Self-hypnosis. (part 1) - Alternative View

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Self-hypnosis. (part 1) - Alternative View
Self-hypnosis. (part 1) - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis. (part 1) - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis. (part 1) - Alternative View
Video: Advanced Self Hypnosis Part 1 2024, June

Miraculous transformations occurring exclusively due to suggestion and self-hypnosis are worthy of imitation


Don't believe thoughts have real power? Then imagine biting off a juicy lemon and chewing on its sour pulp. Your expression will immediately become no less sour, your teeth will be reduced. But nothing but thinking about lemon actually does not exist. There is, pardon the pun, a classic example of self-hypnosis, for which more sophisticated terms have now been invented: mental programming, positive thinking, auto-training, self-hypnosis, psychocybernetics, alpha method.

In Russia, the famous Russian physician Yakov Botkin was one of the first to use the power of thought for medicinal purposes. In 1877, he put the experience on himself - he got rid of pain in the legs and increased fatigue, which he suffered after suffering from typhus. In 1890, the famous neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev became interested in self-hypnosis. The scientist investigated cases of "miraculous" recovery of seriously ill patients who were treated by illiterate healers and healers. And in the twentieth century, the followers of the pioneers began to deliberately look for ways to program the brain and apply them everywhere - from psychiatry to sports and space medicine. People with a weakened, easily excitable psyche were lifted up, instilling in them a feeling of joy and euphoria. And those who faced difficult tasks were given a sense of confidence and faith in victory.

Virtual biotechnology

But it turns out that there are more tangible results of self-hypnosis. Recently, they tried to increase male dignity with its help.

The experiment was conducted by Jim Pifer, a talented hypnotherapist from Los Angeles. He sat the volunteers in soft reclining chairs. He turned on pleasant music and quickly brought the men into a relaxed state. Without exposing them to hypnotic influence, the doctor asked them to close their eyes and mentally imagine that they are in a large sex shop, where dildos of various sizes and shapes are on the counter. Volunteers need to choose the product they like the most.

Then the doctor gave another command, remotely related to the case: to imagine the process of penetration of a sperm into an egg, go there with him and find a special gene of a DNA molecule that determines the size of manhood.

After virtual fertilization, men mentally, imagining scissors, removed all current genes from their reproductive organs. And they "pasted" new, improved ones - those that carried the program for the development of the desired "wealth" chosen in the sex shop. The work of thought did not end after the biotechnological operation. At the command of the hypnotist, the volunteers imagined how an embryo with outstanding masculinity develops. “Heard” how doctors praise him.

Promotional video:

Then the subjects mentally went through puberty, saw how their organs grow, become longer and thicker. Enjoyed the enthusiastic exclamations of peers in the locker rooms and women. And we got used to the new sizes.

After four sessions, Pifer taught the men to self-hypnosis for ten minutes daily. As a result, according to the reports, volunteers have built up an average of 3 to 5 centimeters per year. The record for a particularly impressionable guy is 10 centimeters.

However, such studies are still quite new, and therefore it is too early to draw any serious conclusions. But the fact that such self-hypnosis will not hurt is absolutely clear.

And the chest grows

Experiments to enlarge a woman's bust were conducted by a hypnotherapist from Florida, Michael Stivers. 19 women participated. For the first six weeks, they were taught how to imagine a warm, damp towel on their chest, an electric lamp to add warmth and stimulate volume.

After the women were able to mentally warm up the breast tissue, the doctor asked them to focus on the heartbeat - to try to increase it in order to induce additional blood flow to the cells that produce material to increase the size of the bust. At home, the women continued to do these exercises. To enhance the effect of visualization (mental representation), various exercises were used to relax and enter a spontaneous hypnotic trance. For example, rapid breathing in the lotus position.

As a result, at the end of week twelve, 74 percent of women were wearing larger bras. The rest lacked perseverance and faith in an unusual method. On average, stubborn thinkers have grown from 5 to 10 centimeters in girth.

“The experience clearly shows,” commented Richard Willard, MD, of the Institute of Behavioral Manners and Psychiatry, “that through hypnosis and imagination it is possible to influence a particular organ in the human body and cause it to increase in size.

In the second part, you will learn a "magic spell" that will help direct the power of the imagination to maintain health and vigor.