The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View

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The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View
The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View

Video: The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View

Video: The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View
Video: Mass Effect 3 - The fall of Earth (Full Intro) 2024, September

In the past few years, many ufologists, and after them conspiracy theorists, have paid attention to very strange locations of the fall of especially large meteorites.

For example, on July 25 last year, a huge meteorite flew directly to the territory of the Thule airbase in Greenland, where the United States installed an early warning system for ballistic missiles:


For some inexplicable reason, the meteorite did not reach the ground and exploded in the air with a force of at least 2 kilotons.

The incident greatly worried the American military, since they discovered this object only AT THE MOMENT OF ENTRY INTO THE ATMOSPHERE, although the stone was quite large. And this is doubly strange, since the early warning system for a missile attack is precisely tailored to detect such objects. Moreover, the warhead is hundreds of times smaller than a meteorite, which will explode with a force of 2 kilotons (if there was not much more). The meteorite appears to have materialized just before entering the atmosphere, otherwise it would have been noticed!

The second moment, which intrigued everyone, was a “happy coincidence”, because of which the meteorite did not fall on the radar, but exploded in the atmosphere. Although, even more surprising, there are precedents for such happiness.

For example, on February 15, 2013, a meteorite also fell on the Mayak plant, which was packed to capacity with nuclear waste, and exploded before reaching it. At the same time, on the storyboard of the fall, an object is clearly visible that catches up with the meteorite and destroys it in the air:

Promotional video:

The analysis of such cases gave rise to a conspiracy theory, according to which the Earth from time to time is bombarded from space by some “rival firm”, which does not really like the garden that the current owners of the planet have piled up here. But, since the owners also have any forces and means, they diligently shoot down these meteorites.

It is difficult to say how correct this theory is, but on April 24, Pastor Byron Searl, known to many of our readers, received a very surprising vision that sheds some light on the situation. Here is its text by source:


Vision of Brother Byron Searl / April 24, 2019)

I received this word and a vision from the Lord on the evening of April 24, 2019, during my prayer hour.

The Lord spoke to me: "My son, I will show you what is going to happen very soon."

As soon as the Lord spoke these words to me, I immediately found myself above the Earth, far enough in space to be able to see the entire Earth. It was so great, such a sight! Just to be able to - to look at our beautiful planet, which seemed to hang on nothing, hovering there in the darkness of space. Then I turned and saw the Sun, and although I was looking directly at it, it did not hurt my eyes. The Lord was with me, behind me and slightly to my right.

Then the Lord spoke to me and said that He wants to show me a large fireball (fireball) that will hit the Earth very soon. He said that NOBODY would see this fireball arrive: not scientists, not even astronomers. I asked the Lord how they would not see it when they have so many satellites and telescopes in space monitoring everything that can collide with the Earth. And I heard Him say, "Look." When I looked at the Earth, watching it rotate slowly, I was able to recognize the Atlantic Ocean. I saw the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and the western part of the African continent. As the Earth rotated, I could also see the east coast of North America, Mexico, Central and South America.

What I saw next just amazed me. The Lord drew my attention to a point in outer space that was not too far from the Earth's atmosphere. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a gap formed in the spatial matter of space, from which a bright light appeared, after which this gap closed back, as quickly as it had formed! When my eyes returned to focus on the Earth, I saw a giant falling black and brown rock moving at high speed towards the Earth. This stone appeared from a gap formed in space! One minute - all is well: just a peaceful, quiet, calm, serene Earth; the next minute - and already a GIANT STONE that just appeared out of nowhere!

When this stone entered the Earth's atmosphere, I saw how it began to heat up and from its friction it began to burn. I was very stunned from what I saw and watched with awe what was happening, not knowing at the same time whether the fireball would hit the Earth or burn out before it fell. While this was happening, I could see that it was dark on the east coast of North America. But the exact time - when it was - I did not know. Then the Lord spoke to me and said: “This is what was predicted from the beginning of time. I have already chosen the day and time, and My prophets have warned about it."

I kept watching as that fireball burned harder and harder, and then it fell into the [Atlantic] Ocean! It looked like there were a hundred nuclear explosions at once! From the force of this blow, the whole Earth shook and trembled violently. There was something majestic about the way a column of steam, water and fire rose far, far into the atmosphere, and on Earth itself, the place where the asteroid fell, looked like a boiling lake or a mass of burning lava. From where I was in open space above the Earth, the fireball seemed to fall into the [Atlantic] Ocean somewhere north of Puerto Rico and east of South Carolina. It was very difficult to determine the distance, since there was nothing to relate it to; but I would estimate it to be about 500 miles +/− (slightly over 800 km) from the coastline of the east coast of the N American continent.

After everything I saw from space, I suddenly found myself back on Earth. And from where I was now standing (and I was standing on the East Coast, somewhere in the South Carolina region), I could feel the superheated air caused by the explosion from the collision of the asteroid with the Earth. And then I saw a WALL OF FIRE, about 100 feet high (a little over 30 m), moving towards me. It burned and burned everything in its path! I asked the Lord how far this wall of fire would go, and He replied that for many, many miles. The Lord said: “I warned that I AM a consuming fire! Now, this is that fire. The fire moved at such a high speed that it seemed as if something was pushing it. He rushed past me very quickly.

Then I heard a sound so loud that I can only say it sounded like the noise from hundreds of powerful waterfalls put together. Despite the fact that I could hear this sound, at the same time, I did not see anything, because it was dark, except, however, the only light that came from burning trees, telephone poles and other structures. The Earth has been shaking throughout the entire time since the asteroid's fall: at times - very strongly, at times - weaker; but the earthquake was ongoing and non-stop.

I don't know how much time has passed since the asteroid fell, but I could see how the sky was already starting to brighten slightly, as in the predawn hours. The above-mentioned noise, as it were, from the waterfalls, became louder and louder. The Lord told me to turn again to the sea [face] (because, watching the fire (wall of fire) march past me and burn everything around, I turned my back to the sea). I turned to the sea, and there I saw HER - an incredibly high, massive WALL OF WATER! From where I was standing (I was standing far from the shore), this wall of water seemed hundreds or even thousands of feet (100 feet = a little over 30 m)!

It was difficult to determine the height of this tsunami since I was on the ground watching it approach me. I seemed so small against the backdrop of this huge wave! At that very moment, before the wave reached me, the Lord again lifted me into the air and I was already above the city on the East Coast [probably the USA]. I don't know what city it was; I only know that it was located somewhere along the East Coast. I watched as this wave came to the city, completely and completely covering it with itself.

Since I was in the air and looked at everything that was happening from above, now I could again see the edge of the wall of fire and how far it managed to get into the interior of the mainland. And it looked like this wall of fire had stopped somewhere in the region of the mountains [probably referring to the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States]. The wall of water seemed to hit the entire East Coast of America, and everything along the coast just disappeared completely.

When I looked back at the ocean where the fireball had fallen, all I saw there was something that looked like a hot ocean of bright yellow-orange lava. All the islands [Caribbean, apparently] disappeared as they were completely covered by water. Much of the [US] East Coast also went under water, ceasing to exist as such.

Then the Lord said: “My son, this is what will be very soon. I have already told you to put your home (heart) in order and be ready. Many will appear before Me when this judgment suddenly breaks out. A large stone will go forth from the throne of God to begin the end of the century! And he is just one of many who will also hit the Earth. My kids think they'll leave here before this happens. But I will shake them to awaken them. And many will awaken. From this will begin the greatest Harvest, and then I will take My children Home, before My anger is poured out on this Earth.

It is difficult for us to say how much this vision corresponds to reality, since we ourselves have not seen it all. However, note that this is the second vision of the asteroid received by Byron Searl this month, and Jeff Byerle and Linda Courtney warn about the same.

Meanwhile, NASA has gathered a crowd of law enforcement officials and is preparing to strike a fake asteroid on April 29.


There are no such amazing coincidences.

Meanwhile, our reader Thinker reports on the forum:

Among my friends and acquaintances there are many simple people who are not at all prone to mysticism. And in the last weeks and days, somehow, without consulting each other, they started calling and complaining about the growing feeling of inexplicable anxiety - “as if something is about to happen, something bad …”. Some began to have dreams with disturbing content, although they had not seen anything before, they slept like dreamless marmots. Many in a dream see fire, a BIG fire on the entire planet … In short, something really happens …

And Mr. Thinker and I absolutely agree: something is hovering in the information field, something is happening behind the scenes of this world. And we should see the result of these events with our own eyes pretty soon.