"Play With Me" - Alternative View

"Play With Me" - Alternative View
"Play With Me" - Alternative View

Video: "Play With Me" - Alternative View

Video: "Godfather II" ( Play with Me n.2 ) - Andrea Giuffredi 2024, September

My friend Elya grew up as an only child in the family. And, as usually happens in wealthy families, loving parents pampered her in every way. Unlike other children of that time, Eli had a lot of good and expensive toys. She especially loved her doll named Katya. So that's it. Once, having played enough with her favorite, Elya went for a walk in the yard. And when I returned, I found my doll not where I left it. Katya was sitting at the children's table, and in front of her was a toy tea pair. Only the child was rather surprised than frightened. In the evening she told her mother about this, but she referred to her daughter's forgetfulness - they say, you put her there yourself. Elya was offended, but did not argue with her.

The story did not end there. At night she had a dream. Elya saw a girl of about six in front of her. She stood in her bedroom and held the very same Katya in her arms. Today my friend laughs, they say, I was not a greedy child, but I demanded my doll. In a dream, Elya shouted to the girl: "Give it back, it's mine!" But she looked at her in surprise and answered: "No, this is my doll!" But Elya stood her ground. Then the stranger said: “Play with me and I'll give it back. Nobody played with me for so long. " And, apparently, Eli's sleep was so restless that her mother ran into the room and woke her up.

In the morning, a friend reminded her of that story with the doll and told about the girl in her dream. After this conversation, my mother decided to invite a lama to the house. After the ritual of purification, Katya remained in the place where Elya left her, and that girl no longer came to her in her sleep.

By the way, when my friend grew up, she was told that earlier a family lived in their apartment - a husband, wife and daughter, with whom a disaster once happened. After playing with the ball on the street, she did not notice how she ran out onto the road. The girl was run over by a car while her parents were distracted and died.

Whether Elya saw the same girl in her dream or is it a figment of a child's imagination, one can only guess.

Daria K.
