Declassified: Giants Exist! - Alternative View

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Declassified: Giants Exist! - Alternative View
Declassified: Giants Exist! - Alternative View

Video: Declassified: Giants Exist! - Alternative View

Video: Declassified: Giants Exist! - Alternative View
Video: When Were There Giants? 2024, September

The existence of giants mentioned in a number of sacred books of the past, including the Bible, is officially recognized in the United States. The country's Supreme Court ordered the Smithsonian Institution to release documents on how tens of thousands of skeletons of people from 1.8 to 3.6 meters in height were destroyed in the early 1900s!

The secret becomes apparent

For several decades, photographs from excavations have appeared on the Internet, which depict the skeletons of giant people. Someone considers them to be genuine, someone - a skillful forgery. Official science, of course, categorically refuses to recognize these pictures, because then the whole history and evolution of mankind, and at the same time the academic titles of professors and academicians, will be in question. Since giant skeletons only appeared in photographs, the sides maintained the status quo for a long time.

Everything changed after a high-profile legal scandal in the United States. The American Institute for Alternative Archeology said that the Smithsonian Institute attempted a large-scale falsification of human history in the first decades of the 20th century, destroying several tens of thousands of gigantic human skeletons. The accusations are serious, especially for a respected organization with a history of almost 200 years. Trying to save face, the leaders of the Smithsonian Institution sued for libel - and ended up in the position of a non-commissioned officer's widow, who whipped herself. As soon as the case got to the Washington court and the questioning of witnesses began, it became clear that the allegations of the American Institute for Alternative Archeology were not at all unfounded.

During the trial, as the representative of the defendant, James Charward, told the Western press, a number of witnesses confirmed information about the destruction of skeletons of giants by the staff of the Smithsonian Institution. The decisive blow was struck by one of the former curators of the institute, literally from the other world. The suicide note of the scientist was shown to the High Court, in which he shed light on the destruction of the bones of giants by his colleagues. As proof of the authenticity of what was written, the public was shown a human hip bone 1.3 meters long, which was saved by the author of the note from destruction.

The US Supreme Court had no choice but to officially recognize the existence of giants and oblige the Smithsonian Institution to publish all documents at its disposal on the destruction of unusual artifacts. The institute must comply with the court orders by the end of 2015. However, the sensational papers have not yet left the Institute's vault.

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The most interesting thing is that not a single specimen of giant people, whose existence could be explained by a natural anomaly or mutation, were destroyed, but several tens of thousands of skeletons - in fact, the remains of the population of several cities. And this is only in America!

The largest find - several thousand skeletons - was made in the Mississippi River Valley. The ruins of cities of amazing creatures were also discovered there. Thousands of huge skeletons have been found near Mount Boulder, and even giant mummies have been found in the Spirit Cave in Nevada. Their age dates back to 8000 BC. Red-haired giant mummies have also been found along the Florida coast, and cities have been found in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Louisiana. Moreover, the population of cities during their heyday around 7500 BC numbered more than 100,000 people. The Indians have always had great respect for the burials of tall people who once inhabited America.

Other parts of the world do not lag behind America in terms of the number of gigantic remains found. In 1899, in the Ruhr region of Germany, miners found fossilized skeletons of people 2.5 meters high.

A decade earlier, a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside was discovered in Egypt, the inhabitant of which turned out to be a red-haired two-meter mummy. It is noteworthy that her appearance was sharply different from that of the ancient Egyptians.

In the 1950s, in Turkey, during the construction of a road near the bed of the Euphrates, workers discovered the burials of giant people. Joe Taylor, director of the Texas State Fossil Museum, managed to buy back some of the bones. Having carried out serious research work, he found on a hip bone 120 centimeters wide that during life its owner should have had a height of at least 5 meters and a foot length of half a meter.

In Ireland, almost until the end of the 19th century, the mummy of a six-fingered giant was known about 4 meters tall. For a long time, anyone could not only see it with their own eyes, but even take a picture with a curiosity - it was regularly shown at exhibitions in Dublin, Liverpool and Manchester. The mummy later disappeared, but a photograph of it survived, which was published in late 1895 in the UK.

Genocide of giants

Where did the giants go? What killed them? Epidemic, global cataclysm or evil aliens? Everything is much simpler: they were exterminated by our ancestors, who were weaker, but took in quantity. This version is confirmed by the history of the find, which occurred in 1877 in the United States. On that day, near the town of Evreki, Nevada, gold miners accidentally discovered strange white bones that appeared from the ground. When the workers climbed the rock to inspect the find, they were amazed - their eyes saw a gigantic part of the foot and a shin with a patella. Later, the doctors said: the owner of the limb was at least 3.5 meters tall! Geologists have calculated the age of the rock in which the bone was found: 185 million years! Scientists asked the local Indian population if there were any legends about the giants living in these places in their folklore. It turned outthat such legends exist! They were preserved by the Payute Indians. Their epic says that once upon a time, tribes of red-haired giants with a height of 2.5 to 4 meters lived on the territory of modern Nevada. The giants were strong and fierce, but few in number. This allowed the Indians to kill almost all the giants during the war, and the rest went to live in Lovelock Cave, not far from the city of the same name. Indeed, in 1911, the mummified remains of giants over 2.5 meters high were found in this cave, but scientists, without giving any reason for their decision, refused to investigate them. This allowed the Indians to kill almost all the giants during the war, and the rest went to live in Lovelock Cave, not far from the city of the same name. Indeed, in 1911, the mummified remains of giants over 2.5 meters high were discovered in this cave, but scientists, without giving any reason for their decision, refused to investigate them. This allowed the Indians to kill almost all the giants during the war, and the rest went to live in Lovelock Cave, not far from the city of the same name. Indeed, in 1911, the mummified remains of giants over 2.5 meters high were found in this cave, but scientists, without giving any reason for their decision, refused to investigate them.

The giants of the Russian land

The mythology of Karelia also testifies to the sad fate of the giants. Several years ago, the famous ethnographer Aleksey Popov even discovered the islands on which these amazing creatures lived in ancient times. According to him, many archaeological monuments of that era have survived in Karelia today. One of them is Ohsanlahti Island (Forehead Bay), located in Lake Ladoga. Since ancient times, the locals preferred not to settle on this island, believing that a terrible tribe of giants of the Vesi people lived there. The giants were from 4 to 6 meters tall and possessed amazing strength. It is known from Lapland legends that as people settled in the northern territories, the giants went further and further north. The Danish historian Saxon Grammaticus (1140-1206) directly wrote: “The giants have now retired to those deserts that lie on the other side of Gandwick (White Sea),north of Norway ". Nevertheless, to this day, many nationalities - Finns, Swedes, Sami, Karelians - have preserved the memory of the resettlement of giant people in ancient times. Relatively modern stories about giants are collected in the book of the outstanding Finnish ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schwindt "Folk legends of the North-West Ladoga region", published a little over 100 years ago. It says about the "giants of the ancient land of Korel," in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on the islands."Karelians - the memory of the resettlement of giant people in ancient times has been preserved. Relatively modern stories about giants are collected in the book of the outstanding Finnish ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schwindt "Folk legends of the North-West Ladoga region", published a little over 100 years ago. It says about the "giants of the ancient land of Korel," in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on the islands."Karelians - the memory of the resettlement of giant people in ancient times has been preserved. Relatively modern stories about giants are collected in the book of the outstanding Finnish ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schwindt "Folk legends of the North-West Ladoga region", published a little over 100 years ago. It says about the "giants of the ancient land of Korel," in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on the islands."It says about the "giants of the ancient land of Korel," in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on the islands."It says about the "giants of the ancient land of Korel," in particular, that there is still a lot of evidence of the activities of the giants. These are "fields cleared of forests, and from time to time huge human bones found in the ground, and abandoned plows, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and on the islands."

It is quite obvious that a large array of finds of the remains of giant people requires not only painstaking research, but also a revision of the entire world history.

Dmitry Sivitsky