"Living And Intelligent" Oxygen - Alternative View

"Living And Intelligent" Oxygen - Alternative View
"Living And Intelligent" Oxygen - Alternative View

Video: "Living And Intelligent" Oxygen - Alternative View

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For our distant ancestors, the air element was of no small importance. According to ancient legends and legends, the air was worshiped as a deity, for which he bestowed amazing abilities on our ancestors. Since then, millennia have passed and everything has changed. Most people are convinced that air is the most ordinary gas. However, our scientists still cannot accurately predict sunny or rainy weather. This suggests that with all our progress, we are not able to learn the secrets of the air and understand it. For example, a lot of hurricanes occur where no one expects them, global climate change, storm winds - all this is commonly called anomalous atmospheric phenomena. Such is the modern world.

The ancient pagan tribes worshiped Air as a deity for a reason. They assumed that air is not an ordinary gas, it is probably intelligent or limitedly intelligent molecules. The annals say that by agreeing with the air it was possible to cause rain or a favorable wind, which would facilitate the path. And Buddhist monks even claim that their ancestors were able to materialize objects of the physical world just out of thin air. Today they do not believe in this and call it magic, but a person is not able to come up with something that does not exist. This means that once upon a time magic still existed on our land. The priests conjured the wind before bloody battles, and the shamans called rain in the deadly drought. This suggests that regardless of the geographical location of the tribe, all people understood the power of the air. What made them understandand why doesn't anyone believe in it today? The truth on this issue today cannot be found, however, we can assume the reasons for what is happening if we study this phenomenon in more detail.

Today it is already reliably known that before the appearance of any intelligent Life on Earth, the atmosphere was not oxygen at all. On the contrary, when oxygen appeared, it was a deadly poison for the then organisms. However, it was the oxygen atmosphere that gave rise to evolution. Then giant dinosaurs appeared. They did not live on Earth so much, and they were not intelligent either. However, in an instant, a meteorite supposedly falls on the Earth. Needless to say, such a meteorite should have left a huge crater? But he didn't leave her. And scientists have not yet found confirmation of the theory of a meteorite fall. But we know that then there was too little oxygen in the atmosphere. His low concentration just killed all the dinosaurs. But if there was no meteorite, then why did the oxygen concentration decrease? Unfortunately, there are no answers to these questions. Some progressive scientists believe that oxygen gas is actually one large organism that came to us from space.

Agree, it seems incredible and absurd. However, this is what explains many of the events that we do not understand that have taken place in the world. If this assumption is correct, then it turns out that the dinosaurs were not destroyed by accident. They were killed deliberately to make way for a much more perfect life - humans.

Dinosaurs are a dead-end branch of evolution. By all accounts, they are highly unlikely to gain full-fledged intelligence. If oxygen is an intelligent gaseous creature, then it probably was not interested in symbiosis with a dead-end branch of evolution. After all, this means the actual end of the story. Then this intelligent life form looks for a way out, and finds it. Primates evolve into humans, a defenseless and weak species. Forced to seek salvation, the species quickly begins to develop communication skills, strays into primitive communities, begins to coordinate its actions. Then the first stone ax and other types of prehistoric weapons appear. Thus, war becomes the engine of all human progress. The turning point comes when a person conquers fire. It is fire that opens up gigantic prospects and distinguishes man from other animals. Further, there is a rapid development, exceeding the pace of evolution. When a person got to the top of the food chain, we found a new incentive. Reason is not only beneficial. So, different opinions, religion and worldview begin to serve as the reasons for wars among themselves. The history of the modern world begins.

Today humanity is boldly striding into the cosmic void, and in the global perspectives there is already a goal - the terraforming of Mars. Terraforming means creating an oxygen atmosphere there. So oxygen, as an intelligent gaseous form of life, receives a full expansion and expansion of its zone of influence. Symbiosis with humanity pays for itself.

Science admits the likelihood that this assumption will turn out to be true, because in fact we know very little about our world. So what are we breathing? Is oxygen so harmless?

Yes, it is harmless to us. However, what if one day a crisis comes and symbiosis with us becomes hopeless? In this case, we are likely to face the fate of the dinosaurs. As sad as it may sound, but if this theory is confirmed, we, people, are only a tool, and our aspirations and thoughts are dictated by another intelligent life. Every day we pass tons of oxygen through ourselves, it saturates the blood and enters the brain. First of all, oxygen is a gas, and like any gas, it can cause hallucinations. Then the management of humanity is a very simple process, because we simply cannot exist without oxygen.

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So what are we breathing?

While scientists are looking for an answer to this question and are trying to unravel one of the most mysterious mysteries of the universe, we just have to wait. Perhaps knowing this secret will be akin to conquering fire. We can live almost forever. At least many centenarians claim that the secret of longevity is the combination of nutrition, lifestyle and proper breathing. Correct breathing technique helps us recover from workouts and invigorates us. Perhaps scientists are right and in the near future it is breathing and oxygen that will form the basis of the technology for cardinal life extension.
