Top Managers Of Polar Projects Urgently Run Away From Antarctica. What Do They Know? - Alternative View

Top Managers Of Polar Projects Urgently Run Away From Antarctica. What Do They Know? - Alternative View
Top Managers Of Polar Projects Urgently Run Away From Antarctica. What Do They Know? - Alternative View

On August 19, 2018, New Zealand news agency reports that Antarctica NZ CEO Peter Beggs and senior board member Sharon Hunter have unexpectedly resigned after sudden negotiations with Antarctica NZ's board of directors. …

Antarctica NZ (Antarctica - New Zealand) is a government agency tasked with carrying out New Zealand's activities in Antarctica, supporting scientific and environmental research there. In particular, the Antarctica NZ Agency is charged with building and launching a new, modern Scott base:


Peter Beggs is a former senior executive director of the European Thales Group and is a senior executive in electronics, aerospace research and defense.

Both a qualified engineer and a commercial lawyer, he has been in this position since 2014. He retired at a critical juncture for Antarctica NZ, which has just begun replacing the Scott Base infrastructure with a modern facility worth about $ 150 million.

Explaining his spontaneous departure to the board of directors, Peter Beggs said that "My family and I have long considered returning to the UK so that our children can be closer to our grandparents."


Sharon Hunter served on the Antarctica NZ board of directors as a spokesman for Tenby Powell, a prominent entrepreneur who financed the construction of Scott's base. In her explanation of her resignation, Sharon said that her departure had nothing to do with Peter Baggs' intentions to send the children closer to their grandmother, since she and her husband (Tenby Powell) have their own family problems: they want to concentrate on helping their 18-year-old daughter with some "deep" health problems, focus on the examination period.

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Such spontaneous "family circumstances" usually end up with an administrative career, as in the case of Peter Baggs, and severe damage to commercial reputation, as in the case of Tenby Powell and his wife, however, these guys do not seem to care about the consequences because they decided to get our feet out of Antarctica under any pretext and as quickly as possible.

Naturally, this event sparked a lot of rumors on the conspiracy blog, which began with Buzz Aldrin, a retired US Air Force colonel and NASA astronaut two years ago, tweeted that "There is Evil at the South Pole." and that "We are all in mortal danger":

And this is just a drop in the sea of oddities associated with Antarctica, where representatives of the highest political establishment of the planet ride, as if either to negotiations or to a bride.

There are also strange anomalies in the microwave electromagnetic background of the planet, which always portend some kind of cataclysms. And all these radiation anomalies always come from Antarctica:


Finally, and most importantly: while US Secretary of State John Kerry and other high-ranking gentlemen for some reason go to Antarctica with "spontaneous visits", people who do not belong to the political elite are fleeing from Antarctica, the resignation of Antarctica NZ top managers is far from the first such flight for this. summer.

And all this is happening against the backdrop of growing tectonic events on the planet, when 8.0 earthquakes occur not even in the crust, but at some crazy magmatic depths of up to 700 kilometers! Moreover, it is not some seasonal contract workers who are fleeing Antarctica, but the top managers of various international projects. That is, people who definitely know something by their official position. Hence the question arises: what do they know that makes them headlong and not giving a damn about their careers becomes on skis?
