Black Scarves - Alternative View

Black Scarves - Alternative View
Black Scarves - Alternative View

Video: Black Scarves - Alternative View

Video: Black Scarves - Alternative View
Video: SCARF OVER JACKET GLITCH GTA 5 Online *SOLO* *EASY* *WORKING* | vickdashoota 2024, September

Marina Aleksandrovna Petrakova, the village of Dauria, Trans-Baikal Territory, reports: “On April 9, 1978 I turned 19 years old. The day before, I had a dream that my mother gave me two black scarves with roses. At the same time, she unfolded them and said: "It's for your birthday!" …

The dream was on Friday, and such dreams, as they say, come true. In the morning I told his mother. Usually she attached great importance to dreams, but this time she answered:

- Shawls and shawls. What's wrong?

After lunch on the same day, he and his father rode a motorcycle to the savings bank to withdraw money and buy me a birthday present. A few hours later, we were suddenly informed that our parents had died! Got into an accident.

There was no limit to grief, because besides me there were still three minor children. And then I suddenly realized what that dream meant. In a dream, my mother gave me two black scarves for my birthday - two deaths!

After the funeral, something incredible began to happen in our house. Something invisible was wandering around the hut: floorboards creaked, pots rattled on the stove, as if a mother was preparing food. We were afraid, we even began to lock the doors on a hook during the day. It wasn't so: somehow, right in broad daylight, the hook on the door opened by itself.

Parents came to us every night in dreams, saying that they came to visit us. Once I met my cousin, whose mother (mother's sister) died on March 8, a month earlier than my parents. She said that they also visit her.

We were terribly afraid of ghosts. It got to the point that we - me, my two sisters (14 and 12 years old) and my brother (6 years old), did not go home until the dead of night. We sat on a bench and sang softly songs to calm ourselves. And when we were already asleep, we quickly went into the house, went to bed and immediately fell asleep. But this did not always help. Repeatedly in the middle of the night we were awakened by a strong knock on the wall, as if someone had pounded it with a sledgehammer. When at such moments we went out into the street, no one was found there.

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In the end, we had to sell the house. I got custody of the children and moved with them to a new place of residence. When we left our ancestral home, the oddities stopped there. Everything was calm in the new dwelling. We are very glad that the ghosts left us alone. „