Incredible Cases In Medical Practice - Alternative View

Incredible Cases In Medical Practice - Alternative View
Incredible Cases In Medical Practice - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Cases In Medical Practice - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Cases In Medical Practice - Alternative View
Video: Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine 2024, September

Despite the fact that some people even die from a cat scratch or a squeezed pimple on their face, in medical practice there are many cases of radically opposite, that is, when people survived, having practically no chance for it. That's really, as they say, to whom it is written …

Wake up in a happy future

This case is not so unique in terms of human survival as it is interesting in something else entirely. Due to a serious brain tumor, Polish railway worker Jan Grzebski fell into a coma in 1988 and woke up … in a wonderful future.

Doctors believed that the 46-year-old man simply would not survive, but years went by, and, starting in 1992, Jan's sarcoma of the brain began to gradually decrease, thanks to which, 15 years later, namely in 2007, the patient finally came into yourself.

In 1988, when Jan fell seriously ill, something terrible was happening in Poland: complete devastation, a serious economic crisis, cold, hunger, constant workers' strikes. The man at that time had four children, and literally went crazy with problems - how a family could survive in such conditions. And when he woke up, there were computers, mobile phones in the country, shops were literally full of abundance, and his family already had 11 grandchildren. But most of all, Jan was struck by the abundance of food in the country - that's really really waking up in a happy future …

Shoot your disease

A 19-year-old Briton named George suffered from a rare condition - OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). He was an excellent guy, an excellent student, but at the same time he was terrified of germs, which is why he washed his hands hundreds of times a day, periodically took a shower, but all this did not reduce his fears, and therefore his suffering.

In 1988, George told his mother that he was no longer able to live like this, to which she, not attaching importance to his words, jokingly advised her son to shoot himself. The young man did just that - he went down to the basement of the house and shot himself in the mouth with a rifle. For several hours, surgeons fought for his life, removing bullet fragments from the left hemisphere of his brain. And the young man - survived, moreover - he completely got rid of OCD, as if he had shot his illness. Later, George returned to school and successfully graduated from college …

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Rescuer ants

A resident of North Carolina USA Joan Murray in 1999 fell from a height of almost five kilometers, because her parachute did not open, and the frightened 47-year-old woman remembered about the spare only when only 200 meters remained to the Earth's surface.

But … Joan was lucky: she landed in a huge anthill, and fire ants, which immediately pounced on the destroyer of their house that had fallen from the sky. However, thanks to their numerous bites in the body of the American woman, the heartbeat was maintained and the nerves were stimulated - this allowed her to wait for medical help.

For two weeks the unlucky parachutist was in a coma, but she survived and got off, as they say, with a slight fright. True, since then I no longer risked jumping with a parachute …

Pierce the head with an iron bar and … survive

But on 24-year-old Indian guy Mohammad Guddu, who worked as a builder in Mumbai, in 2016 a piece of iron reinforcement fell from the height of the fourth floor and pierced his head.

Doctors, who for five hours performed an operation to remove an iron rod from a young man's head, were amazed that he did not touch the vital components of the brain, for example, arteries, having passed, as they say in medicine, through its non-eloquent area. Dr. Batuk Dier, performing this operation, did everything possible to keep the guy alive, but predicted that his patient would still have the left side of his body paralyzed. However, after three months, Mohammad Guddu completely restored the functions of his body as if nothing terrible happened to him.

And there are many such cases in the world medical practice. For example, extreme situations are no less interesting, when people who do not even have a medical education successfully performed operations on themselves, most often with a pen or even a kitchen knife. But this is already the topic of another article about the amazing abilities of a person, given to him either by Nature, or by God (who is closer) …