Elemental Spirits Next To Us - Alternative View

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Elemental Spirits Next To Us - Alternative View
Elemental Spirits Next To Us - Alternative View

Video: Elemental Spirits Next To Us - Alternative View

Video: Elemental Spirits Next To Us - Alternative View
Video: Elemental Beings - Rudolf Steiner 2024, September

Every year a modern man is moving away from nature more and more, for the most part people are accustomed to touching it only during short vacations. It becomes more interesting for us to watch a popular movie than to take an evening walk in the park, more interesting to chat on the Internet than to visit, and so on.

However, we should not forget that we ourselves are a part of nature and the four elements, and ancient beliefs in the spirits of nature and these elements are stored in the experience of generations, since they are still present in our life, since they are life itself.

It happened on a moonlit night. The couple in love decided to swim in the river naked. Smiling, they entered the water and swam into the depths. Suddenly the girl felt that some unknown force was pulling her under the water, and began to go to the bottom. The guy began to save her, but felt that he himself was beginning to drown. Then he began to pray to his guardian angel.

Suddenly, a warm white light illuminated him, from who knows where the strength came from, and in a few minutes he pulled the girl out and reached the shore. Both were saved. When the guy the next morning told this story to his grandmother, who was resting in love, she crossed herself and said that it was the undines who wanted to drown the couple, but the guardian angel, with God's help, saved the guy and the girl.


When the young man asked who the Undines were, the grandmother replied: "Spirits of nature, spirits of water, you disturbed them on a moonlit night when they gather and come to the surface of the water, and almost paid with your life for it." What kind of spirits are they capable of destroying a person? How is the Christian guardian angel related to them? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Among parapsychologists and people engaged in magic, there is an opinion that the spirits of the elements (they are also called the spirits of nature and elementals) appeared on our planet long before humans. They have been protecting the elements and nature since the beginning of the world. Legends and tales about the spirits of nature are found in the oldest written sources of different civilizations, and often they arose among civilizations that did not know anything about each other, and, nevertheless, all these legends are similar.

Let's turn to magical teachings about elementals. To begin with, let us quote Paracelsus: “All elements have soul and life. The inhabitants of the elements are called Sagans (elementals). They are not lower than a person, but differ in that they do not have an immortal soul. These are the forces of nature, that is, they produce everything that is attributed to the activity of Nature. They may be called beings, but they are not descended from Adam. They feed on the elements … "For Jules Lermina, elementals are" real creatures endowed with life, form, will and partly instinct that carries them along the path of evolution, which seeks to bring them closer to man …"

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Agrippa in his "Occult Philosophy" says that the elementals, like no other occult creatures, are close to people. He argues that natural spirits are not alien to human passions and the desire to willingly communicate with people, “some of them live in forests and groves, others are content, likening various animals, domestic and wild, some inhabit meadows and springs. These various spirits can be summoned wherever they are found …"

E. Blavatsky describes the elementals as "creatures that evolved in the Four Kingdoms or Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water … Kabbalists called them Dwarves (Earth elementals), Sylphs (Air), Salamanders (Fire) and Undines (Water) …" Blavatsky, elemental spirits - “All the lower invisible creatures, generated on the fifth, sixth and seventh planes of our earthly atmosphere, are all called elementals - Peri, Devas, Djinn, Goblin, Satyrs, Fauns, Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Norns, Kobolds, Brownies, Mermaids, Goblins …"

In magic, in addition to the elements, they distinguish more elementary ones - "the disembodied souls of depraved, evil people who have lost contact with their higher" I "and have lost their former capabilities." Elementaries have the ability to subjugate elementals and, in this case, appear to mediums in spiritualistic seances.

Thus, elementals in the broadest sense are spirits of the four elements endowed with living qualities - earth, air, fire and water, which people who practice magic can call. Recently, very often the spirits of the elements are called the spirits of nature, which, in principle, is also true.


In the legends and tales of different peoples, secret knowledge was transmitted about how a person can interact with elementals. In mystical traditions there is a provision according to which there are several types of elementals. Occultists are interested in those who are summoned through special rituals. Such spirits of the elements can carry both good and evil. According to legends, other elementals, such as the elves in Great Britain, are completely self-sufficient creatures and are practically not subject to summoning by magicians. They protect nature and protect it - including from humans.

Such spirits of nature are greatly revered by the population of the area corresponding to them. For example, in Northern Ireland, relatively recently, workers during the construction of an airport found a small elf burial mound - a sidhe, which workers who revered elves, like all Irish people, did not dare to touch.

However, elementals caused by humans are of great practical value in parapsychology. In the modern world, the secrets of their interaction with humans have been preserved in the magical traditions of various mystics of the past and present. Many of the ghosts that disturb the inhabitants of some houses are elementals, born of the actions of some occultist. They will manifest until another occultist expels them.


Summoning (and in some cases creating) elemental spirits in modern magic is simpler than, say, Papus' ceremonial magic. The latter prescribes a very lengthy preliminary procedure for preparing for rituals associated with magical operations to call the elementap, complex procedures that are inaccessible to both his contemporaries and ours. Modernist magic (let's call it that) is more accessible. But when working with any occult system in this direction, two important things should be remembered.

Firstly, despite the fact that the elementals are very small in size, there are a lot of them, and therefore you should not immediately call a large number of elementals - the subtle bodies of a person can be significantly deformed as a result of such contact. Secondly, elementals serve not only as keepers of the energy of the elements and nature, but also as sources of this energy. Therefore, a person must prepare at least a little for contact with this energy - spiritually and physically.

Some parapsychologists practice the creation of helper elementals, small in their energetics, using the visualization technique (in a slightly different form it is also used in traditional psychology). In the evening, during the growing moon (preferably on the first 3 lunar days), you need to retire in a room so that no one bothers you, and turn off the electric light.

Light a candle of any color, then relax and, concentrating your attention on the candle flame, imagine a picture of the result of any action you need or an image that interests you. Clearly understand for yourself all the specific details of the object you represent, mentally merge with it into one whole.

You can also imagine the image of the elemental you are creating. After 7-10 minutes, release this image from your consciousness into the outside world. Both on the physical and on the subtle planes, you have projected what you want - and after a while it will return to you as a result. If you have conceived the image of an elemental, then it will gradually develop, return to you and become your assistant in the subtle world.

Belief in elementals as spirits of elements and nature and the possibility of communication with them existed in the cultures of many civilizations in the distant past, which was reflected in the modern culture of the countries corresponding to them today. This is not alien to the Slavs. Belief in a guardian angel who protects children under the age of seven (and later all earthly life) is rooted in the ancient pagan past, when our ancestors believed in the Guardian Spirit. They believed that a person from infancy to seven years old does not have his own formed mental body, therefore he is not sufficiently protected in life.

During this period, he is guarded by a special spirit of the four elements - an elemental, a guardian spirit, which enters into dialogues invisible to adults with a child, warns him of danger in case of its occurrence, introduces other friendly elementals. Most often it was represented as a beautiful girl with wings, but other forms of it are also known. For example, a white warm light, as it turned out in the above-described case with a couple bathing on a moonlit night in a river flowing near the village.


For a long time among many mystics there was a belief that elementals can incarnate … in human form! Some parapsychologists claim that the spirits of nature live next to us as people. They are individuals who are cheerful, easy-going, active, not burdened with hard work, protecting nature. Often they can be red-haired and look like mythological and fairy-tale creatures - for example, fairies, epphs, gnomes. These spirits of nature are determined to help people in their good aspirations, especially in matters of environmental protection.

The doctrine of elementals as spirits of the elements and nature has its roots in distant pagan antiquity. Some of his postulates are reflected in modern Christian traditions and help people to preserve the Earth, protecting the still beautiful world around us.