A Crashed UFO On The Lunar Surface - Alternative View

A Crashed UFO On The Lunar Surface - Alternative View
A Crashed UFO On The Lunar Surface - Alternative View

Video: A Crashed UFO On The Lunar Surface - Alternative View

Video: A Crashed UFO On The Lunar Surface - Alternative View
Video: UFO SIGHTINGS CAUGHT ON CAMERA | A compilation of the internet's most divisive videos 2024, September

Mankind, in search of traces of intelligent civilizations, directs its gaze into the endless and very distant expanses of our Universe, but it would be better if all the technological power of our space programs were directed not to endless distances, but much closer to the satellite of our planet, the Moon.

Have you ever wondered why mankind sends space probes to the outskirts of our Galaxy, sends automatic stations to Venus and Mars, on the surface of which several Mars rovers are conducting research, but does not pay attention to the planet located very close, and if by cosmic standards, it is completely back to back to our planet.

Is the Moon not interested in autronomers and the most developed states with all their space programs are not interested in studying it? A natural question arises - why and what is the reason for such a disregard for the possibility of studying the Earth's satellite?

And I'm not even talking about the fact that space bases could have been created on the moon for a long time, or many lunar rovers could have been sent there, no one can even send several satellites there to take detailed and, most importantly, high-quality photographs of its surface.

Even the Americans, who allegedly landed on the moon, and this is generally a separate topic for conversation in the sense of whether it was an epoch-making event at all, and so even they cannot photograph their landing sites, the footprints of their astronauts and the notorious American flag, which is supposedly still there on the lunar surface, it hovers proudly like a space petrel.

No, even the omnipotent NASA, which sent the rover to the Red Planet and stuffs humanity with stunning color images of the Martian surface, cannot take high-quality pictures of its landing sites on the Moon, and as evidence it gives blurry photos with some spots, which, according to them, are the landing module and flag.

We can photograph distant exoplanets, we can travel across Mars and send images in excellent quality, but we cannot photograph the surface of the Moon, which flies under our noses? Is it real? Images of the moon's surface are always shown in such a quality as if NASA had no way to install good photographic equipment on the satellite and instead they were gluing a cheap Chinese phone with duct tape.

The only satellite that photographs the lunar surface is the automatic interplanetary station LRO. For an example of the quality of the photographic equipment installed there, here is a photograph presented by NASA, as proof of the reality of landing on the moon in the Apollo missions.

Promotional video:

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Due to the complete lack of alternative data on the surface of the moon, researchers have to use what they have. Yours truly was no exception. Long days of searching on the LRO website made it possible to find fairly clear photographs of little-known places on the moon about which nothing is written in the media and where I found very interesting artifacts.

Perhaps I'll start with the most interesting thing, namely, with a UFO crashed on the moon. I found this object in a photograph of the terrain (an area 3 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide) near the lunar crater Giordano Bruno located a 22-kilometer crater on the far side of the Moon, not far from its northeastern edge.


The satellite took this photo from a height of one and a half kilometers, and in this regard, it is worth considering the fact that the dimensions of this UFO only seem small, but in fact it is a large spacecraft whose dimensions only approximately reach more than 100 meters in diameter.

The object is disc-shaped with tiers-protrusions on the discs that make up the body. In the central part of the main disc-shaped stepped hull, there is apparently a propulsion, residential and control compartment for this apparatus. This part is cigar-shaped throughout the entire hull, and in the rear part you can see a large square-shaped protrusion, similar to the wheelhouse.

In the photo we see one part of the ship and the complete wheelhouse with a wheelhouse, and the other half of the apparatus is submerged in the lunar soil. The fact that this unknown spacecraft crashed can be judged by its position on the surface, as well as an interesting trace of impact on the surface located on the left side of the spacecraft.


The fact that this device has nothing to do with terrestrial technologies, in my opinion, raises no doubts.

So maybe the reason is. that no one shows people images of the surface of the moon in such a resolution that objects not only one hundred meters long could be clearly seen, but also smaller ones, just that. that the Moon has long been occupied by another more developed civilization, which does not need such popularity at all, and the Earth's governments, knowing this, ignore the study of the lunar surface …