Riddles Of Birds - Alternative View

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Riddles Of Birds - Alternative View
Riddles Of Birds - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Birds - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Birds - Alternative View

In the photo: Images of bird-people from about. Easter and Altai (below)

What do we know about birds? It would seem that there is nothing surprising in them. Meanwhile, birds are one of the most ancient creatures on earth, and many truly fantastic mysteries are associated with them

Research in recent years has convincingly proven that birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs. In Antarctica, the remains of giant birds of prey, fororakus, whose age exceeds 40 million years, have been found.

The growth of these monsters reached three meters, a head the size of a bull was armed with a heavy powerful beak 60 centimeters long. Flying and running at the speed of a stallion, fororakus terrorized the entire animal world …

At the beginning of the XXI century. American scientists have succeeded, through genetic experiments, to grow chickens with rudimentary teeth resembling those of dinosaurs. More recently, Chinese paleontologists have found the remains of a small bipedal creature, a dromaeosaurus, with a fluff on its head and body. Apparently, the initial function of the feathers was heating, only then they began to be used for flight.


However, modern birds surprise researchers no less than their distant ancestors. They seem to assimilate information and process it at almost the same sophisticated level as the human brain. And, therefore, they have a peculiar form of intelligence.

A unique television camera has been developed in the USA, which allows you to see nature through the eyes of birds. The Eagle Eye camera is so small that it can be attached to the body of a bird and it will not experience any difficulties during flight. Shooting is carried out at a speed of 4 thousand frames per minute - this is exactly the speed of perception of birds. The image captured in this way is slowed down a hundred times so that a person can view the film.

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It turned out that all birds to one degree or another have the ability … to scan the future! They see all the movements that they will make over the next few hours, the dangers, obstacles that they will meet on their way. They are, as it were, led by an invisible thread … This irrational property is used by birds for orientation in space.

The imagination of researchers is also worried about mysterious creatures that look like birds, but are not birds. So, in the Cameroon mountains of Assambo, scientists stumbled upon a large creature resembling a bat, black in color, with a monkey face and a wingspan of at least 3.5 m.

The famous writer, ethnographer and anthropologist Frank Melland has collected information about a flying reptile that lives in a swampy area in northwestern Zambia. This monster is featherless and its skin is smooth, but its beak is full of teeth. The wingspan of the "bird" is more than two meters. According to Melland, this is Archeopteryx. It was believed that this species became extinct simultaneously with pterosaurs and dinosaurs 64 million years ago …

From time immemorial, different peoples had legends about an amazing race of winged creatures - bird people. Reports of encounters with "bird-men" come in our time. According to statistics, they are most often seen in the Amur Region and Mexico during the warm season.

These creatures in gray plumage, whose wingspan is up to 4 m. They have a human head covered with down, huge eyes and almost indistinguishable mouth and nose. The shoulders and chest are also human. But the clawed paws, capable of tearing apart a wild boar, piercing cries and bouncing "gait" suggest mythological monsters.

Even the pictures obtained with the help of a video camera did not clarify what kind of “beast” it was. The Amur zoologists somehow set a trap on the "human bird", and as a bait they put an open tin can of meat. However, soon an empty tin can was found in the forest. "Prey" managed to get it out of the trap and calmly consumed the contents.

Most researchers believe that bird people belong to an unknown extinct species or are a hybrid. Perhaps this is one of the directions in which evolution has gone: dinosaurs, birds, humans, human birds … What other surprises will nature throw at us?