A Girl From China Has Overgrown With Black Wool In A Year - Alternative View

A Girl From China Has Overgrown With Black Wool In A Year - Alternative View
A Girl From China Has Overgrown With Black Wool In A Year - Alternative View

Video: A Girl From China Has Overgrown With Black Wool In A Year - Alternative View

Video: A Girl From China Has Overgrown With Black Wool In A Year - Alternative View
Video: Overgrown sheep's life is saved after 40kg of wool is removed 2024, September

Due to a rare disease, the little resident of China received the nickname "cat girl". According to the girl's father, in just one year, his daughter was almost completely covered with wool.

Zhao Hinrui's parents noticed a small patch of discolored skin on their daughter's back about a year ago. When the disease began to progress, the girl's seriously scared mother left her daughter and husband and fled to the village.

As the girl's grandmother said, from the very beginning, the doctors assured them that the child had an ordinary mole. Zhao was even admitted to a local kindergarten, where teachers told other children that she had a mole. However, gradually the spot on the skin began to grow and after a while covered half of the child's body. Zhao now needs urgent treatment to remove hair that has covered almost her entire back and is starting to grow on her arms and face.

According to Zhao's 45-year-old father, after his wife fled, leaving him and his daughter, his parents helped him take care of the child. The man admits that seeing his child suffer is unbearably painful. The family is currently trying to raise money to pay for Zhao's treatment.


“The doctors told us that she shouldn't be operated on until she was at least five years old. Now she is old enough, but we have no money, even though we have been saving up for the operation ever since we learned that Zhao needs treatment,”says the girl's father.

In an interview with local television, the girl said that her greatest dream was to be cured and she could wear summer clothes and even a bathing suit, like her friends.

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After the girl's story was replicated by the local media, special accounts were created where residents of the country could donate money. Thanks to these donations, the girl will be able to get the surgery she needs so badly.

Zhao has already gone to a medical center in the provincial capital, Chengdu. According to the doctors' plan, the girl will have to undergo an operation, during which surgeons will replace the hairy skin with healthy skin taken from other parts of her body.