We Are Not The First Humanity On Earth - Alternative View

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We Are Not The First Humanity On Earth - Alternative View
We Are Not The First Humanity On Earth - Alternative View

Video: We Are Not The First Humanity On Earth - Alternative View

Video: We Are Not The First Humanity On Earth - Alternative View
Video: What If We Are Not the First Advanced Civilization on Earth? 2024, September

Otherwise, how can one explain that there are a large number of artifacts in the world, the origin of which cannot be explained from the point of view of the usual theory of the origin of mankind.

Judge for yourself.

Figures from Ecuador

Figures very reminiscent of astronauts were found in Ecuador, their age is more than 2000 years.


Stone plate from Nepal

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Loladoff's plate is called a stone dish, which is more than 12 thousand years old. This artifact was found in Nepal. The images and clear lines carved into the surface of this flat stone prompted many researchers to think about its extraterrestrial origin. After all, the ancient people could not so skillfully work the stone? In addition, the "plate" depicts a creature that is very reminiscent of an alien in its well-known form.


Trilobite boot footprint

“… On our Earth, archaeologists have discovered a once living creature called a trilobite. It existed 600-260 million years ago, after which it became extinct. An American scientist found a trilobite fossil that shows a human footprint, with a clear boot print. Doesn't that make historians a joke? Based on the evolutionary theory of Darwin, how could humans exist 260 million years ago?"

An excerpt from the book Falun Dafa.


IKI stones

“The Museum of the State University of Peru has a stone carved with a human figure. Research has shown that it was carved 30,000 years ago. But this figure in clothes, a hat and shoes holds a telescope in his hands and observes a celestial body. How 30 thousand years ago people knew how to weave? How can it be that people were already wearing clothes?


It is completely incomprehensible that he is holding a telescope in his hands and observing a celestial body. This means that he also possesses certain astronomical knowledge. It has long been known to us that the European Galileo invented the telescope just over 300 years ago. Who invented this telescope 30 thousand years ago?"

An excerpt from the book Falun Dafa.

Jade Discs: A Puzzle for Archaeologists

In ancient China, around 5000 BC, large stone discs made of jade were placed in the graves of the local nobility. Their purpose, as well as the method of manufacture, still remains a mystery to scientists, because jade is a very durable stone.


Disc Sabu: the unsolved mystery of Egyptian civilization

The mystical ancient artifact, believed to be part of an unknown mechanism, was found by the Egyptologist Walter Brian in 1936 while examining the tomb of Mastab Sabu, who lived from about 3100 to 3000 BC. The burial is located near the village of Sakkara.


The artifact is a regular round thin-walled stone plate made of meta-silt (metasylt in Western terminology), with three thin rims bent towards the center and a small cylindrical sleeve in the middle.

In places where the edge petals are bent towards the center, the disc circumference continues with a thin rim of circular cross section about a centimeter in diameter. The diameter is about 70cm, the shape of the circle is not perfect. This plate raises a number of questions, both about the incomprehensible purpose of such an object, and about the method by which it was made, since it has no analogues.

It is quite possible that five thousand years ago, Saba's disk had some important role. However, at the moment, scientists cannot accurately determine its purpose and complex structure. The question remains open.

Vase 600 million years old

The message about an extremely unusual find was published in a scientific journal in 1852. It was about a mysterious vessel about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion in one of the quarries. This vase with clear images of flowers was located inside a rock, 600 million years old.


Corrugated spheres

For the past few decades, miners in South Africa have dug up mysterious metal balls. These balls of unknown origin are approximately an inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, and some of them have three parallel lines engraved along the axis of the object.


Two kinds of balls have been found: one is made of a hard bluish metal with white spots, while the other is empty on the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the rock in which they were discovered dates back to the Precambrian period and dates back to 2.8 billion years! Who made these spheres and for what remains a mystery.

Fossil giant. Atlant

The 12-foot petrified giant was found in 1895 while mining in the English city of Antrim. Photos of the giant taken from the British magazine "The Strand" for December 1895. He is 12'2 "(3.7 m) high, 6'6" (2m) chest girth, and 4'6 "(1.4m) arms. It is noteworthy that there are 6 fingers on his right hand.


The six fingers and toes are reminiscent of the people mentioned in the Bible (2nd Book of Samuel): “There was still a battle in Gath; and there was one tall man who had six fingers and toes, twenty-four in all."

Giant's femur

In the late 1950s, during road construction in southeastern Turkey in the Euphrates Valley, a number of gigantic burials were excavated. In two, femurs were found about 120 centimeters long.


Joe Taylor, director of the Crosbyton Fossil Museum, Texas, USA, carried out the renovation. The owner of a femur of this size was about 14-16 feet (about 5 meters) tall and a foot size 20-22 inches (almost half a meter!). When he walked, his fingers were 6 feet above the ground.


Huge human footprint

This footprint was found near Glen Rose, Texas in the Palaxi River. The print is 35.5 cm long and almost 18 cm wide. Paleontologists say that the print is female. The study showed that the person who left such an imprint was about three meters.


Giants from Nevada

There is an Indian legend about 12-foot (3.6 m) red-haired giants who lived in the area of Nevada. It talks about American Indians killing giants in a cave. During the excavation of guano, a huge jaw was found. The photo compares two jaws: a found one and a normal human.


In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One was 8 feet (2.4 m) high and the other just under 10 feet (approx. 3 m).

Ica stones. Dinosaur rider


A figurine from the collection of Voldemar Dzhulsrud. Dinosaur rider

1944 city of Acambaro - 300 km north of Mexico City.


Aluminum wedge from Ayud

In 1974, an aluminum wedge coated with a thick layer of oxide was found on the banks of the Maros River, which is near the city of Ayud in Transylvania. It is noteworthy that it was found among the remains of a mastodon, which is 20 thousand years old. Usually find aluminum with impurities of other metals, but the wedge was of pure aluminum.


It is impossible to find an explanation for this find, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and began to be produced in industrial quantities only in 1885. The wedge is still being investigated in some secret place.

Piri Reis Map

This map, rediscovered in a Turkish museum in 1929, is a mystery not only because of its astonishing accuracy, but also because of what it depicts.


Drawn on the skin of a gazelle, the Piri Reis map is the only surviving portion of the larger map. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the map itself, from other maps of the three hundredth year. But how is this possible if the map shows:

-South America precisely located in relation to Africa

-Western coasts of North Africa and Europe, and the east coast of Brazil

Most striking is the partially visible continent far to the South, where we know Antarctica is located, although it was not discovered until 1820. Even more mysterious is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, although this land mass has been covered with ice for at least six thousand years.

This artifact is also not available for public viewing today.

Ancient springs, screws and metal

They are similar to the items found in the scrap box in any workshop.


Obviously, these artifacts were made by someone. However, this collection of springs, hinges, coils and other metal objects has been found in sedimentary layers that are one hundred thousand years old! Foundries were not very common at the time.

Thousands of these things - some one thousandth of an inch! - were discovered by gold prospectors in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1990s. Excavated from 3 to 40 feet deep in the upper Pleistocene layers of earth, these mysterious objects may have been created between 20,000 and 100,000 years ago.

Could they be proof of the existence of a long-lost but advanced civilization?

Shoe marks on granite

This fossil footprint was found in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada. This coal is estimated to be 15 million years old!


And lest you think that this is a fossil of some animal, the shape of which resembles the sole of a modern shoe, examination of the trace under a microscope revealed clearly visible traces of a double seam line around the perimeter of the shape. The footprint is about size 13 and the right side of the heel looks more worn than the left.

How did the imprint of modern footwear 15 million years ago end up on the substance that later became coal?

Elias Sotomayor's Mysterious Finds: The Oldest Globe

The expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984 managed to discover a large treasure of the oldest artifacts. In the Ecuadorian La Mana mountain range, 300 stone products were found in a tunnel at a depth of over ninety meters.


One of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was also discovered in the La Mana tunnel. On the far from ideal ball, for the manufacture of which, perhaps, the master simply spared efforts, but a rounded boulder, images of the continents familiar from school times are applied.


But if many outlines of the continents differ little from modern ones, then from the coast of Southeast Asia towards America the planet looks completely different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only the boundless sea splashes.

The Caribbean Islands and the Florida Peninsula are completely absent. Just below the equator, in the Pacific Ocean, there is a giant island, roughly the size of modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a gigantic mainland that stretches to the shores of America and stretches far south. It remains to add that the find at La Mana, apparently, is the oldest map in the world.

Ancient jade service for 12 persons

Other findings of Sotomayor are no less interesting. In particular, a "service" of thirteen bowls was found. Twelve of them are ideally equal in volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then drain them into a large one, then it will fill exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing makes us assume that the ancients had a technology for processing stone, similar to the modern lathe.


So far, the finds made by Sotomayor raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and mankind is still very far from perfect.