Klondike Eras - Alternative View

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Klondike Eras - Alternative View
Klondike Eras - Alternative View

Video: Klondike Eras - Alternative View

Video: Klondike Eras - Alternative View
Video: Klondike Adventures - Brook Valley ( Долина ручьёв - Мобильный Клондайк) 2024, September

The sensational discoveries of archaeologists are a strong confirmation that nothing on Earth passes without a trace. Not so long ago, for example, during the excavation of the basement of the Temple of Pluto, in the southwestern province, in Pamukkale, the entrance to the well-equipped ritual chamber of the legendary cave was discovered, which in all ancient chronicles has the frightening name “The Road to Hell”.

In Greco-Roman mythology, this cave complex, known as the "Road of Pluto", acquired the fame of a hellish eater of the souls of unrighteous people who forcibly or accidentally ended up here and never had the opportunity to return to the world of the living, for, as Aristotle testified, their lungs were torn apart to shreds poisonous fumes, the flame burned out the eyes, nevertheless continued to contemplate the monsters of hell for a long time.

Aristotle, however, also draws attention to the fertile, useful "component" of the cave. For its prophetic, edifying, healing function of souls and bodies. The Italian archaeologists from the group of Professor Francesco Andria, fearlessly stepping over this line, penetrated into the hitherto inaccessible areas of the complex, seeing a lot of interesting things.


You can get to the cave by walking along the ancient road of the Acheron Valley, which remembers the steps of the most famous people. This road, however, is by no means harmless. Sometimes in the morning, when drizzling rains fall, they carry with them the poisonous fractions of countless cracks and crevices of the cave. Birds then suffer more than other living beings.

Aristotle, in particular, mentioned several times that he was walking along a road that narrows in places to a path, along dead or dying birds. There were so many birds that it was impossible to step. Francesco Andria testifies to the same: “The road, destructive for animals, if you are careful, is completely surmountable for people, because toxic gases are driven to the ground abruptly, the heads of travelers are significantly higher than the poisonous bedding. But still, you grab a sufficient dose of laughing gas, because euphoria rolls in, often weak, quickly leaving hallucinations.

The professor, for example, admits that he suddenly found himself in the town of his youth, which he left forever as a young man. That he clearly saw how the members of his group, who actually walked a little behind, were walking towards him. He also mentions a certain black, annoying dog the size of a calf, clingingly following the group.

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The members of the group, who had effective breathing apparatus in their luggage, prepared for a massive gas attack in the most mysterious second chamber of the cave, in which from time immemorial, up to the beginning of the 20th century, lived a sect of prophets, which the Turkish government ranked among the malicious drug addicts worthy of the most severe punishment … All attempts to catch the sectarians gave nothing.


And yet the squad of Francesco Andria was incredibly lucky. Moreover, it was not necessary, after going to the coveted second chamber of the cave, to resort to breathing apparatus, it was possible, "standing in a draft of the cleanest air", to photograph a huge panel painted by ocher by primitive people depicting mammoths, rhinos, horses and bulls. This panel was placed just above a dry deep pool carved into limestone, from which benches for spectators stretched upwards like an amphitheater. The scientists, therefore, had no doubt that the pool, to which the rain gutters stretched, served as a reservoir of drinking water, at the same time carrying a certain ritual load.

The conjecture was soon confirmed in the most unexpected way. From somewhere, from a side passage, two bearded men appeared, dressed in typical peasant clothes for these places. Having politely inquired about the purpose of visiting the dungeons, having heard an equally polite explanation, they strongly advised not to stay for a long time, explaining that, according to their experience, emissions of poisonous gases are expected in one and a half to two hours. Francesco Andria, complaining that it was not possible to see the residential tiers, about which the historians of antiquity wrote, asked the bearded men to show these tiers.

It took at least half an hour to go somewhere very, very high along the steep spacious rounded corridor. There were about a hundred rooms of ideal cubic shape. The guides explained that in cells - just like that - you can live absolutely safely: poisonous fumes never get here.

One of the bearded men said that the cultists left the dungeon 80 years ago, no less. The sectarians played very dangerous games - under the influence of the poisonous breath of the earth, they fell into a collective trance, accompanied by collective orgies and collective prophecies. Whether the prophecies came true or not - no one knows. And the fact that children were born in the underground city who had never seen sunlight is an indisputable fact!

The guides did not shy away from the question of who they, the bearded men, what they were doing in the cave. It turns out that many local residents get into the cave in order to get a healing resin - mumiyo, which is readily bought by pharmacists and doctors. As for the treasures, there are definitely no underground treasures.