Three Roads - Alternative View

Three Roads - Alternative View
Three Roads - Alternative View

Video: Three Roads - Alternative View

Video: Three Roads - Alternative View
Video: SHOOTING BRITAIN'S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, seabirds, speed editing, and how to photograph old things. 2024, September

I began to believe in prophetic dreams after an accident at work with my husband. When the doctors no longer gave up any hope for his life, I had a dream. As if my husband was sitting on a low porch, and two ladders go up to the right and up to the left of the porch. I think to myself: one leads to heaven, the other to hell. Which one should he go? And then I see myself: I go up to my husband, I take my hands, I take him off the porch, and we walk with him along the path, on the ground. And from the ears and from the nose, a clear liquid flows out.

As the doctors later told me, my husband was brought to the hospital completely crippled: with a craniocerebral injury, fractured ribs and collarbone, unconscious. And in the intensive care unit, due to his injuries, cerebrospinal fluid leaked from his ears and nose.

My husband spent a month in the hospital. All this time, I continuously prayed to God for the return of his health. I think that with my prayers I pulled him out of the other world. The doctors did not hope that he would return to a full life, but would remain disabled. But I kept asking God not to leave us. And now I see a dream again, or maybe not a dream at all, but a reality. Standing in front of me is a young girl with long flowing hair, in a white outfit, very beautiful. His eyes are blue, kind, and in a gentle voice he says: "Live in peace, everything will be fine with your husband's health." And she went out the door. It felt like an angel came down to earth and brought confidence in the future into my life. Not immediately, but my husband recovered. He returned to his former place of work. Thank God we are doing well"

Source: Lyudmila Polushina, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region, newspaper "Secret Power" No. 2, 2006