kilometers. The beggar to whom I gave my cookie, in response to my questions, told me two words that I have remembered for my whole life. One of these words is "Yul". So he named the Mountain that I showed him. And what is around the mountain, he called a word that sounds like the sound of a gong or a bell - "Sh'am-ba-la (x)" …

Returning from Tibet, I began to look for the appropriate literature. And it simply was not there. ANYWHERE. Officially … With great difficulty, bit by bit, I collected everything that was connected with Tibet, with the Himalayas. I confess, at first there was a sense of a pioneer along the way. But as I became acquainted with all the new literature, I realized that I had not discovered anything new. Everything has been known for a long time, and you cannot even imagine how LONG it is …

And the Roerichs, as it seems to me, also went to look for Shambhala. There are some hints that they are very close to the borders of this wonderful country. But whether they were there, or everything turned out to be not so and more tragic (as it was with other, no less outstanding ascetics) - KNOWLEDGE are silent about this. The rest, as always, "drive the wave" on which it is very convenient to catch your sweet fish …

I am personally convinced that Blavatsky was in Shambhala. Everything speaks about this, including many indisputable facts. However, now I have no time for disputes about all these first discoveries. This is not the main thing. Through the labor, sweat and blood of those who were able to reach the sacred Holy Land, it has been proven: yes, there is a Source of Spirituality and higher Cosmic Knowledge on Earth. He is unshakable and cosmic by nature …

So what?!..

Most ordinary people cannot take advantage of all this due to elementary-primitive disharmony with the Mountain's signals.

No tuning - no resonance.

No resonance - no reception.

No reception - no contact …

And then something jumped in me, lit up …

- Listen, Valentine, but with the help of our installation …!

- No! My former colleague interrupted me sharply. - For thousands of years, the purpose of many sacred objects on Earth has remained a mystery. The same pyramids that are now found all over the world. It is possible that all of these are objects designed to pick up signals similar to those of the Mountain. Perhaps the pyramids were not only receivers, but also transmitters - modern radar technology is already able to prove this …

So everything was already there and there is no need to build or pile up anything like that. A person must realize OWN FORCES, must be able to find in himself the key to the energy that makes him related to the Source of the radiation of the Mountain. A person must be self-similar to the Mountain in order to enter into full resonance with It. Only the man himself! No more technological stuff!..

Valentine, agitated again, breathed heavily, clutched at his heart, began to chew his pills. And looking at it was not very pleasant, fun …

In front of me sat a deep old man with calm and wise eyes, in which there was not even a hint of sadness for a life he had lived wrong. On the contrary, there was a strong confidence in the possession of something immeasurably more important than "simple human values" …

He left the next day. He did not leave his address. He promised to write it himself, and come again closer to autumn-winter …

Didn't write … Didn't come …

I will not say that this meeting did not excite me. But she didn't turn it over either. Well, I read Roerich. His strangely tricky, deliberate English-speaking "porridge", shocking and crooked Old Russian language did not go to me. From all this, there was a breath of something cold, totalitarian mentoring, poorly hidden arrogance and primitive moralizing. Well - this was my personal reading-perception of the leader of many of our compatriots …

I tried to read Blavatsky, and immediately realized that her works were immense, most likely not intended for individual reading and study. Her works such as Isis Unveiled and (all the more so!) The Secret Doctrine are clearly for teams of scientists who have undergone special training to work with materials of SUCH VOLUME and LEVEL …

Then I decided to do something simpler - to create a museum of the Roerichs at the Kalashnikovs' house. It just turned out that our local people of Pskov will be closer to potatoes in their garden …

That's how I took up my currants …

Valka was right - not that mood. And what a dozen years is not the same …

No mood - no resonance …

Maybe that's why we live like this?

Rather: that's why we live like this …

Author: Thinker