Are Dreams Prophetic? - Alternative View

Are Dreams Prophetic? - Alternative View
Are Dreams Prophetic? - Alternative View

Video: Are Dreams Prophetic? - Alternative View

Video: Are Dreams Prophetic? - Alternative View
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Many people claim that they have prophetic dreams. But not everyone understands what it is. Scientists give such a definition of prophetic dreams: these are dreams in which a person can see a situation that may occur in the future in reality. Not all dreams can be called prophetic, and often certain places, events or people are dreamed of only because a person is too focused on them.

How to deal with such dreams? Is it true that the Kaike from dreams are prophetic? How to react to dreaming? All these questions can be answered if we analyze the varieties of prophetic dreams and understand the nature of their origin.

First of all, you need to understand that prophetic dreams can be both literal and symbolic. Those prophetic dreams are called literal, the events of which are later repeated in reality. The most banal example of a literal dream: a person dreamed that he had an accident, and the next day this incident really happened to him.

It is much more difficult to deal with the so-called symbolic prophetic dreams, since in them the future is not presented directly, but indirectly, that is, in a dream a person is given a certain hint, a symbol that must be solved.

Regardless of what a person dreams about - be it a nightmare or a happy dream - it is always very difficult to interpret it correctly. And, as a rule, you need to look for clues of such dreams in dream books. Fortunately, at present, the choice of such literature is very wide, so there should not be any problems with the interpretation of dreams, if, of course, the dream was prophetic.

In addition to the division into literal and symbolic, prophetic dreams can also be pseudo-prophetic, doubles, truly prophetic.

Man always wanted to know what the future holds for him. This desire has been inherent in him since ancient times. In pagan times, as well as during the development of early civilizations and the Middle Ages, people turned to seers and priests to find out what their dream meant, and to get some kind of guidance for action in a future life. In documentary sources, you can find a lot of information that the interpretation of symbols and signs of dreams not only helped ancient people find out whether the hunt would be successful and what kind of harvest would be collected, but also predicted the real outcome of battles and battles. It is currently impossible to determine whether the dream interpreters were people with supernatural powers or simply good psychologists who could make people believe that all their predictions came true. However,at present, the search for the mystical in symbols and images from dreams continues to be relevant. People are still trying to find answers to all questions in dreams, perceiving every dream as prophetic.

For example, a girl in a dream sees a flock of pigeons flying away. Waking up, she opens the dream book and sees that such a dream means a quarrel and the loss of personal happiness. The girl, quite obviously, gets upset, and in the evening she goes on a date with her boyfriend. She is in a bad mood, she is silent. The guy tries to find out what happened, starts asking questions. As a result, everything ends in a quarrel. And the girl thinks that her dream turned out to be prophetic. But in reality this is a so-called pseudo-prophetic dream, when, under the influence of a dream, a person programs himself for a certain situation, and as a result, the dream seems to come true.

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As for the so-called double dreams, it should be noted that such a phenomenon most often occurs in creative people who completely devoted themselves to their favorite work, and can focus on solving one problem for a long time. In history, you can find many examples of how creative people in their dreams drew ideas for creativity, saw their future discoveries. For example, it is known for certain that in a dream Pushkin saw rhymes that he could not find in real life; Raphael in a dream received the plots of the paintings that he later recreated. René Descartes dreamed of the foundations of analytic geometry. Chemist August Kekule, using dreams with monkeys, managed in real life to describe the cyclic formula of benzene. But the most famous example of a double dream is the discovery of the Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, who in a dream saw his table of periodic chemical elements.

According to psychologists, the phenomenon of such dreams arises because during the period of wakefulness, the human brain is maximally concentrated on some problem. Thus, a pronounced obsession is formed. When a person falls asleep, his brain continues to work by inertia. If during the day a person is distracted by some other problem, the brain is freed in a dream, since there are no external stimuli. Thus, nothing interferes with his fruitful intellectual work and concentration. That is why all the answers are found that could not be found during the waking period.

The category of truly prophetic dreams can be attributed to those dreams, the events of which fully occur with a person in real life.

One of the most famous is the dream of American President Abraham Lincoln. He dreamed of the White House, a coffin that stood under a white cover, as well as the words of the guard that they were burying the American president, who was killed in the theater. Ten days later, a terrorist attack took place in the theater, after which America really lost the president.

Another vivid example of a truly prophetic dream is the dream of K. Ryleev's mother. Even as a child, the future poet was very sickly, and the doctors did not give his mother any hope of curing him. In a dream, Kondraty's mother heard a voice that told her that it was pointless to ask for help from Heaven, since the boy would live a short but very difficult life, and his death would be simply monstrous. After that, the boy quickly began to recover, but the life of the Decembrist was really full of hardships, and in the end he was executed by hanging for an attempt on the life of the king.

And another illustrative example is Mark Twain's dream. As a young man, Mark Twain, along with his brother Henry, were accepted as pilot's apprentices on the steamer Pennsylvania. But it so happened that Mark got sick, so he missed the flight. In a dream, he had a dream in which he saw a coffin in the middle of the room, and in the coffin - his brother with a bouquet of white roses and one red rose. The dream was so real and so impressed the future writer that when he woke up, he did not immediately realize that it was a dream. After some time, the brothers began to work on different steamers, and a few days later Mark heard about the wreck of the ship on which his brother worked. Mark urgently went to the scene of the accident, but he could no longer help his brother. The bodies of all the victims were in the morgue. It was very difficult to find the brother's body, because all the bodies were in the same wooden coffins. And only in the middle of the hall was the only metal coffin, in which Twain saw his brother with a bouquet on his chest. As it turned out, the women were so moved by the beauty of the young man that you could buy a metal coffin for him with your own money so that the body could be delivered to relatives. And the woman who put the bouquet in the coffin said that Henry looked very much like her deceased son.

Later, neither the poet himself, nor the scientists who specialize in dreams, could not explain whether this was a simple coincidence or a prophetic dream.

There are a large number of theories about the nature of dreams. But the most interesting is the theory of John William Dunn. He constantly dreamed of dreams, foreshadowing events in his family. Later, he began to dream about the fate of a large number of people. According to his theory, the present, past and future occur simultaneously. Human consciousness in a dream perceives time as a ruler, and can freely cross the boundaries of time. And if a person can learn to use the opportunity to move freely in time, then great benefit can be derived from this not only for himself, but also for society as a whole.

Scientists, however, have established that not every person can see prophetic dreams. Only people who are very sensitive, with fine emotional attunement, are capable of this. As a rule, in most cases, dreams are dark and portend the death of loved ones, disasters and high-profile murders. Less often, they can predict joyful events - career success and weddings.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question of how to relate to prophetic dreams. You can simply ignore such dreams, simulate real events of your life for them, as well as implement your creative ideas. But in any case, you need to remember that human life is not programmed. And dreams that describe some future events are not a sentence. What I dreamed may be just a signal that it is necessary to prepare for trouble and be able to correct the situation in order to prevent its undesirable outcome.