An Invisible Creature In The House Scared The Child - Alternative View

An Invisible Creature In The House Scared The Child - Alternative View
An Invisible Creature In The House Scared The Child - Alternative View

Video: An Invisible Creature In The House Scared The Child - Alternative View

Video: An Invisible Creature In The House Scared The Child - Alternative View

By a Reddit user with the nickname "Cpt_Caveman939".

“My son, who is 2 years old, was in his bedroom that morning watching SpongeBob cartoons on TV. During the day, he also mostly sits in his room, plays with toys or watches a cartoon channel.

But in the morning something happened and the son jumped out of the room with a bullet, ran to me and climbed onto his knees. He looked scared and then gestured towards his bedroom and said, “Dad, the monster scared me. His eyes are terrible."

When I entered his room, the TV was already turned off, and toy cars were scattered on the floor, That is, he saw this creature not on TV, but when he sat down to play.

After about 15 minutes, my boy calmed down, was able to return to his room and sat down to play with cars again. He played like that for about 20-30 minutes, and then again with a frightened look rushed out of the room and ran to me.

"Tell the monster to leave me alone, Dad." He's scary and has eyes, "he began to speak again.

At that moment, my wife, who was sitting next to me, was also worried. The fact is that a few weeks ago she also encountered something abnormal when the two of us were sitting on the couch. Our children were already asleep, and the TV was turned off. And suddenly my wife heard someone call her by name. Someone called her name in a loud whisper at least three times, and she swore to me that she heard it clearly.

Ghosts? I dont know. But it was very creepy.

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Returning to the story with the son. A little later, I went into his room to check, because for some time he sat there completely silently, and any parent knows that if the room of a small child is quiet, then something is clearly wrong.

When I entered, I saw my son standing in the middle of the room and staring at the closed cabinet opposite. He was so focused that I called his name 4-5 times before he finally turned around.

Then nothing more strange happened to his son, but there were several more strange incidents. I walked down the hallway from our bedroom to the bathroom and the bathroom door was locked from the inside. We are renting an old Victorian house and to lock the door like this, you need to press very hard on the metal part. And it is unlikely that our eldest 8-year-old son could have done it.

Then my wife said she saw an unusual dark shadow in the kitchen, and when I said it could be a cat, she said it looked like two big legs on the wall. And according to her, at that moment she felt a strong tension in her chest.

My wife thinks that the spirits of this house are upset about something and that we shouldn't make them nervous, that is, "we shouldn't tease the bear." As for the children's room, we installed a surveillance camera there. True, she has not filmed anything unusual so far."