The Deceased Grandfather Found Words Of Consolation - Alternative View

The Deceased Grandfather Found Words Of Consolation - Alternative View
The Deceased Grandfather Found Words Of Consolation - Alternative View

Video: The Deceased Grandfather Found Words Of Consolation - Alternative View

Video: The Deceased Grandfather Found Words Of Consolation - Alternative View
Video: Expressing Condolences in English - Advance English lesson 2024, July

When I turned seventeen, a very unpleasant event happened in our family. I had a sister who is eight years older. By that time, she was married and had just given birth to a baby.

It was summer and her husband, unable to bear the trouble with the child, began to walk. As a result, he found a new passion and declared that he required a divorce. My sister lived with him and, accordingly, immediately moved to her parents.

The furnishings in the house were terrible. My sister was terribly worried about the breakup, and we were very afraid for her. She shouted several times in hysterics that she did not want to live, and that the baby did not hold her at all. So we were on duty in turn at home. In short, that still period.

Once, after another nervous breakdown of her sister, her mother said in her hearts that she felt sorry for her grandfather not alive. He would definitely be able to "put the brains" in his sister. Interesting, but I also dreamed of seeing my grandfather. He died when I was very young and did not remember anything. But every time I dreamed of talking to him.

And then one very nervous evening I went to bed in a terrible mood. I had a strange dream that night. Rather, later I only realized that this was a dream, but everything was as in reality.

We have a long and rather dark corridor, but in a dream the corridor turned out to be very light, it seemed that the walls were shining, not a light bulb. I heard voices in the kitchen. I was unbearably thirsty, and I walked down the bright corridor to the kitchen. At the first moment, I made out the voice of my sister and a man. I even thought that it was her husband who came back for her. But suddenly a man came out of the kitchen and, turning his back, began to take off his jacket from the hanger. Even on the back, by some miracle I realized that this was my grandfather. I will stretch out my hand to him, but he turned and whispered softly: "You can't." Then he quickly threw his jacket over his shoulders and left the house.

There was a creak behind me, and I saw the door to my room slowly close. All my gut said that I had to hurry. I rushed to the door, at that moment the corridor became almost black, hung with black rags, among which were seen rare burning candles. I miraculously managed to squeeze through the gap between the door and the wall. Drenched in sweat, I jumped into bed in horror and woke up.

The whole bed was upside down and wet with sweat. I got up and went to the kitchen. My sister was sitting there completely alone, smiling and feeding the baby. I sat down with her and without having time to tell my dream, I heard from her that her grandfather had come to her in a dream and reassured her very much. True, she does not remember the conversation, but she knows that now everything will be fine.

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