Crystal Skull Riddles - Alternative View

Crystal Skull Riddles - Alternative View
Crystal Skull Riddles - Alternative View

Video: Crystal Skull Riddles - Alternative View

Video: Crystal Skull Riddles - Alternative View
Video: Rewriting History... The Skulls That Changed Everything! 2024, September

Russian television has repeatedly shown the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the documentary The Secret of the Crystal Skull. The films are based on the discovery in Latin America of 12 skulls made of rock crystal. Three skulls are on display today in museums - London, the British Museum (ethnographic department), Washington, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the Parisian Museum of Primitive Art. Nine similar artifacts are kept in private collections.

The finds were initiated by Eugene Boban (pictured), who worked as an archaeological adviser under the Mexican Emperor Maximilian (1864-1867). He allegedly discovered three artifacts in the jungle of Guatemala. True, the results of the study of two skulls, carried out by Western scientists in the twentieth century, cast doubt on the antiquity of the finds of the French antiquarian. A skull from the British Museum has been found to contain traces of a rotating grinding wheel, which has only been used since the 19th century. A similar situation with the "Washington" skull. The quartz itself for the product was most likely mined in Germany or Switzerland.

Another crystal skull was discovered in 1927 by the English archaeologist Frederick Michell-Hedges in the jungles of British Honduras (modern Belize) - in the "city of big stones" Lubaantuna, the capital of the ancient Mayan civilization. It can be seen now in the New York Museum of the American Indian. The skull is made from a single piece of rock crystal weighing over 5 kilograms. Crystal of this quality is found in Honduras, California and in the northern United States in the upper Missouri River (North Dakota).

The Michell-Hedges skull is attributed to the property of having some kind of mystical effect on the consciousness of people. Some of those who saw him seemed to feel a surge of energy and an unusual state of consciousness. Whether this is true or not is not known for certain, but there is no doubt that the masters who created this skull were able to achieve amazing optical effects. When a lighted candle is brought to the lower base of the crystal skull, it begins to glow and emit light rays from the sockets due to the skillfully located system of channels, lenses and prisms inside it.

An examination carried out in 1964 by the Hewlett-Packard company showed that even with the processing of crystal with a modern laser, it would be impossible to achieve such amazing optical properties. The artifact glows, seemingly contrary to all known laws of physics.

Historians who specialize in the study of the Mayan civilization suggest that the skull discovered by Michell-Hedges actually refers to 13 artifacts - which in ancient times were called the "goddess of death" skulls. The priests kept them in different places. During mystical rituals, thirteen clergymen simultaneously looked into the skulls, trying to see what was happening in this or that corner of the planet, or to look into the past or the future …


According to one of the Mayan legends, 13 crystal skulls have existed since the time when 12 planets were inhabited; their inhabitants donated the skulls to the Atlanteans, and those to the Mayans. After the death of the ancient civilization, the skulls were lost. It cannot be ruled out that Michell-Hedges' skull is one of them. At the same time, it must be admitted that today there are forgeries. Already in our time, someone has started making copies of ancient products - either to cash in and gain fame, like Eugene Boban, or to discredit the legend of the mysterious turtles and question the antiquity of artifacts.

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It is also known that members of various secret societies and sects have hunted for crystal skulls for many decades. In Honduras in the XX century, the so-called "Rose Quartz" disappeared - a skull that, as archaeologists assume, was not inferior to the Mitchell-Hedges find (he also had a skillfully made removable lower jaw). And in 1943 in Brazil, after an attempted robbery of a local museum, representatives of the German society "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors"), supervised by the SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, were detained. During interrogation, they revealed that they had arrived in South America on a mission to find and retrieve the ancient skulls of the "goddess of death." But why did the secret institutions of Nazi Germany need Indian artifacts?

Some experts believe that crystal skulls were used in ancient times for medicinal and psychotherapeutic purposes. So, American Joan Parks, who inherited a crystal skull from a Tibetan monk (skull "Max"), claimed that he successfully used the artifact to treat people.

Quartz, from which all the mysterious skulls are made, really has, from the point of view of physics, the natural property of amplifying electrical energy. The human body has an electromagnetic field, and rock crystal is able to amplify this field. Therefore, it is possible that a number of phenomena inexplicable from the standpoint of modern science are associated with crystal skulls.

On this topic, we had a conversation with a member of the Russian Geographical Society, Ivan Koltsov, who has been researching the secrets of our distant past for many years.

- Ivan Evseevich, isn't the Mitchell Hedges skull an invention of the tabloid press? In order to attract the attention of readers, whatever you can imagine …

- This crystal skull, which came to us from ancient times, is not a fake. It is now kept at the Museum of the American Indian in New York. If any of the readers have the opportunity to visit the United States, they will be able to see it for themselves. The product of the ancients is transparent, filigree polished, all the smallest details are carved with jewelry precision. The skull has an unusually mobile lower jaw, which is hinged in polished sockets. Even from a slight breath of air, it moves. But the most surprising thing is that the skull has a well thought out system of lenses, prisms and hollow channels. Eyewitnesses, whose testimonies have no reason not to trust, said that the skull glows when the fire approaches, depicting the outlines of mountains, the faces of people and animals, some kind of foggy formations.

- And how were the skulls used?

- They were used in ancient healing centers, including for training. The manufacture of crystal skulls began, apparently, in the era of the Atlantean Empire southeast of the present city of Mexico City near the Orizaba volcano; they were carved using technologies unknown to us in the period from the 11th to the 3rd millennium BC. From the 10th millennium BC, skulls were also made in the Himalayas and Tibet. It is possible that in these mountain ranges the secret of their manufacture has been preserved.

Healing centers using skulls were in Mexico (west of the Orizaba volcano), in the northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula, on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico near the Sabine River, in the upper and lower reaches of the Missouri River, in the west of the Atlas Mountains (Africa), as well as in the Himalayas and Tibet.

- Is it possible to reconstruct the process, as you call it, of healing?

- In the centers of healing, the skull was placed on a stand above a container, from where a vertical stream of static electricity emanated. Behind the crystal skull on a stand was a crystal lamp with its own energy source. At the beginning of the procedure, the lamp emitted a light beam - a beam of light towards the skull. An increased energy field arose around it, it is also called an aura, and above it - a vertical energy flow of space communication with the formation of a halo and an “energy cloud”.


When working with the skull, visible rays emanated from the orbit area. To heal a person, the healer, through this unique crystal device, received cosmic energy and healed the brain, ears, eyes … It was possible, according to legend, even to stimulate the germination of new teeth in adults in place of the lost ones.

According to available data, in the western hemisphere of the planet, the crystal skull was last used for healing purposes about five thousand years ago, then people for some reason lost the skills to use this device. Wars, possibly natural disasters. But there is a hope that the secrets of making and using crystal skulls have been preserved in the spiritual centers of the eastern hemisphere of the Earth.

- Does the East keep artifacts more carefully?

- Historically, it so happened that in the high-mountainous regions of Asia, many initiates took refuge when the next geological cataclysms befell our planet. Their knowledge is passed down from generation to generation.

Sometimes there are reports in the media about interesting and mysterious creations of ancient masters, based on the preserved heritage of a lost civilization. For example, a few years ago, an ancient Chinese bowl with two handles on the sides was shown on the Ren TV channel. The bottom of the bowl inside had a mysterious ornament and a round bulge in the middle. This bowl is interesting because if you fill it with water and rub the side handles with your palms, multiple ionized spray fountains will appear above the water surface. It turned out that these sprays have a beneficial effect on a person, increase his immunity and get rid of some diseases. For modern scientists, the principles of its work remain a mystery, as well as the structure of the ancient Chinese "magic" mirror.


- Can you determine the date when the "healing bowl" was made?

- It was made in China during the Ming Dynasty (XIV-XVII centuries). Later, the secret of making bowls was lost. The master who created the bowl was obviously well acquainted with the properties of metals and successfully used them in creating masterpieces of art.

The body of the bowl is made of a copper alloy providing good bioenergy conductivity. In the center at the bottom of the bowl is a convex three-layer circle. Its top layer is made of phosphor bronze, the bottom ornament is also made of it. All layers of the circle have a specific function.

The side handles have multiple layers of wire wrapped inside and cores. If you rub them with the palms of your hands, then the device of the handles transforms human bioenergy, and it will flow from one handle to the other, meeting in the center of the bowl. Thanks to the special arrangement of the convex circle, the energy will rush upward in the form of an ionized energy flow. If there is water in the bowl, it will ionize with the formation of fountains and splashes. The multipolar energy of the human hands, transformed in the vessel, begins to heal. A surprisingly simple solution to human health. But who can do this now?