Race With Death - Alternative View

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Race With Death - Alternative View
Race With Death - Alternative View

Video: Race With Death - Alternative View

Video: Race With Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim Mod: Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life 2024, July

The murder of a teenager in the industrial zone of the Moscow region of Istra excited the residents. There were rumors about Satanists and their bloody rituals. When the police reached a dead end, the psychic Irina Litvina got down to business.

Vladimir T., a thirty-five-year-old resident of the Moscow region of Istra, accidentally turned onto an abandoned road that led to the long empty buildings of an enterprise that flourished during the Soviet years. He had already realized the mistake and was about to turn around when he saw a man lying on the side of the road. At first Vladimir thought that he was dead drunk. Then his gaze caught on the ragged wire that had fenced off the industrial area. He glanced at his watch - only a quarter past eleven.

Coming out of the car, Vladimir approached the motionless body. And inwardly he shuddered: on the ground was still a boy, about 15 years old, no more. His face, hands and clothes were covered with blood. At first glance, it became clear: you don't even need to try to find a beating vein in him.

The kid was dead, and for quite some time. But his hands still clung to the cracked asphalt at the edge of the road. It seemed that he had crawled to this line with the last of his strength in the hope that someone from passing by would notice him and provide assistance. Not wait. Vladimir called the police.


The investigators who arrived at the scene identified the crime scene. Most likely, the teenager was thrown from the window of an abandoned industrial building. He fell to the asphalt and received numerous injuries. Perhaps, when falling, it caught on a branch of a tree growing nearby, which slightly softened the impact on the ground. One way or another, the guy had a chance to survive. However, the one who committed the crime left him to bleed or disappeared, believing that the victim was already dead. Inspection of the territory revealed many traces: quite recently, and more than once in recent years, several people have visited here. It was this circumstance that made it possible to put forward the version of the murder in the first place. The student's identity was soon established.

Igor K. has been reported missing for the second day already, - the parents wrote a statement. They also claimed that the son was a completely successful child. He did not drink alcohol, did not smoke, always spoke negatively about drugs. The guy was fond of various sports, played football and hockey with the guys, did not forget about his studies. The mother and father argued that there were no conflicts with their son in the family. The only thing that could be blamed on him was that he spent too much time on the street, sometimes returning home later than promised, "disheveled" and tired.

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On the other hand, the parents knew their son's friends quite well. They had no doubts: there is no talk of bad company. Recently, Igor was cheerful and in an excellent mood - not a trace of anxiety or despondency, which, for example, could cause an unrequited first love. Thus, the weak version of suicide had to be ruled out. And who at that age would choose an abandoned place for suicide? At the age of 15, such decisions are made rashly, without thinking about the consequences. And most often they act demonstratively.


From conversations with friends of the deceased, it followed that on the fatal Saturday Igor met with them in the morning, and until one o'clock they played on an unpretentious playground near the school. Then the guy went home, promising to go to one of his classmates by four. But he did not keep his word - apparently, by this time the plans had changed. Whether the son had lunch at home and when he left, the parents could not say, since they were at work.

What brought the deceased to the abandoned building of the plant? Who did he meet?

Footprints on the dusty floor of the premises indicated that gatherings often took place there, while not a single cigarette butt or an empty bottle from under the water was found anywhere. As if the people who came did not stay there for long. But for what purpose? Meanwhile, in a small town near Moscow, the brutal murder of a teenager caused superstitious horror. They started talking about the fascination of modern youth with the occult, remembered skulls on T-shirts, black jackets and gloves with metal rivets … What if this is only the first victim of monsters lurking somewhere nearby?

Jump to nowhere

Nowadays, the cooperation of investigators with people with paranormal abilities is no longer uncommon. Of course, what a psychic is able to see cannot be evidence, much less a basis, for accusation or acquittal in court. This information can be considered by investigators as one of the working versions. And if the information provided by the psychic is confirmed, then we can talk about solving the crime.

From the very first hours of the investigation into the murder of a schoolchild near Moscow, it became clear to specialists that they could not count on the help of witnesses. Moreover, at the scene of the tragedy, not a single piece of evidence was found that would serve as a starting point in the search for criminals. Therefore, it was decided to turn to the Mikhail Vinogradov Center for help, where the country's strongest psychics work.

Irina Litvina took over the matter. She has been involved in the investigation of criminal cases and the search for missing people for only three years, but is considered one of the most productive specialists in this field. After familiarizing herself with the circumstances of the incident, Lytvina agreed to go with the operatives to the scene of the tragedy. When she was shown where the teenager had fallen, Irina Vladimirovna shook her head:

- No, it didn't happen here.

She confidently walked around the building and stopped where blood stains could still be discerned on the ground. Of course, this was a test. But you can't blame the investigators for trying to confuse the psychic. It's just that people who are used to relying only on confirmed facts in their work always need proof. Even when it comes to unique abilities.

- How did you know? they asked her.

- I knew it already when you brought me up to date, many kilometers away.

- Can you tell what happened?

- Yes. Igor was here with friends. They played. More precisely, this is a new urban sport of parkour - running through the obstacles of urban development. The territory of the industrial zone is suitable for this. They ran through the building, up the stairs, out onto the roof …

Lytvina walked quickly along the described route, followed by operatives. On a sloping roof, she stopped at a low railing and gestured to an area with damaged pavement:

- There he, trying to jump onto a tree, caught his foot on a metal sheet. It was not possible to grasp the branch …

- But you say he was not alone? - the investigator clarified.

- The guys got scared and ran away. They thought their friend was dead. It's a pity: he could have been saved. Waking up after the fall, Igor tried to get to the people, to find help. He could not walk due to injuries and a large loss of blood. He was crawling …

Further work with the friends of the deceased boy fully confirmed the psychic's information. So, an accident. There were no sacrifices and no mysterious gatherings. It was a dangerous, reckless game. And the complete ignorance of parents, what their children are doing all day.


It turns out that everything that happens around, including any of our actions, remains forever in some kind of global "memory" where you can look? We asked Irina Litvina herself about this.

“Yes,” she replied, “absolutely everything, including thoughts and intentions.

- But how do you find the right "picture"? How does this or that knowledge come to you from the whole cosmos of information?

- Everything - objects, people, human character, experience, words - has absolutely individual energy vibrations. Therefore, when a psychic focuses, for example, on a photo of a person, “tunes in” to his unique “wave”, he as if by a thread attracts information about him, his physical body, experience, sensations. And here neither time nor the space that separates us plays a role.

- Can you see any event, solve the mystery of any crime?

- I manage to extract information on cases with which I work. But this is more difficult than it seems … "Pictures" still need to be able to read. Sometimes they are fragmentary or even short bursts. In order to receive them, to retain and understand the information received, huge energy costs are required. But if we work on something, it usually has a result.