Burj Khalifa Tower - A Magical Structure - Alternative View

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Burj Khalifa Tower - A Magical Structure - Alternative View
Burj Khalifa Tower - A Magical Structure - Alternative View

Video: Burj Khalifa Tower - A Magical Structure - Alternative View

Video: Burj Khalifa Tower - A Magical Structure - Alternative View
Video: World's Tallest Tower: Burj Khalifa - Dubai's Vertical City | Free Documentary 2024, July

Many probably wondered how the small emirate of Dubai was able to develop so quickly and become a world economic center, bringing an oriental fairy tale to life, practically without the use of oil. It turned out that under the sands a source of abundance was hidden, to which local magicians managed to connect. And the most interesting thing is that, consciously or not, they conduct this source to the crystal lattice (hereinafter CR) of the planet, i.e. share its vibrations with all earthlings. Space techno-magic is almost openly used, although it has not done without a tribute to the lower worlds.

The main guide is the main attraction of the city and also the tallest tower on the planet - Burj Khalifa, the Tower of the Khalifa, that is, the ruler, and it is impossible to be a ruler without magic *.

The magical component of the building is thought out to the smallest detail, which is not surprising, given the scale of such a building and the resource of free masons that was involved.

The tower itself stands in the center of a circle-portal, at the foot there is a dancing fountain - a direct exit to the element of water. The shape of the tower is made like a druse of crystals, and its corporate style is based on the Flower of Life:

* and now they already openly show this (this is in Saudi Arabia, but the meaning does not change from the rearrangement of the terms):


Back to Dubai:


Promotional video:


Flower of Life on the projection of the Earth's crystal lattice:


The strength of the winds on the upper floors is such that interaction with the air element is ensured by definition.

As the locals told us, the dancing fountain has a very important feature - it awakens and opens the hearts of people from all over the world.

And indeed it is. During some songs (and the repertoire here is very interesting and international, they play opera, classics and even Pugachev) people are not just mesmerized by the light performance, but many can see tears in their eyes from the joy and beauty experienced. The fountain is illuminated by 6600 light sources and 50 colored spotlights. The fountain is 275 meters long and the jets reach 150 meters high.

The spectacle is truly mesmerizing:

Fireworks are regularly made - portals of the elements of fire, although there is enough of it under the hot sun of the desert.

The tower itself is built on the model of the Flower of Life, which simultaneously weaves it into the crystalline lattice of the Earth and is a direct portal to the element of ether - the fifth element.

This is how the designer visualized the connection with the crystal lattice, hardly understanding the deeper essence of his creation:


The symbol of the Trinity is also sewn here, which has countless interpretations in different cultures:

1. Trinity in the primordial Vedic tradition

In the original (more precisely, in the earliest known to us) Vedic sense, the Trinity appears in the form of Reality - Nav - Rule. In it, Reality represents the visible, material, manifest world. The world in which a person lives, or rather his biological body. And on which his consciousness is focused. Today we have almost lost, alas, the full meaning of this concept. It seems to us that Reality is exactly what we see around us, the very material world in which we all live. But this is not the case. The concept of Reveal is much deeper. This is the One living world, in which absolutely all material objects are alive and have their own particle of the Spirit of the Supreme.

Nav - the world, as they say now, of subtle matters, the world of Spirits. It is to Nav that the immortal Souls of people leave after the physical death of the biological body, and from there they APPEAR to the world of Revelation with each new birth. Rule is the universal law of the Creator, according to which the worlds of Reveal and Navi exist and interact.

2. Trinity in paganism

At first glance, the Trinity of the concepts of Yav - Nav - Prav is preserved. But the essence of the concepts is being emasculated.

Reality is already an exclusively mechanistic concept of the material world, in which all objects are separated from each other, and the world itself is divided into living and non-living. But this is actually not Reality, but Maya - an illusion in which each person is by himself and is not connected either with other people or with the Nature around him, except within the framework of individual interactions. By the way, surprisingly, in the secret spiritual-combat practices and skills of the Russian Cossacks, there are still methods for a person's comprehension of Reality in its fullness.

Nav in paganism is sliding towards the concept of an alien world opposing the world of Reveal. In later versions, this is generally the world of demonic entities that have nothing to do with the human world.

Rule as a concept is also distorted. Now this is a kind of third World, in which the Righteous live, who keep the divine laws. That is, the concept is superimposed on Iriy - a pagan paradise, although Iriy is the world in which the Gods live, who are the Forces of the Creator.


3. Trinity in Indian Vedas and Hinduism

In the Indian Vedas (as far as I could understand the issue), the Trinity is called Trimurti and represents the unity of the endless process of Creation in three stages Creation - Preservation - Destruction. At the same time, in essence, Trimurti is a consistent description of the operation of the universal law of Rule. Creation is the Creation of the world and life from Navi to Reality. Preservation is the interaction of Reveal and Navi, the stability of the separation of worlds. Destruction is the release of the divine energy contained in the objects of Reveal and the transition from Reveal to Nav.

4. Trinity in Christianity

In Christianity, the Trinity is represented by the well-known Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At first glance, this has nothing to do with what was described earlier. But only at first glance. In fact, the concepts are almost identical. God the Father personifies the very law of the Universe (Rule). The Holy Spirit is immaterial, but omnipresent and creating this image of Navi. Moreover, in a more complete Vedic, rather than pagan understanding. God the Son is Jesus, the God-man is the symbol of Reveal. Moreover, again not in pagan, but rather in Vedic understanding. Man as a Phenomenon of the material world, but possessing the consciousness and Spirit of God.

5. Trinity in Buddhism

In Buddhism, the Trinity is also explicitly present. Dharma - Buddha - Sangha. Dharma is the divine order that governs the movement of the world. That is, in fact, Rule. Buddha is a person with a consciousness that is enlightened enough to realize the Dharma in full, through a series of multiple reincarnations of an immortal Soul. In the process of reincarnation, the Soul alternately falls into Nav (the spiritual world) and Reality (the material world) and through the law of karma it self-perfects to full perception of the Dharma. Sangha is a community, a social society of Buddhists in the material world (Revelation), following the path of enlightenment.

As you can see, everything is the same, only a side view.

6. Judaism and Islam - the absence of a clear concept of the Trinity, but the presence in a latent form

In Judaism and Islam, there are no direct symbols of the Trinity. And this is a kind of paradox. On the one hand, Christianity is based on the Old Testament, which just describes the entire paradigm of Creation, without creating its own, on the other hand, it fully adopted the Vedic concept of the Trinity. And as we can see, she perceived it correctly and essentially.

In Judaism itself, many researchers tried to find the Trinity, weaving in various quotations from the Bible, such as "and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water." But the most simple and obvious thing was missed. First of all, God created Angels to help himself. In plural. This fact reveals the concept of space. But the space of the Intangible, that is, in fact - Navi. Further, God creates the Earth, that is, the world of Reveal. He himself does not belong to either world or the other, but determines the order and essence of their existence, that is, it acts as a Law - Rule.

The situation in Islam is even more amusing.

The Qur'an directly denies the Trinity even for God. “Those who say:“Allah is the third in the trinity”disbelieved. There is no deity but the One God! (Quran 5:73).

But at the same time in Islam there is also the concept of paradise (the same one with the houris at the fountain), and the concept of the world of jinn "And I created people and jinn to worship Me" (surah az-Zariyat, 56), headed by Iblis.


Triquetr is an ancient sacred ornamental symbol of the peoples of Northern and Central Europe, the name of which comes from the fusion of two Latin words (tri - three and quetrus - having corners). Trikvetr was the personification of the Celestial body, symbolizing the main phases of the movement of the solar disk.

Three corners of the symbol indicated the position of the Sun in the firmament, each of the corners of this sign corresponded to sunrise, zenith and sunset. Thus, the ancient amulet triquetra symbolized life, death and rebirth, in turn, personifying equality, indivisibility and eternity. At least, this is how the Celtic and Frisian triquetra symbol was interpreted.


Shown is one of the tower elevators leading to the observation deck, but not giving access to all 163 floors. The building has 57 elevators and 8 escalators. In this case, only the service elevator rises from the first floor to the last. Residents and visitors to the skyscraper will have to move between floors with transfers.

There is also a lotus at the base of the tower, which can be interpreted as a mandala or an opening chakra:


It is officially stated that this form has great resistance to soil vibrations and winds, but there is also a magical background:

In various traditions, the realization of potentialities is portrayed as a blooming flower on the surface of waters; in the West it is a rose or lily, in the East it is a lotus. The cosmic lotus acts as an image of creation, the emergence of the world from primordial waters or from emptiness; it is a special universal principle that governs the world and the life developing in it.

This symbol combines solar and lunar principles; he is equally close to water and fire, the chaos of darkness and divine light.

The lotus is the result of the interaction of the creative forces of the Sun and the lunar forces of water, it is the Cosmos that has risen from the water chaos, like the Sun that rose at the beginning of time, “the world of developing life in a whirlwind of rebirth”. This time is past, present and future, as every plant has buds, flowers and seeds at the same time. “Time and eternity are two aspects of the same perception of the whole, two planes of a single, non-dualistic inexpressibility; thus, the treasure of eternity rests on the lotus of birth and death”(J. Campbell).

Opening at dawn and closing at dusk, the lotus personifies the rebirth of the Sun, which means any other rebirth, renewal of vitality, revival of youth, immortality.

According to H. P. Blavatsky, “the lotus symbolizes the life of man, as well as the Universe,” while its root, immersed in muddy soil, personifies matter, the stem stretching through the water is the soul, and the flower facing the Sun is a symbol spirit. The lotus flower is not wetted by water, just as the spirit is not stained by matter, therefore the lotus personifies eternal life, the immortal nature of man, spiritual revelation.


In Ancient Egypt, creation, birth and the Sun as the source of life were associated with the image of the lotus. This great flower blossomed, rising from the depths of the primary waters, and carried on its petals being, embodied in the image of a solar deity, a golden baby: the sun god Ra is born from a lotus. The Rising Sun is also often represented as Horus rising from the lotus that represents the universe. The lotus flower could serve as the throne of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys.

The lotus symbolized the renewal of vitality and the return of youth, for, according to the views of the Egyptians, the old god dies to be reborn young. The image of the deceased holding a lotus flower speaks of resurrection from the dead, awakening on the spiritual plane.

As a symbol of prosperity and fertility, the lotus was an attribute of the Memphis god of vegetation, Nefertum, who was depicted as a youth in a headdress in the form of a lotus flower. In the "Pyramid Texts" he is called "the lotus from the nose of Ra". Every morning the god Nefertum rises from the lotus and every evening sinks into the water of the sacred lake.

Since ancient times, the lotus has been associated with the supreme power: the lotus was a symbol of Upper Egypt, and the scepter of the Egyptian pharaohs was made in the form of a lotus flower on a long stem.

In ancient India, the lotus acts as a symbol of creative power, as an image of the creation of the world. The lotus was seen as a symbol of the Universe, a representation of the earth, which floats like a flower on the surface of the ocean. The open cup of the flower, located in the middle, is the mountain of the gods Meru (in other words, the Burj Khalifa also symbolizes Meru, the mountain of the gods).


In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes primordial waters, spiritual opening, wisdom and nirvana. The lotus is dedicated to Buddha, the "Pearl of the Lotus", who emerged from the lotus in the form of a flame. This is an image of purity and perfection: growing out of the mud, he remains pure - just like a Buddha born into the world. The Buddha is considered the heart of the lotus and sits on a throne in the form of a fully opened flower.

In addition, in Buddhism, the beginning of a new space age is associated with the appearance of the lotus. The full bloom of the lotus represents the wheel of the continuous cycle of existence.

In China, the lotus was revered as a sacred plant even before the spread of Buddhism and personified purity and chastity, fertility and productive power.

According to the tradition of Chinese Buddhism, the "Lotus of the Heart" personifies solar fire, as well as time, invisible and all-consuming, the disclosure of all that exists, peace and harmony. In the western sky, in the lotus paradise, there is a lotus lake, where among flowers, surrounded by bodhisattvas, sits Amitofo (Amitabha), the Buddha of the West. Each lotus growing on this lake corresponds to the soul of a deceased person.

In the Taoist tradition, one of the eight immortals, the virtuous maiden He Xian-gu, was depicted holding in her hands a symbol of purity - a white lotus flower on a long stem bent like a sacred wand of wish fulfillment.

Magical background:

By and large, the entire Burj Khalifa complex is a gigantic magical seal that permeates several layers of reality, goes up in physics and down to the source of abundance on the subtle plane.

The numerous circles formed by landscape design are nested printing programs, a kind of mini-portals or chakras, each responsible for its own program, flow, meaning:


Of course, the magic seal is not of the purest, for tribute to local magicians and powers must be paid for balance, incl. and through the worship of modern gods, such as shopping, whose temple (Dubai Mall) is built right at the foot.


Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, the Spirit of the tower is alive and there is even a message from him to the visitors on the first floor:


I am the force that lifts the head of the world upward, beyond limits and expectations.

Soaring gracefully above the desert and honoring the city with new radiance, I am an extraordinary union of engineering and art, every detail of which is carefully thought out and beautifully crafted.

I am the lifeblood of collective aspirations and the aesthetic union of many cultures. I stimulate dreams, awaken emotions and creativity.

I am a magnet for wide-eyed tourists eagerly seizing the moment for a postcard, a hub for the world's best shopping, dining and entertainment, and home to the world's elite.

I am the heart of the city and its people; a marker that defines Emaar's ambition * and the shining dream of Dubai.

(* Emaar is the name of the company that built the tower and the name of its founder)

More than just a moment in time, I define moments for future generations.

I am Burj Khalifa.


Also, someone among the architects has clearly revised the Marvel films:


Extract from the session:

The very source of abundance is closed by an oil field, which is not being developed and is unlikely to ever be, because there is no need to open it, and local magicians want to keep more for themselves until the processes are turned on at full capacity.

In any case, the place itself sends out reference energies from the Earth to space and back to the Earth, then the flow in waves spreads through the planet's CR, affecting other regions, activating similar sources in them, and the tower itself focuses energies at its peak and distributes them to space, as wifi.

Above the tower itself on a thin plane, level 2 higher, there is a funnel, sparks with a tracer tail periodically fly into it. This funnel contains the feminine energies of the Abyss, i.e. materialization, fertilization.

Between the funnel and the tower, there is a crystal clearly in the center, which will turn on at full power when places of power of a similar nature are printed out and unite into a single neural network throughout the planet. These energies and crystals contain the function of selectively materializing the desires of those who come to the tower and similar artifacts, so we do not hesitate to express them)

This funnel has every chance of transforming into a source of abundance, not only for the Emirates. When the time comes, it will scatter gifts for everyone, like a kind of volcano. This process was shown as a golden wave for the entire planet, which will create a certain “film of well-being”, as one of the levels of the crystal lattice, and tourists who come to gaze at the city not only activate themselves, but also export energy to their countries. They are literally given a part of that space, which is the seed, the quintessence of the energy of growth.

Conscious players visiting the city carry activation codes into it, more and more open the hitherto encapsulated space, provide the adjustment of energy flows and receive codes and settings on the spot for further transmission and use. The seeds of codes allow one to open such spaces, to which the carrier has access, to reformat them, to build connections with other worlds and beings, to work out the tasks of materializing and manifesting oneself as a Creator in this world. By and large, this is the disclosure of new levels of consciousness and creative potential for all who are ready for this.

The tower permeates not only the physical atmosphere, it is also manifested on different planes of the Earth and is a kind of beacon-synchronizer of different branches of reality. There is a parallel with the book "Two Lives" by Antarova: there they laid chapels in the desert and there was an expedition to the lords of seven towers, each of which has its own purpose. These towers connect worlds and spaces like needles sewing them.

The guys who built the Khalifa actually got space technology. Yes, at a certain level they did it in their mercantile interests, but how else could they be convinced of the advisability of such a mega project? Like many other technologies, they were given the opportunity to improve this for the time being, but they are aware that the task is also to share with others.

At the same time, the building itself, like the entire city, is crammed with a technogenic gene, with which it is recommended to be careful. As mentioned earlier, the best defense is clarity, transparency, calmness, without unnecessary involvement and emotion. They came, enjoyed the views, made a creative desire, let go for implementation. If you are going to do work on the subtle plane, be sure to ask permission from the local spirits.

The region is located on a huge ancient portal of planetary significance, responsible for the penetration of energies and visitors from different worlds, for which a fierce struggle has been waged for a long time, directly or indirectly reflected in real stories, wars and myths of the East. The portal is directly related to the formation of local deserts, but we'll talk about that another time.

The tower said goodbye to us like this:


Like everything else in Dubai, the symbol can be interpreted in two ways.

There is an eye with that very funnel right above the spire, and a flying dragon - the spirit of the desert with spread wings.