Sylphs - Spirits Of Air - Alternative View

Sylphs - Spirits Of Air - Alternative View
Sylphs - Spirits Of Air - Alternative View

Video: Sylphs - Spirits Of Air - Alternative View

Video: Sylphs - Spirits Of Air - Alternative View
Video: 22 - Sylphs (Official Video) 2024, September

When the ancient sages said that sylphs (sylphs) live in the element of air, they meant not so much the natural atmosphere of the earth as some kind of ethereal spiritual substance.

At that time, sylphs were believed to live in the clouds or in the surrounding air, but their real home is the tops of the mountains.

In this respect, they are more like fairies, but with a slightly different organization and purpose. Outwardly, sylphs look like beautiful girls with transparent wings with an iridescent tint, similar to the wings of dragonflies; for some reason they are most often confused with faeries from Celtic traditions.

In fact, the wings of these creatures serve only a decorative function, since they are not needed for flight. Long hair can be either regular color or any other color: blue, purple or green. Sylphs wear light, loose capes, usually the same shade as their hair.

They are friendly and curious. All of them are naturally capable of levitation, know how to become invisible, endowed with the ability to magic, especially associated with the element of air. They suddenly appear and immediately disappear with the speed of lightning.

Sylphs rarely descend to earth. They live either high in the mountains, where they build dwellings in grottoes, caves, or in the branches of tall trees on which they build nests. They do not value wealth too much, although they love beautiful and outlandish things.

The sylphs have no men, they look for a mate among other races, preferring the elves. Having made a nest, the sylph lays a large egg in it, and after 6 months a newborn sylph is born. Sylphs live incredibly long, almost forever and never grow old - they always look young and surprisingly attractive.

Many believed that sylphs, salamanders, and nymphs were involved in the oracles of the ancients; and perhaps they were the very ones who spoke from the depths of the earth and from the heights of the air. The ancient Greeks believed that each of the "roots", or elements into which they divided the universe, belonged to a special perfume.

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And in the 16th century, the Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus gave this idea a new meaning, giving the spirits their own names: gnomes are the spirits of the earth, nymphs are spirits of water, salamanders are fire, and sylphs, or sylphs, are spirits of air. All these names are of Greek origin. In principle, sylphs occupy an intermediate position between supernatural and natural beings, thanks to which they have always been remembered by romantic poets and writers.

It was believed that sylphs can take on a human form in a reduced form, however, for a very short time. They usually treat people with interest and often accept them into their society. It was said that some were fortunate enough to even live for a while among these creatures. The sylphs themselves also come down to earth from time to time.


The applied grass on the green lawns bears the traces of their magical dances in the moonlight.

Some believed that the sylphs were the muses; these spirits gathered around the fantasies of a dreamer, artist, poet and inspired him with a secret knowledge of the beauty and wonders of nature. They awakened the craving for new knowledge and gave inspiration, purifying and raising the creative mind.

The sylphs have a joyful, changeable, eccentric character. The rare qualities noted in people of genius originate precisely from cooperation with sylphs, but at the same time their inconsistency and inconstancy are noted. "Children of the air" do not have their own home and wander from place to place, being natural spirits-nomads, invisible but omnipresent forces in the intelligent activity of the Universe.

We owe their work to the appearance of both a weak breath and the most powerful hurricanes. Sylphs were credited with the work of modeling snowflakes and collecting clouds. The latter they did with the help of water spirits - undines, which supplied moisture.

Some sylphs often have to deal with people's problems, relieving their pain and suffering, in addition, one of their concerns is helping children who have just died. They also play the role of temporary guardian angels. According to ancient beliefs, a certain sylph is intended for each person.

It helps support our mental body. Therefore, our thoughts influence these spirits most of all. They help the body absorb oxygen from the air we breathe. Uncleanliness and smoking affect their condition and distort the quality of their impact on our lives.

Sylphs are good helpers in house and property protection. Their energy can be so strong that robbers are afraid to even appear nearby. Sylphs are active, mobile, they have very fast movements and speech. They are difficult to spot as they are incredibly volatile. They are smart, perceptive, but they can also be dispassionate, aloof. They are asked for help in resolving issues related to information and intelligence.

The sylphs also have a more important purpose. The fact is that to a person with astral vision, the earth's atmosphere may seem filled with clots of blood-brown fog. These astral clots are nothing more than accumulations of negative energy radiated into space by the consciousnesses of the majority of representatives of humanity.


The low spiritual level of people, their greed, envy, hatred for each other fill the astral and etheric layers of the planet with a suffocating brown gas, excessive accumulations of which upset the balance of natural elements and provoke various cataclysms - earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.

The tireless labor of air elementals saves the planet and humanity from many dangers unknown to us. Romantic, funny little creatures actually prolong the life of the Earth, saving it and Nature itself from conglomerates of negative energy.

However, many forms of existence and creativity of sylphs are difficult to convey in words or images, and some are even impossible to understand, since their presence in earthly space is practically inaccessible to human understanding and logical comprehension.